Logic Dynamic Movement Primitives for Long-horizon Manipulation Tasks in Dynamic Environments






Published 6/26/2024 by Yan Zhang, Teng Xue, Amirreza Razmjoo, Sylvain Calinon



Learning from Demonstration (LfD) stands as an efficient framework for imparting human-like skills to robots. Nevertheless, designing an LfD framework capable of seamlessly imitating, generalizing, and reacting to disturbances for long-horizon manipulation tasks in dynamic environments remains a challenge. To tackle this challenge, we present Logic Dynamic Movement Primitives (Logic-DMP), which combines Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) with an optimal control formulation of DMP, allowing us to incorporate motion-level via-point specifications and to handle task-level variations or disturbances in dynamic environments. We conduct a comparative analysis of our proposed approach against several baselines, evaluating its generalization ability and reactivity across three long-horizon manipulation tasks. Our experiment demonstrates the fast generalization and reactivity of Logic-DMP for handling task-level variants and disturbances in long-horizon manipulation tasks.

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  • This paper presents a new framework called Logic Dynamic Movement Primitives (Logic-DMP) that combines task and motion planning with an optimal control formulation of dynamic movement primitives (DMPs).
  • The goal is to enable robots to seamlessly imitate, generalize, and react to disturbances in long-horizon manipulation tasks within dynamic environments.
  • The authors conduct a comparative analysis of their approach against several baselines, evaluating its generalization ability and reactivity across three long-horizon manipulation tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a challenge in robotics: how to make robots perform complex, long-lasting manipulation tasks in dynamic, real-world environments, just like humans can. Robots often struggle with this because they have a hard time understanding the overall task, adjusting to changes, and smoothly executing the required motions.

To address this, the researchers developed a new system called Logic-DMP. The key ideas are:

  1. Task and Motion Planning: Logic-DMP combines high-level task planning with low-level motion planning. This allows the robot to understand the overall goal of the task and also how to physically carry it out.
  2. Dynamic Movement Primitives: DMPs are a way to represent smooth, natural-looking motions that can be adjusted on the fly. Logic-DMP uses an optimal control formulation of DMPs to enable this flexibility.
  3. Handling Disturbances: Logic-DMP can detect and respond to changes or disruptions in the environment, allowing the robot to adapt its behavior accordingly.

By bringing these elements together, Logic-DMP allows robots to better imitate human behaviors, adapt to new situations, and complete long, complex tasks reliably. The researchers tested this across several challenging manipulation scenarios to demonstrate its advantages over previous approaches.

Technical Explanation

Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is a framework that allows robots to acquire human-like skills by observing and imitating people. However, designing an LfD system that can seamlessly imitate, generalize, and react to disturbances for long-horizon manipulation tasks in dynamic environments remains a significant challenge.

To address this, the authors present Logic Dynamic Movement Primitives (Logic-DMP), which combines Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) with an optimal control formulation of Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs). This allows Logic-DMP to:

  1. Incorporate Motion-Level Specifications: Logic-DMP can encode via-point constraints, which specify key positions the robot's end-effector should pass through during a motion.
  2. Handle Task-Level Variations: The system can adapt to changes in the task goals or environmental disturbances by adjusting the high-level task plan and the low-level motion trajectories.

The authors evaluate Logic-DMP against several baseline approaches across three long-horizon manipulation tasks. Their experiments demonstrate that Logic-DMP can generalize quickly and react effectively to task-level variants and disturbances, outperforming the other methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a promising approach for enhancing the capabilities of robots in long-horizon manipulation tasks within dynamic environments. However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research:

  1. Scalability: While Logic-DMP showed strong performance in the evaluated tasks, the authors note that the computational complexity of the TAMP component may limit scalability to more complex scenarios.
  2. Uncertainty Handling: The current framework assumes a deterministic, known environment. Extending Logic-DMP to handle uncertainty and noisy sensor data would be an important next step.
  3. Real-World Deployment: The experiments were conducted in simulation, and the authors highlight the need to validate Logic-DMP's performance on physical robot platforms in real-world settings.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates the advantages of Logic-DMP over the baselines, it would be valuable to see comparisons to other state-of-the-art approaches for long-horizon manipulation, such as those that leverage deep reinforcement learning or hierarchical planning.


This paper presents Logic-DMP, a novel framework that combines task and motion planning with an optimal control formulation of dynamic movement primitives to enable robots to better imitate, generalize, and react to disturbances in long-horizon manipulation tasks within dynamic environments. The authors' experiments demonstrate Logic-DMP's strong performance in handling task-level variations and disturbances, suggesting it as a promising approach for enhancing robot capabilities in complex, real-world manipulation scenarios. While the work has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in the field of robot learning and control.

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