Long-Context Language Modeling with Parallel Context Encoding






Published 6/13/2024 by Howard Yen, Tianyu Gao, Danqi Chen
Long-Context Language Modeling with Parallel Context Encoding


Extending large language models (LLMs) to process longer inputs is crucial for a wide range of applications. However, the substantial computational cost of transformers and limited generalization of positional encoding restrict the size of their context window. We introduce Context Expansion with Parallel Encoding (CEPE), a framework that can be applied to any existing decoder-only LLMs to extend their context window. CEPE employs a small encoder to process long inputs chunk by chunk, enabling the frozen decoder to utilize additional contexts via cross-attention. CEPE is efficient, generalizable, and versatile: trained with 8K-token documents, it extends the context window of LLAMA-2 to 128K tokens, offering 10x the throughput with only 1/6 of the memory. CEPE yields strong performance on language modeling and in-context learning. CEPE also excels in retrieval-augmented applications, while existing long-context models degenerate with retrieved contexts. We further introduce a CEPE variant that can extend the context window of instruction-tuned models using only unlabeled data, and showcase its effectiveness on LLAMA-2-CHAT, leading to a strong instruction-following model that can leverage very long contexts on downstream tasks.

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  • This paper introduces a novel language modeling approach called CEPE (Parallel Context Encoding) that aims to improve the ability of large language models to process and utilize long-context information.
  • CEPE employs a parallel encoding architecture that encodes the current input and its surrounding context simultaneously, capturing both local and global information.
  • The authors demonstrate that CEPE outperforms existing methods on several long-context language modeling benchmarks, highlighting its potential to advance the state-of-the-art in this area.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models, such as GPT-3, have revolutionized natural language processing by generating human-like text. However, these models can struggle when faced with long passages of text, as they may have difficulty remembering and integrating information from the broader context.

The CEPE approach proposed in this paper aims to address this challenge. The key idea is to encode the current input and its surrounding context in parallel, rather than sequentially. This allows the model to capture both local information (e.g., the immediate words) and global information (e.g., the broader topic or theme) simultaneously.

Imagine you're reading a long novel and trying to understand the current chapter. With a traditional language model, it might be difficult to keep track of all the relevant details from previous chapters. But with CEPE, the model can process the current chapter while also considering the overall story arc and character development, leading to a richer and more coherent understanding.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of CEPE on several benchmarks, showing that it outperforms existing methods for tasks that require processing long passages of text, such as long-context retrieval and long-form question answering. This suggests that CEPE could be a valuable tool for applications that rely on understanding and reasoning about long-form content, such as scaling large language models to handle longer contexts or improving text generation for longer passages.

Technical Explanation

The core of the CEPE approach is a parallel encoding architecture that processes the current input and its surrounding context simultaneously. Specifically, the model consists of two parallel encoder components: one that encodes the current input (e.g., a sentence or paragraph) and another that encodes the broader context (e.g., the preceding and following sentences or paragraphs).

The outputs of these parallel encoders are then combined and fed into a decoder, which is responsible for generating the next token or predicting the next output. By encoding the current input and context in parallel, the model can capture both local and global information, potentially leading to a more coherent and contextually-aware understanding of the language.

The authors evaluate CEPE on several long-context language modeling tasks, including long-range text generation, long-context retrieval, and long-form question answering. The results demonstrate that CEPE outperforms existing approaches, such as LongT5 and ContextAE, on these benchmarks, highlighting the benefits of the parallel encoding architecture.

Critical Analysis

The CEPE approach represents a promising step forward in addressing the challenge of long-context language modeling. By explicitly incorporating both local and global information, the model can potentially capture a richer understanding of the language than traditional sequential encoding methods.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the specific mechanisms or architectural choices that enable CEPE to outperform existing methods. It would be valuable to have a deeper understanding of how the parallel encoding architecture contributes to the model's performance and what trade-offs or limitations it may introduce.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a limited set of benchmarks, and it would be interesting to see how CEPE performs on a broader range of tasks, especially those that require more complex reasoning or understanding of long-form content. Exploring the model's generalization capabilities and potential applications in real-world scenarios could further highlight its strengths and weaknesses.


The CEPE approach presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in long-context language modeling. By encoding the current input and its surrounding context in parallel, the model can capture both local and global information, leading to improved performance on tasks that require understanding and reasoning about long passages of text.

The results demonstrate the potential of CEPE to enhance the capabilities of large language models, with potential applications in areas such as long-form question answering, long-range text generation, and text summarization. As the field of natural language processing continues to evolve, innovations like CEPE will be crucial in pushing the boundaries of what large language models can achieve.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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