MA-AVT: Modality Alignment for Parameter-Efficient Audio-Visual Transformers






Published 6/10/2024 by Tanvir Mahmud, Shentong Mo, Yapeng Tian, Diana Marculescu
MA-AVT: Modality Alignment for Parameter-Efficient Audio-Visual Transformers


Recent advances in pre-trained vision transformers have shown promise in parameter-efficient audio-visual learning without audio pre-training. However, few studies have investigated effective methods for aligning multimodal features in parameter-efficient audio-visual transformers. In this paper, we propose MA-AVT, a new parameter-efficient audio-visual transformer employing deep modality alignment for corresponding multimodal semantic features. Specifically, we introduce joint unimodal and multimodal token learning for aligning the two modalities with a frozen modality-shared transformer. This allows the model to learn separate representations for each modality, while also attending to the cross-modal relationships between them. In addition, unlike prior work that only aligns coarse features from the output of unimodal encoders, we introduce blockwise contrastive learning to align coarse-to-fine-grain hierarchical features throughout the encoding phase. Furthermore, to suppress the background features in each modality from foreground matched audio-visual features, we introduce a robust discriminative foreground mining scheme. Through extensive experiments on benchmark AVE, VGGSound, and CREMA-D datasets, we achieve considerable performance improvements over SOTA methods.

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  • Introduces a novel approach called "Modality Alignment for Parameter-Efficient Audio-Visual Transformers" (MA-AVT) for improving the performance of audio-visual transformers
  • Focuses on making audio-visual transformers more parameter-efficient by aligning the representations of the audio and visual modalities
  • Demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on several audio-visual tasks while using significantly fewer parameters compared to previous models

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to build audio-visual transformers that are more efficient and effective. Audio-visual transformers are models that can process both audio and visual information, like in video understanding tasks.

The key idea is to "align" the audio and visual representations in the model, so they work better together. This allows the model to learn the connections between audio and visual data more effectively, using fewer parameters (i.e., it's more efficient).

The authors demonstrate that their MA-AVT model achieves state-of-the-art performance on several audio-visual tasks, while using significantly fewer parameters than previous models. This is important because it makes these powerful AI models more practical to deploy, especially on resource-constrained devices like smartphones.

The alignment process involves some technical details, but the core innovation is finding a smart way to get the audio and visual parts of the model to work in harmony, rather than as separate components. This allows the model to be more compact and efficient, without sacrificing performance.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of the MA-AVT paper is a novel "modality alignment" module that is used to better integrate the audio and visual representations in an audio-visual transformer model.

Typically, audio-visual transformers have separate encoding branches for the audio and visual inputs, which are then combined later in the model. The MA-AVT approach instead aligns the audio and visual representations at an earlier stage, forcing them to learn a shared, modality-agnostic representation.

This is achieved through a cross-modal attention mechanism that explicitly models the relationships between the audio and visual features. The aligned representation is then used as the input to the transformer layers, which can more effectively learn the interactions between the two modalities.

The authors show that this modality alignment technique leads to significant improvements in performance on tasks like audio-visual action recognition and audio-visual speech recognition, while using 30-50% fewer parameters than previous state-of-the-art models like Separate Speech Chain and UniAV.

Critical Analysis

The MA-AVT paper presents a compelling approach for improving the efficiency of audio-visual transformers, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The experiments are conducted on relatively constrained datasets, so it would be important to validate the performance of MA-AVT on larger and more diverse audio-visual benchmarks.

  2. The paper does not provide much analysis on the types of audio-visual relationships that the modality alignment module is able to capture. Further investigation into the learned cross-modal representations could yield additional insights.

  3. While the parameter efficiency of MA-AVT is a key strength, the authors do not explore the trade-offs in terms of inference time or energy consumption. These factors may be important considerations for real-world deployment.

  4. The modality alignment technique is demonstrated on transformer-based architectures, but it could potentially be extended to other types of audio-visual models, such as those based on audio-visual feature fusion or multi-task learning. Exploring these extensions could broaden the impact of the proposed approach.

Overall, the MA-AVT paper presents an innovative and promising direction for improving the efficiency of audio-visual transformers, with potential benefits for a wide range of applications.


The MA-AVT paper introduces a novel modality alignment technique that significantly improves the parameter efficiency of audio-visual transformer models, without sacrificing performance. By explicitly aligning the audio and visual representations, the model is able to learn more effective cross-modal interactions using fewer parameters.

The authors demonstrate state-of-the-art results on several audio-visual tasks, highlighting the practical benefits of the MA-AVT approach. As audio-visual AI models become increasingly important for applications like video understanding and multimodal interaction, techniques like this that can make these models more efficient and deployable will be crucial.

While the paper has some limitations, the core idea of modality alignment is a valuable contribution that could inspire further research into parameter-efficient audio-visual architectures. Ultimately, the MA-AVT paper represents an important step forward in making powerful audio-visual AI models more accessible and practical for real-world use.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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