Long Is More for Alignment: A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Instruction Fine-Tuning






Published 6/5/2024 by Hao Zhao, Maksym Andriushchenko, Francesco Croce, Nicolas Flammarion



There is a consensus that instruction fine-tuning of LLMs requires high-quality data, but what are they? LIMA (NeurIPS 2023) and AlpaGasus (ICLR 2024) are state-of-the-art methods for selecting such high-quality examples, either via manual curation or using GPT-3.5-Turbo as a quality scorer. We show that the extremely simple baseline of selecting the 1,000 instructions with longest responses -- that intuitively contain more learnable information and are harder to overfit -- from standard datasets can consistently outperform these sophisticated methods according to GPT-4 and PaLM-2 as judges, while remaining competitive on the Open LLM benchmarks that test factual knowledge. We demonstrate this for several LLMs (Llama-2-7B, Llama-2-13B, Mistral-7B-v0.1) and datasets (Alpaca-52k, Evol-Instruct-70k). In addition, a lightweight refinement of such long instructions can further improve the abilities of the fine-tuned LLMs, and allows us to obtain competitive results on MT-Bench and the 2nd highest-ranked Llama-2-7B-based model on AlpacaEval 2.0, while training on only 1,000 examples and no extra preference data. We also conduct a thorough analysis of our models to ensure that their enhanced performance is not simply due to GPT-4's preference for longer responses. Overall, our findings suggest that fine-tuning on the longest responses should be the default baseline for any work on instruction fine-tuning. We provide our code at https://github.com/tml-epfl/long-is-more-for-alignment.

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  • The paper explores a simple yet effective method for selecting high-quality instruction examples for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs).
  • It compares this method to more sophisticated approaches like LIMA and AlpaGasus, and shows it can outperform them.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several LLMs and datasets, and provide an analysis to ensure the results are not due to biases in the evaluation.

Plain English Explanation

When training large language models like GPT-4 and PaLM-2 to follow instructions, it's important to have high-quality examples to fine-tune them on. The authors of this paper found that a simple approach of selecting the 1,000 instructions with the longest responses can outperform more complex methods for curating this data.

The intuition is that longer instructions likely contain more information for the model to learn from, and are harder for the model to overfit on. The authors show this baseline approach consistently performs better than sophisticated techniques like LIMA and AlpaGasus, which use manual curation or AI-based scoring to select high-quality examples.

Importantly, the authors demonstrate this on multiple language models (Llama-2-7B, Llama-2-13B, Mistral-7B-v0.1) and datasets (Alpaca-52k, Evol-Instruct-70k), indicating the findings are robust. They also show that a lightweight refinement of the long instructions can further improve performance, allowing them to achieve competitive results on benchmarks like MT-Bench and AlpacaEval 2.0 while training on just 1,000 examples.

The key takeaway is that fine-tuning on the longest responses should be the default baseline for any work on instruction fine-tuning of large language models. This simple approach can outperform more complex methods, while requiring less effort and data.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores the challenge of selecting high-quality instruction examples for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) to perform well on instruction-following tasks. The authors compare their proposed approach to two state-of-the-art methods, LIMA and AlpaGasus.

The key idea behind the authors' approach is to select the 1,000 instructions with the longest responses from standard datasets. The intuition is that longer instructions likely contain more learnable information and are harder for the model to overfit on.

The authors evaluate this simple baseline approach on several LLMs (Llama-2-7B, Llama-2-13B, Mistral-7B-v0.1) and datasets (Alpaca-52k, Evol-Instruct-70k), and find that it consistently outperforms the more sophisticated LIMA and AlpaGasus methods, as judged by GPT-4 and PaLM-2.

Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that a lightweight refinement of the long instructions can further improve the abilities of the fine-tuned LLMs, allowing them to achieve competitive results on benchmarks like MT-Bench and the 2nd highest-ranked Llama-2-7B-based model on AlpacaEval 2.0, while training on only 1,000 examples and no extra preference data.

To ensure the enhanced performance is not simply due to GPT-4's preference for longer responses, the authors conduct a thorough analysis of their models.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and practical approach to instruction fine-tuning of LLMs, which appears to outperform more complex methods. However, it's worth considering a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Generalization to other datasets and tasks: While the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several datasets, it would be valuable to see how it performs on a wider range of instruction-following tasks, including those that may require more nuanced understanding or reasoning.

  2. Scalability and efficiency: The authors note that their lightweight refinement of the long instructions can improve performance, but it's unclear how scalable or efficient this process is compared to the more sophisticated methods. Further investigation into the tradeoffs between performance and computational/data requirements would be helpful.

  3. Interpretability and explainability: The paper does not provide much insight into why the simple approach of selecting long instructions performs so well. Exploring the underlying mechanisms and factors that contribute to the improved performance could lead to a better understanding of instruction fine-tuning in general.

  4. Potential biases: Although the authors conduct analysis to ensure the results are not due to GPT-4 biases, it's possible that other biases or limitations in the evaluation may exist. Exploring the potential impacts of such biases on the findings would be valuable.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling and practical approach to instruction fine-tuning, and the authors' willingness to challenge more complex methods is commendable. Further research exploring the generalization, scalability, and interpretability of this approach could yield valuable insights for the broader field of instruction-following LLMs.


This paper introduces a simple yet effective method for selecting high-quality instruction examples to fine-tune large language models (LLMs) for instruction-following tasks. The authors show that a baseline approach of selecting the 1,000 instructions with the longest responses can outperform more sophisticated techniques like LIMA and AlpaGasus, as judged by powerful LLMs like GPT-4 and PaLM-2.

The findings are demonstrated across multiple LLMs and datasets, and the authors also show that a lightweight refinement of the long instructions can further improve performance, allowing them to achieve competitive results on benchmarks like MT-Bench and AlpacaEval 2.0 while training on just 1,000 examples.

These results suggest that fine-tuning on the longest responses should be the default baseline for any work on instruction fine-tuning of large language models. This simple approach can outperform more complex methods, while requiring less effort and data. The insights from this research could have significant implications for the development of more capable and efficient instruction-following AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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