Low-Rank Mixture-of-Experts for Continual Medical Image Segmentation






Published 6/21/2024 by Qian Chen, Lei Zhu, Hangzhou He, Xinliang Zhang, Shuang Zeng, Qiushi Ren, Yanye Lu
Low-Rank Mixture-of-Experts for Continual Medical Image Segmentation


The primary goal of continual learning (CL) task in medical image segmentation field is to solve the catastrophic forgetting problem, where the model totally forgets previously learned features when it is extended to new categories (class-level) or tasks (task-level). Due to the privacy protection, the historical data labels are inaccessible. Prevalent continual learning methods primarily focus on generating pseudo-labels for old datasets to force the model to memorize the learned features. However, the incorrect pseudo-labels may corrupt the learned feature and lead to a new problem that the better the model is trained on the old task, the poorer the model performs on the new tasks. To avoid this problem, we propose a network by introducing the data-specific Mixture of Experts (MoE) structure to handle the new tasks or categories, ensuring that the network parameters of previous tasks are unaffected or only minimally impacted. To further overcome the tremendous memory costs caused by introducing additional structures, we propose a Low-Rank strategy which significantly reduces memory cost. We validate our method on both class-level and task-level continual learning challenges. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets show our model outperforms all other methods.

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  • This paper proposes a novel continual learning approach called Low-Rank Mixture-of-Experts (LR-MoE) for medical image segmentation.
  • The method aims to overcome the challenge of learning new tasks in a sequential manner without forgetting previously learned knowledge.
  • The proposed LR-MoE architecture utilizes a mixture-of-experts model with a low-rank structure to efficiently adapt to new tasks while preserving performance on old tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called Low-Rank Mixture-of-Experts (LR-MoE) that can help medical image segmentation models continuously learn new information without forgetting what they've learned before. This is an important problem, as medical image analysis models often need to be updated over time to handle new types of images or medical conditions.

The key idea behind LR-MoE is to use a "mixture-of-experts" approach, where the model consists of multiple specialized sub-models, or "experts." Each expert focuses on a particular task or type of image. When presented with a new task, the model can learn a new expert without interfering with the existing experts. This allows the model to continuously expand its capabilities without losing its previous knowledge.

To make this mixture-of-experts approach efficient, the authors use a "low-rank" structure, which means the individual experts are smaller and more compact. This helps the model learn new tasks quickly and use memory resources effectively, which is crucial for real-world medical applications where resources may be limited.

Overall, the LR-MoE approach aims to make medical image segmentation models more adaptable and robust, allowing them to continuously improve without forgetting what they've already learned. This could have important implications for improving data-aware parameter-aware robustness in continual learning and overcoming domain drift in online continual learning for medical AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The proposed Low-Rank Mixture-of-Experts (LR-MoE) architecture consists of a mixture of specialized sub-models, or "experts," each of which is responsible for a particular task or type of input. When presented with a new task, the model can learn a new expert without interfering with the existing experts, allowing it to continuously expand its capabilities.

To make this mixture-of-experts approach efficient, the authors use a low-rank structure, where the individual experts are smaller and more compact. This helps the model learn new tasks quickly and use memory resources effectively, which is crucial for real-world medical applications.

The key components of the LR-MoE architecture include:

  1. Mixture-of-Experts: The model consists of multiple expert networks, each of which is responsible for a particular task or type of input. A gating network determines how to combine the outputs of the experts for a given input.

  2. Low-Rank Structure: The expert networks have a low-rank structure, which means they have a smaller number of parameters compared to a standard neural network. This helps the model learn new tasks efficiently while maintaining a compact representation.

  3. Continual Learning: The model is trained in a continual learning setup, where new tasks are learned sequentially without forgetting previously learned knowledge. The low-rank structure and mixture-of-experts approach help the model adapt to new tasks without catastrophic forgetting.

The authors evaluate the LR-MoE approach on a multi-organ segmentation task using medical images, where the model is required to learn new organ segmentation tasks over time. The results show that the LR-MoE model outperforms standard continual learning approaches, demonstrating its ability to continuously learn new tasks while preserving performance on old tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the proposed LR-MoE approach, including comparisons to various baselines and ablation studies to understand the contributions of different components. The authors also discuss limitations and potential areas for future work, such as extending the approach to multi-label continual learning and exploring ways to further boost continual learning in vision-language models.

One potential limitation of the study is the focus on a single multi-organ segmentation task, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. It would be interesting to see how the LR-MoE approach performs on a wider range of medical image analysis tasks, such as enhancing medical multi-task learning or other continual learning scenarios.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the computational and memory efficiency of the LR-MoE approach in depth, which could be an important consideration for real-world medical applications where resources may be constrained. Providing more detailed analysis on these aspects could further strengthen the practical relevance of the proposed method.


The Low-Rank Mixture-of-Experts (LR-MoE) approach presented in this paper offers a promising solution for continual learning in medical image segmentation. By leveraging a mixture-of-experts architecture with a low-rank structure, the model can efficiently adapt to new tasks while preserving performance on previous tasks, a crucial capability for medical AI systems that need to evolve over time.

The strong empirical results and the authors' discussion of future research directions suggest that the LR-MoE approach could have significant implications for advancing the state-of-the-art in continual learning for medical image analysis. As the field of medical AI continues to grow, techniques like LR-MoE will become increasingly important for developing robust and adaptable models that can keep pace with the evolving needs of healthcare applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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