LMO-DP: Optimizing the Randomization Mechanism for Differentially Private Fine-Tuning (Large) Language Models






Published 5/30/2024 by Qin Yang, Meisam Mohammad, Han Wang, Ali Payani, Ashish Kundu, Kai Shu, Yan Yan, Yuan Hong
LMO-DP: Optimizing the Randomization Mechanism for Differentially Private Fine-Tuning (Large) Language Models


Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) and its variants have been proposed to ensure rigorous privacy for fine-tuning large-scale pre-trained language models. However, they rely heavily on the Gaussian mechanism, which may overly perturb the gradients and degrade the accuracy, especially in stronger privacy regimes (e.g., the privacy budget $epsilon < 3$). To address such limitations, we propose a novel Language Model-based Optimal Differential Privacy (LMO-DP) mechanism, which takes the first step to enable the tight composition of accurately fine-tuning (large) language models with a sub-optimal DP mechanism, even in strong privacy regimes (e.g., $0.1leq epsilon<3$). Furthermore, we propose a novel offline optimal noise search method to efficiently derive the sub-optimal DP that significantly reduces the noise magnitude. For instance, fine-tuning RoBERTa-large (with 300M parameters) on the SST-2 dataset can achieve an accuracy of 92.20% (given $epsilon=0.3$, $delta=10^{-10}$) by drastically outperforming the Gaussian mechanism (e.g., $sim 50%$ for small $epsilon$ and $delta$). We also draw similar findings on the text generation tasks on GPT-2. Finally, to our best knowledge, LMO-DP is also the first solution to accurately fine-tune Llama-2 with strong differential privacy guarantees. The code will be released soon and available upon request.

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  • This paper focuses on optimizing the randomization mechanism for differentially private fine-tuning of large language models.
  • The authors propose a new approach called LMO-DP that aims to improve the privacy-utility trade-off compared to existing techniques.
  • LMO-DP is designed to be scalable and applicable to fine-tuning of large language models on various tasks.

Plain English Explanation

When training machine learning models on sensitive data, it's important to protect the privacy of the individuals in the training data. Differential privacy is a technique that adds carefully controlled noise to the model updates to prevent the model from revealing too much about the individual training examples.

However, applying differential privacy to large language models can be challenging, as the models are complex and the training process is computationally intensive. The authors of this paper introduce a new approach called LMO-DP that aims to address these challenges.

LMO-DP optimizes the randomization mechanism used in the differential privacy process to improve the balance between privacy and the accuracy of the resulting model. This means the model can retain more of its performance capabilities while still protecting individual privacy. The approach is designed to be scalable, allowing it to be used for fine-tuning large language models on a variety of tasks, such as next token prediction or text generation.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of LMO-DP is to optimize the randomization mechanism used in the differential privacy process. Traditionally, differential privacy adds noise to the model updates in a way that is independent of the specific task or model architecture. In contrast, LMO-DP learns a task-specific randomization mechanism that can better balance privacy and utility.

The authors formulate this as a bi-level optimization problem, where the outer loop learns the randomization mechanism, and the inner loop fine-tunes the language model using the current randomization mechanism. They show that this approach can significantly improve the privacy-utility trade-off compared to standard differentially private fine-tuning techniques.

The authors evaluate LMO-DP on a range of language modeling tasks, including synthetic query generation and log-location-scale regression. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the LMO-DP approach in preserving model performance while providing strong privacy guarantees.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge that LMO-DP requires more computational resources than standard differentially private fine-tuning, as the outer optimization loop adds complexity. They also note that the performance improvements of LMO-DP may diminish as the privacy budget (the amount of noise added) increases.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the robustness of the LMO-DP approach to different types of attacks or potential adversarial manipulations of the training data. Further research could investigate the security implications and potential vulnerabilities of the proposed technique.

It would also be valuable to see the LMO-DP approach applied to a wider range of language modeling tasks and datasets to better understand its generalizability and limitations.


The LMO-DP approach presented in this paper offers a promising solution for improving the privacy-utility trade-off in the fine-tuning of large language models. By optimizing the randomization mechanism used in the differential privacy process, the authors demonstrate significant performance gains while still providing strong privacy guarantees.

This work contributes to the ongoing efforts to develop privacy-preserving machine learning techniques that can be applied to sensitive domains, such as healthcare, finance, and personal communications. As large language models become more pervasive, techniques like LMO-DP will play an important role in ensuring the responsible and ethical development of these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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