DoG-Instruct: Towards Premium Instruction-Tuning Data via Text-Grounded Instruction Wrapping






Published 5/28/2024 by Yongrui Chen, Haiyun Jiang, Xinting Huang, Shuming Shi, Guilin Qi



The improvement of LLMs' instruction-following capabilities relies heavily on the availability of high-quality instruction-response pairs. Unfortunately, the current methods used to collect the pairs suffer from either unaffordable labor costs or severe hallucinations in the self-generation of LLM. To tackle these challenges, this paper proposes a scalable solution. It involves training LLMs to generate instruction-response pairs based on human-written documents, rather than relying solely on self-generation without context. Our proposed method not only exploits the advantages of human-written documents in reducing hallucinations but also utilizes an LLM to wrap the expression of documents, which enables us to bridge the gap between various document styles and the standard AI response. Experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing typical methods on multiple benchmarks. In particular, compared to the best-performing baseline, the LLM trained using our generated dataset exhibits a 10% relative improvement in performance on AlpacaEval, despite utilizing only 1/5 of its training data. Furthermore, a comprehensive manual evaluation validates the quality of the data we generated. Our trained wrapper is publicly available at

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  • This paper proposes a novel solution to improve the instruction-following capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
  • The current methods for collecting high-quality instruction-response pairs suffer from either high labor costs or severe hallucinations (generating false information) during self-generation.
  • The paper introduces a scalable approach that trains LLMs to generate instruction-response pairs based on human-written documents, which reduces hallucinations and bridges the gap between document styles and standard AI responses.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models, such as GPT-3, are powerful tools that can understand and generate human-like text. However, their ability to follow complex instructions and provide accurate responses is limited. This is because the training data used to teach these models often lacks high-quality instruction-response pairs, which are essential for developing this skill.

The current methods used to collect these pairs have significant drawbacks. Some approaches rely on human labor, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Other methods, where the models try to generate the instruction-response pairs themselves, often result in the models "hallucinating" or producing inaccurate information.

To address these challenges, the researchers in this paper came up with a new solution. Instead of relying solely on self-generation, they trained the LLMs to generate instruction-response pairs based on human-written documents. This approach has several advantages:

  1. Reduced hallucinations: By using human-written documents as the source, the models are less likely to generate false or nonsensical information.
  2. Bridging the gap: The researchers used an additional language model to "wrap" the document content, which helps translate the diverse styles of the documents into the standard format expected by AI systems.

The researchers tested their method on several benchmarks and found that the LLMs trained using their generated dataset outperformed the best-performing baseline by 10% on the AlpacaEval benchmark, despite using only a fifth of the training data. This demonstrates the effectiveness of their approach in improving the instruction-following capabilities of large language models.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this paper is a scalable method for generating high-quality instruction-response pairs using human-written documents as a source. The researchers first collected a diverse set of documents from the internet, covering a wide range of topics and styles.

They then trained a language model to "wrap" the content of these documents, transforming them into the standard format expected by AI systems. This helps bridge the gap between the diverse document styles and the typical instruction-response format.

Next, the researchers fine-tuned a separate LLM using the generated instruction-response pairs. This LLM was then evaluated on several benchmarks, including AlpacaEval and a manual evaluation of data quality.

The results showed that the LLM trained using the generated dataset significantly outperformed the best-performing baseline, achieving a 10% relative improvement on AlpacaEval despite using only a fifth of the training data. The manual evaluation also confirmed the high quality of the generated instruction-response pairs.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have presented a novel and promising approach to improving the instruction-following capabilities of large language models. By leveraging human-written documents as a source, they were able to address the limitations of existing methods, such as high labor costs and hallucinations.

However, the paper does not delve into potential limitations or areas for further research. For example, it would be interesting to understand the types of documents that work best for generating high-quality instruction-response pairs, or how the performance of the model might be affected by the quality and diversity of the source documents.

Additionally, while the researchers provide a public release of their trained "wrapper" model, it would be valuable to have more details on the architecture and training process of the core LLM that was fine-tuned using the generated dataset.

Overall, this paper presents a promising step forward in enhancing the instruction-following capabilities of large language models, and the researchers' work could have significant implications for the field of language model instruction-following understanding.


This paper introduces a novel and scalable approach to improving the instruction-following capabilities of large language models. By training LLMs to generate instruction-response pairs based on human-written documents, the researchers were able to address the limitations of existing methods and achieve significant performance improvements on multiple benchmarks.

This work has the potential to unlock new applications for large language models, enabling them to better understand and follow complex instructions, which is crucial for tasks like personal assistants, task automation, and interactive learning. The researchers' public release of their trained "wrapper" model also provides a valuable resource for the broader research community.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in enhancing the instruction-following abilities of large language models, and the insights and techniques presented could have far-reaching implications for the field of natural language processing and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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