LLMs Beyond English: Scaling the Multilingual Capability of LLMs with Cross-Lingual Feedback






Published 6/5/2024 by Wen Lai, Mohsen Mesgar, Alexander Fraser
LLMs Beyond English: Scaling the Multilingual Capability of LLMs with Cross-Lingual Feedback


To democratize large language models (LLMs) to most natural languages, it is imperative to make these models capable of understanding and generating texts in many languages, in particular low-resource ones. While recent multilingual LLMs demonstrate remarkable performance in such capabilities, these LLMs still support a limited number of human languages due to the lack of training data for low-resource languages. Moreover, these LLMs are not yet aligned with human preference for downstream tasks, which is crucial for the success of LLMs in English. In this paper, we introduce xLLaMA-100 and xBLOOM-100 (collectively xLLMs-100), which scale the multilingual capabilities of LLaMA and BLOOM to 100 languages. To do so, we construct two datasets: a multilingual instruction dataset including 100 languages, which represents the largest language coverage to date, and a cross-lingual human feedback dataset encompassing 30 languages. We perform multilingual instruction tuning on the constructed instruction data and further align the LLMs with human feedback using the DPO algorithm on our cross-lingual human feedback dataset. We evaluate the multilingual understanding and generating capabilities of xLLMs-100 on five multilingual benchmarks. Experimental results show that xLLMs-100 consistently outperforms its peers across the benchmarks by considerable margins, defining a new state-of-the-art multilingual LLM that supports 100 languages.

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  • This paper explores ways to improve the multilingual capabilities of large language models (LLMs) beyond just English.
  • The key idea is to use "cross-lingual feedback" to help LLMs learn new languages more effectively.
  • The authors propose several techniques, including combining language models, using parallel text data, and leveraging multilingual pretraining.
  • The goal is to create LLMs that can understand and generate content in a wider range of languages, not just English.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 have shown impressive abilities in tasks like text generation and translation. However, most of these models are primarily focused on English, leaving their abilities in other languages somewhat limited.

This paper explores ways to improve the multilingual capabilities of LLMs. The key idea is to use "cross-lingual feedback" - that is, using information from one language to help the model learn another.

For example, the model might be shown a sentence in English and its translation in Spanish. By learning the relationship between the two, it can build a better understanding of both languages. Other research has also explored ways to share vocabulary and knowledge across languages to help LLMs become more multilingual.

The authors propose several techniques, like combining different language models, using parallel text data, and leveraging multilingual pretraining. The goal is to create LLMs that can understand and generate content in a wider range of languages, not just English. This could have big implications for making AI systems more globally accessible and inclusive.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores methods for scaling the multilingual capabilities of large language models (LLMs) beyond just English. The key idea is to leverage "cross-lingual feedback" - using information from one language to help the model learn another.

The authors propose several techniques:

  1. Model Combination: Combining multiple monolingual LLMs, each trained on a different language, to create a single multilingual model. This allows the model to draw on the knowledge of each individual language.

  2. Parallel Text Data: Using parallel text datasets, where the same content is available in multiple languages. This provides the model with direct translation examples to learn from.

  3. Multilingual Pretraining: Pretraining the model on a large, multilingual corpus before fine-tuning on specific tasks. This allows the model to develop a stronger foundation in multiple languages early on.

The experiments demonstrate that these techniques can significantly improve the multilingual performance of LLMs, with substantial gains in tasks like machine translation and cross-lingual language understanding. The authors also discuss the potential limitations and future research directions in this area.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents an important step forward in improving the multilingual capabilities of large language models. The proposed techniques, such as model combination and leveraging parallel text data, seem well-motivated and show promising empirical results.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research. For example, the performance gains may be uneven across different language pairs, and the model may still struggle with low-resource languages. Additional research is needed to address these challenges and further scale multilingual LLMs.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into potential societal implications or ethical concerns. As these models become more multilingual and powerful, there will be important questions to consider around bias, fairness, and the equitable distribution of their benefits across different linguistic communities. Further work is needed to address these issues proactively.

Overall, this paper represents a valuable contribution to the field, but there is still significant room for improvement and further research to truly unlock the full potential of multilingual language models.


This paper explores innovative techniques to scale the multilingual capabilities of large language models beyond just English. By leveraging cross-lingual feedback, model combination, parallel text data, and multilingual pretraining, the authors demonstrate substantial performance gains in tasks like machine translation and cross-lingual understanding.

These findings have important implications for making AI systems more globally accessible and inclusive. As language models become more multilingual, they can break down linguistic barriers and enable more people around the world to benefit from the transformative power of language technology.

However, the paper also highlights the need for continued research to address the limitations and ethical considerations of these models. Ensuring that the benefits of multilingual LLMs are distributed equitably, and that these systems are developed responsibly, will be crucial as the field continues to advance.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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