MATEval: A Multi-Agent Discussion Framework for Advancing Open-Ended Text Evaluation






Published 4/16/2024 by Yu Li, Shenyu Zhang, Rui Wu, Xiutian Huang, Yongrui Chen, Wenhao Xu, Guilin Qi, Dehai Min
MATEval: A Multi-Agent Discussion Framework for Advancing Open-Ended Text Evaluation


Recent advancements in generative Large Language Models(LLMs) have been remarkable, however, the quality of the text generated by these models often reveals persistent issues. Evaluating the quality of text generated by these models, especially in open-ended text, has consistently presented a significant challenge. Addressing this, recent work has explored the possibility of using LLMs as evaluators. While using a single LLM as an evaluation agent shows potential, it is filled with significant uncertainty and instability. To address these issues, we propose the MATEval: A Multi-Agent Text Evaluation framework where all agents are played by LLMs like GPT-4. The MATEval framework emulates human collaborative discussion methods, integrating multiple agents' interactions to evaluate open-ended text. Our framework incorporates self-reflection and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) strategies, along with feedback mechanisms, enhancing the depth and breadth of the evaluation process and guiding discussions towards consensus, while the framework generates comprehensive evaluation reports, including error localization, error types and scoring. Experimental results show that our framework outperforms existing open-ended text evaluation methods and achieves the highest correlation with human evaluation, which confirms the effectiveness and advancement of our framework in addressing the uncertainties and instabilities in evaluating LLMs-generated text. Furthermore, our framework significantly improves the efficiency of text evaluation and model iteration in industrial scenarios.

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  • MATEval is a new framework for evaluating open-ended text generation using a multi-agent discussion model.
  • The goal is to improve the evaluation of large language models (LLMs) by having them engage in multi-agent dialogues, rather than relying on single-agent prompts.
  • This allows for more nuanced and contextual evaluation of LLM capabilities, such as coherence, logical reasoning, and social awareness.

Plain English Explanation

MATEval is a new way to evaluate how well large language models (LLMs) can engage in open-ended discussions. Instead of just asking the model to respond to a single prompt, MATEval sets up a multi-agent conversation where the LLM has to interact with other "agents" in a back-and-forth dialogue.

This allows for a more realistic and comprehensive assessment of the LLM's abilities. Rather than just seeing how the model responds to one isolated prompt, researchers can evaluate things like the model's coherence, its ability to reason logically, and how socially aware it is during the conversation.

The key idea is that having multiple agents participate in a discussion creates a more complex and contextual environment, which better reflects how language is used in the real world. This can provide deeper insights into the strengths and limitations of LLMs compared to traditional single-prompt evaluations.

Technical Explanation

MATEval is a framework that uses a multi-agent setup to evaluate the performance of large language models (LLMs) on open-ended text generation tasks. Rather than relying on single-agent prompts, MATEval creates a conversational environment where multiple agents exchange messages, allowing for a more nuanced assessment of LLM capabilities.

The core of the MATEval methodology is a multi-agent discussion model, where each agent is an instance of the LLM being evaluated. These agents take turns generating responses, with the goal of engaging in a coherent and meaningful dialogue. Researchers can then analyze various aspects of the conversation, such as the logical flow of ideas, the social awareness displayed by the agents, and the overall quality and consistency of the generated text.

By embedding the LLM in a multi-agent setting, MATEval aims to capture a more realistic representation of how language is used in the real world, where individuals engage in back-and-forth exchanges and must consider the context and nuances of the conversation. This approach contrasts with traditional single-prompt evaluations, which may not fully reflect the LLM's ability to handle the complexity and dynamics of open-ended discussions.

The MATEval framework also includes mechanisms for collecting human feedback and ratings on the generated dialogues, allowing researchers to compare the performance of LLMs against human-level benchmarks. This can provide valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of current LLM technology, and help guide future advancements in open-ended text generation.

Critical Analysis

The MATEval framework represents an important step forward in the evaluation of large language models, as it addresses some of the limitations of traditional single-prompt approaches. By incorporating a multi-agent setup, the researchers are able to assess LLM capabilities in a more contextual and realistic setting.

However, the MATEval approach also faces some potential challenges. Ensuring coherence and logical consistency across a multi-agent dialogue can be a highly complex task, and the researchers may need to carefully design the interaction protocols and evaluation metrics to avoid biases or oversimplifications.

Additionally, the reliance on human feedback and ratings for benchmarking raises questions about the scalability and objectivity of the approach. Gathering high-quality human judgments on open-ended dialogues can be resource-intensive, and there may be inherent biases or subjectivity in these assessments.

Further research would be needed to explore the robustness and generalizability of the MATEval framework, as well as to investigate potential ways to automate or streamline the evaluation process. Comparisons to other multi-agent or dialogue-focused evaluation frameworks, such as METAL, FreeEval, or CMaT, could also provide useful insights.


The MATEval framework represents an important step forward in the evaluation of large language models, moving beyond traditional single-prompt assessments to a more contextual, multi-agent approach. By embedding LLMs in a conversational environment, researchers can gain deeper insights into the models' capabilities, such as coherence, logical reasoning, and social awareness.

While the MATEval approach faces some potential challenges, such as ensuring the scalability and objectivity of the human feedback process, it holds promise as a valuable tool for advancing the state of the art in open-ended text generation. As the field of natural language processing continues to evolve, frameworks like MATEval will be essential for driving progress and ensuring that large language models can reliably and safely interact with humans in real-world settings.

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