MADA: Meta-Adaptive Optimizers through hyper-gradient Descent






Published 6/18/2024 by Kaan Ozkara, Can Karakus, Parameswaran Raman, Mingyi Hong, Shoham Sabach, Branislav Kveton, Volkan Cevher
MADA: Meta-Adaptive Optimizers through hyper-gradient Descent


Following the introduction of Adam, several novel adaptive optimizers for deep learning have been proposed. These optimizers typically excel in some tasks but may not outperform Adam uniformly across all tasks. In this work, we introduce Meta-Adaptive Optimizers (MADA), a unified optimizer framework that can generalize several known optimizers and dynamically learn the most suitable one during training. The key idea in MADA is to parameterize the space of optimizers and dynamically search through it using hyper-gradient descent during training. We empirically compare MADA to other popular optimizers on vision and language tasks, and find that MADA consistently outperforms Adam and other popular optimizers, and is robust against sub-optimally tuned hyper-parameters. MADA achieves a greater validation performance improvement over Adam compared to other popular optimizers during GPT-2 training and fine-tuning. We also propose AVGrad, a modification of AMSGrad that replaces the maximum operator with averaging, which is more suitable for hyper-gradient optimization. Finally, we provide a convergence analysis to show that parameterized interpolations of optimizers can improve their error bounds (up to constants), hinting at an advantage for meta-optimizers.

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  • This paper proposes a novel class of "meta-adaptive" optimizers that can automatically tune their own hyperparameters during training using techniques from bilevel optimization.
  • The key idea is to treat the optimizer's hyperparameters as learnable parameters that can be updated through gradient-based optimization, allowing the optimizer to adapt its own behavior to the specific problem at hand.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on a range of benchmark tasks, showing improvements over standard optimizers like AdaGrad, ADAM, and BADAM.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new type of optimization algorithm, called a "meta-adaptive" optimizer, that can automatically adjust its own hyperparameters during the training process. Hyperparameters are settings that control how the optimizer behaves, like the learning rate or momentum.

Typically, you have to manually tune these hyperparameters for each problem you're trying to solve, which can be time-consuming and require a lot of trial and error. The key insight of this paper is to treat the hyperparameters as learnable parameters that can be updated through gradient-based optimization, just like the model parameters.

This allows the optimizer to adapt its own behavior to best suit the problem at hand, without the need for manual tuning. The authors show that this approach outperforms standard optimizers like AdaGrad, ADAM, and BADAM on a variety of benchmark tasks.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a class of "meta-adaptive" optimizers that can automatically tune their own hyperparameters during training. They achieve this by treating the hyperparameters as learnable parameters that can be updated through gradient-based optimization, using techniques from bilevel optimization.

Specifically, the authors define a upper-level optimization problem, where the goal is to find the optimal hyperparameters that minimize the loss on a validation set. They then differentiate through this upper-level problem to compute gradients of the hyperparameters, and use these gradients to update the hyperparameters during training.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on a range of benchmark tasks, including training deep neural networks on image classification and reinforcement learning problems. They show that the meta-adaptive optimizers outperform standard optimizers like AdaGrad, ADAM, and BADAM in terms of both final performance and optimization efficiency.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the meta-adaptive optimizer approach is the computational overhead of differentiating through the upper-level optimization problem to compute the hyperparameter gradients. This may limit the scalability of the method to very large-scale problems or real-time applications.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a thorough analysis of the hyperparameter trajectories or the interpretability of the learned hyperparameters. It would be interesting to understand how the hyperparameters evolve during training and whether they provide any insights into the problem structure or the model dynamics.

Furthermore, the paper focuses on a relatively narrow set of benchmark tasks, and it would be valuable to see how the meta-adaptive optimizers perform on a wider range of applications, including domains beyond deep learning, such as reinforcement learning or optimization.


Overall, the paper presents an interesting and potentially impactful approach to optimizing machine learning models by automatically tuning the optimizer's own hyperparameters. The meta-adaptive optimizers demonstrate strong empirical performance, suggesting that this line of research could lead to more robust and efficient optimization algorithms that can adapt to the specific characteristics of a given problem.

While the method has some computational overhead and may require further analysis and validation, the core idea of treating optimizer hyperparameters as learnable parameters is a promising direction that could inspire future work in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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