The Lie Derivative for Measuring Learned Equivariance






Published 6/19/2024 by Nate Gruver, Marc Finzi, Micah Goldblum, Andrew Gordon Wilson


Equivariance guarantees that a model's predictions capture key symmetries in data. When an image is translated or rotated, an equivariant model's representation of that image will translate or rotate accordingly. The success of convolutional neural networks has historically been tied to translation equivariance directly encoded in their architecture. The rising success of vision transformers, which have no explicit architectural bias towards equivariance, challenges this narrative and suggests that augmentations and training data might also play a significant role in their performance. In order to better understand the role of equivariance in recent vision models, we introduce the Lie derivative, a method for measuring equivariance with strong mathematical foundations and minimal hyperparameters. Using the Lie derivative, we study the equivariance properties of hundreds of pretrained models, spanning CNNs, transformers, and Mixer architectures. The scale of our analysis allows us to separate the impact of architecture from other factors like model size or training method. Surprisingly, we find that many violations of equivariance can be linked to spatial aliasing in ubiquitous network layers, such as pointwise non-linearities, and that as models get larger and more accurate they tend to display more equivariance, regardless of architecture. For example, transformers can be more equivariant than convolutional neural networks after training.

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  • This paper examines the concept of equivariance in modern computer vision models, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and vision transformers.
  • Equivariance refers to the property of a model where its representations change in a predictable way when the input is transformed (e.g., translated or rotated).
  • The paper introduces a mathematical method called the Lie derivative to measure equivariance and uses it to analyze hundreds of pre-trained models.
  • The findings challenge the common assumption that equivariance is primarily determined by a model's architecture, suggesting that other factors like data augmentation and model size also play a significant role.

Plain English Explanation

Equivariance is an important property in computer vision models, where the model's representation of an image should change in a predictable way when the image is transformed (e.g., translated or rotated). This is crucial for tasks like object recognition, where the model needs to recognize the same object even if it appears in a different location or orientation.

Historically, the success of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has been attributed to their built-in translation equivariance, which is directly encoded in their architectural design. However, the recent rise of vision transformers, which have no explicit bias towards equivariance, suggests that other factors like data augmentation and model size may also contribute to a model's equivariance properties.

To better understand this, the researchers introduce a mathematical method called the Lie derivative, which allows them to measure the equivariance of different vision models in a rigorous and consistent way. By applying this method to hundreds of pre-trained models, they're able to separate the impact of architecture from other factors and make some surprising discoveries.

For example, they find that many violations of equivariance can be traced back to common network layers, like pointwise non-linearities, which can introduce spatial aliasing. Interestingly, they also observe that as models get larger and more accurate, they tend to display more equivariance, regardless of their underlying architecture. This means that even transformers can be more equivariant than CNNs after sufficient training.

Technical Explanation

The researchers introduce a mathematical framework based on the Lie derivative to measure the equivariance of computer vision models. The Lie derivative is a rigorous and highly interpretable way to quantify how a model's representation changes when the input is transformed, with minimal hyperparameters.

Using the Lie derivative, the researchers analyze hundreds of pre-trained models, spanning CNNs, transformers, and Mixer architectures. By separating the impact of architecture from other factors like model size and training method, they are able to make several key observations:

  1. Many violations of equivariance can be linked to spatial aliasing in common network layers, such as pointwise non-linearities. This suggests that equivariance is not solely determined by architectural design.
  2. As models get larger and more accurate, they tend to display more equivariance, regardless of their underlying architecture. This means that even transformers can become more equivariant than CNNs after sufficient training.
  3. The role of data augmentation and other training techniques in promoting equivariance may be more significant than previously thought, challenging the narrative that equivariance is primarily encoded in a model's architecture.

These findings have important implications for the design and training of future computer vision models, as they suggest that equivariance can be achieved through a combination of architectural choices, data augmentation, and model scaling, rather than relying solely on hard-coded equivariance in the model structure.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a robust and comprehensive analysis of equivariance in modern computer vision models, and the introduction of the Lie derivative as a tool for measuring equivariance is a valuable contribution to the field. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The analysis is primarily focused on pre-trained models, and the impact of the training process itself on equivariance properties is not explored in depth. Investigating the role of different training techniques, such as the probabilistic approach to learning degree equivariance or any-dimensional equivariant neural networks, could provide additional insights.

  2. The study is limited to 2D computer vision tasks, and it's unclear how the findings would extend to other domains, such as equivariant quantum neural networks or architecture-agnostic equivariance.

  3. While the Lie derivative is a powerful tool for measuring equivariance, it may not capture all nuances of the concept, and alternative approaches could be explored to provide a more comprehensive understanding.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to our understanding of equivariance in modern computer vision models and highlights the need for a more holistic approach to achieving equivariance, beyond just architectural design.


This paper challenges the traditional narrative around equivariance in computer vision models, suggesting that factors like data augmentation and model size may play a more important role than previously thought. By introducing a rigorous mathematical framework based on the Lie derivative, the researchers are able to analyze the equivariance properties of hundreds of pre-trained models, spanning different architectures.

The key findings indicate that many violations of equivariance can be traced back to common network layers, and that larger, more accurate models tend to display more equivariance, regardless of their underlying architecture. These insights have important implications for the design and training of future computer vision models, as they suggest that equivariance can be achieved through a combination of architectural choices, data augmentation, and model scaling.

Overall, this paper represents a significant step forward in our understanding of equivariance and its role in the success of modern computer vision models. By challenging the traditional assumptions and introducing new analytical tools, the researchers have paved the way for further exploration and innovation in this important field of study.

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