Machine Learning Assisted Dynamical Classification of Trans-Neptunian Objects






Published 5/9/2024 by Kathryn Volk, Renu Malhotra



Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are small, icy bodies in the outer solar system. They are observed to have a complex orbital distribution that was shaped by the early dynamical history and migration of the giant planets. Comparisons between the different dynamical classes of modeled and observed TNOs can help constrain the history of the outer solar system. Because of the complex dynamics of TNOs, particularly those in and near mean motion resonances with Neptune, classification has traditionally been done by human inspection of plots of the time evolution of orbital parameters. This is very inefficient. The Vera Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) is expected to increase the number of known TNOs by a factor of $sim$10, necessitating a much more automated process. In this chapter we present an improved supervised machine learning classifier for TNOs. Using a large and diverse training set as well as carefully chosen, dynamically motivated data features calculated from numerical integrations of TNO orbits, our classifier returns results that match those of a human classifier 98% of the time, and dynamically relevant classifications 99.7% of the time. This classifier is dramatically more efficient than human classification, and it will improve classification of both observed and modeled TNO data.

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  • Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are small, icy bodies in the outer solar system
  • Their complex orbital distribution was shaped by the early dynamical history and migration of the giant planets
  • Comparing modeled and observed TNOs can help constrain the history of the outer solar system
  • Traditional classification of TNOs, particularly those in mean motion resonances with Neptune, has been done manually, which is inefficient
  • The upcoming Vera Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will greatly increase the number of known TNOs, necessitating a more automated classification process

Plain English Explanation

Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are small, icy bodies that orbit the Sun beyond the planet Neptune. These objects have a complicated distribution of orbits, which was shaped by the early movements and interactions of the giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) in the distant past. By comparing the orbits of modeled TNOs (created by computer simulations) to the orbits of actual TNOs that have been observed, scientists can learn more about the history of the outer solar system.

Traditionally, classifying TNOs into different categories based on their orbits has been done by having scientists visually inspect plots of how the objects' orbits change over time. This manual process is very time-consuming and inefficient, especially as the number of known TNOs is expected to increase tenfold thanks to the upcoming Vera Rubin Observatory's survey. To address this, the researchers in this study have developed an improved supervised machine learning classifier for TNOs. Their classifier can accurately match the classifications made by human experts 98% of the time, and it can reliably identify the dynamically relevant properties of the TNO orbits 99.7% of the time. This automated approach is much more efficient than manual classification and will help researchers better understand the complex orbital distribution of TNOs, both for observed objects and those modeled by simulations.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this study developed an improved supervised machine learning classifier for categorizing Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) based on their orbital properties. They used a large and diverse training dataset, as well as carefully chosen features derived from numerical simulations of TNO orbits, to train their classifier.

The key elements of their approach include:

  1. Training Dataset: The researchers assembled a comprehensive training set of TNO orbits, covering the various dynamical classes observed in the outer solar system.
  2. Dynamically Motivated Features: They calculated a set of features from numerical integrations of the TNO orbits, which were specifically chosen to capture the dynamically relevant properties of the orbits.
  3. Supervised Learning Classifier: The researchers used a supervised machine learning approach to train a classifier that could match the classifications made by human experts.

The results of their work show that this automated classifier can accurately reproduce the classifications made by human experts 98% of the time, and it can reliably identify the dynamically relevant properties of the TNO orbits 99.7% of the time. This is a dramatic improvement in efficiency compared to manual classification, which will be crucial as the number of known TNOs is expected to increase tenfold with the upcoming Vera Rubin Observatory survey.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several caveats and limitations of their approach. Firstly, the performance of the classifier is dependent on the quality and completeness of the training dataset, which may not fully capture the diversity of TNO orbits. Additionally, the classifier is designed to match human expert classifications, which themselves may have biases or inconsistencies.

Another potential issue is that the classifier relies on a set of dynamically motivated features calculated from numerical simulations of the TNO orbits. While these features were carefully chosen, there may be other relevant dynamical properties that are not captured by the current feature set. Exploring alternative feature engineering approaches, such as those used in deep learning-based methods for dynamical systems, could potentially improve the classifier's performance.

Additionally, the researchers note that their classifier is designed for the specific task of classifying TNOs, and may not be directly applicable to other rule-based error detection and correction tasks in operationalizing machine learning models or applying large language models to dynamical systems problems. Further research would be needed to assess the generalizability of their approach.


The researchers have developed an improved supervised machine learning classifier for categorizing Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) based on their complex orbital properties. By using a comprehensive training dataset and dynamically motivated features, their classifier can accurately match the classifications made by human experts, while being much more efficient. This automated approach will be crucial for handling the expected tenfold increase in the number of known TNOs from the upcoming Vera Rubin Observatory survey, and it will enable researchers to better understand the formation and evolution of the outer solar system.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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