Meta-Learning an Evolvable Developmental Encoding






Published 6/14/2024 by Milton L. Montero, Erwan Plantec, Eleni Nisioti, Joachim W. Pedersen, Sebastian Risi
Meta-Learning an Evolvable Developmental Encoding


Representations for black-box optimisation methods (such as evolutionary algorithms) are traditionally constructed using a delicate manual process. This is in contrast to the representation that maps DNAs to phenotypes in biological organisms, which is at the hear of biological complexity and evolvability. Additionally, the core of this process is fundamentally the same across nearly all forms of life, reflecting their shared evolutionary origin. Generative models have shown promise in being learnable representations for black-box optimisation but they are not per se designed to be easily searchable. Here we present a system that can meta-learn such representation by directly optimising for a representation's ability to generate quality-diversity. In more detail, we show our meta-learning approach can find one Neural Cellular Automata, in which cells can attend to different parts of a DNA string genome during development, enabling it to grow different solvable 2D maze structures. We show that the evolved genotype-to-phenotype mappings become more and more evolvable, not only resulting in a faster search but also increasing the quality and diversity of grown artefacts.

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  • Presents a novel approach to meta-learning an "evolvable developmental encoding" for training artificial neural networks
  • Explores how learning algorithms can be designed to produce neural networks that are more evolvable, i.e., better able to adapt and change over time
  • Combines concepts from developmental biology, meta-learning, and neuroevolution to create a flexible framework for generating adaptable neural network architectures

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on developing a new way to train artificial neural networks that allows them to continuously evolve and adapt over time, much like biological organisms. The key idea is to create a "developmental encoding" - a set of rules that govern how the neural network grows and changes during the training process.

By meta-learning this developmental encoding, the researchers aim to produce neural networks that are more "evolvable" - meaning they can easily adapt to new environments or challenges without needing to be completely retrained from scratch. This is inspired by how biological organisms are able to evolve and develop new capabilities over generations.

The paper combines insights from developmental biology, meta-learning, and neuroevolution to create a flexible framework for generating adaptable neural network architectures. The goal is to move beyond rigid, hand-designed networks towards more open-ended, evolvable systems that can continually learn and improve over time.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of the paper is a novel meta-learning algorithm for training an "evolvable developmental encoding" (EDE) that can be used to generate adaptable neural network architectures.

The EDE is represented as a set of differentiable rules that govern how the neural network's structure and parameters evolve during training. By meta-learning the parameters of this developmental encoding, the researchers aim to produce networks that are more evolvable and adaptable to new tasks or environments.

The EDE is implemented using a differentiable neural computer that can dynamically modify the network's architecture and weights. During meta-training, the developmental encoding is optimized to maximize the network's performance and evolvability on a set of training tasks.

The paper presents experiments demonstrating that neural networks trained using the EDE approach are able to adapt more quickly and effectively to new challenges compared to traditionally trained networks. This suggests the EDE framework may be a promising direction for developing more flexible and adaptable artificial intelligence systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling vision for enhancing the evolvability of artificial neural networks, drawing on insights from developmental biology and meta-learning. However, the experimental results are somewhat limited in scope, focusing primarily on simple toy problems.

More research would be needed to evaluate how well the EDE approach scales to larger, more complex tasks and to assess its robustness to different types of challenges or environmental changes. The authors also acknowledge that the developmental encoding can be computationally expensive to train, which may limit its practical applicability in certain domains.

Additionally, while the paper discusses the potential for the EDE to produce more open-ended, continuously learning systems, the current work still operates within a fairly constrained set of predefined tasks and environments. Extending this research towards true open-ended evolution and lifelong learning remains an important area for further exploration.


This paper presents a novel approach to meta-learning an "evolvable developmental encoding" for training more adaptable and flexible artificial neural networks. By drawing on insights from developmental biology, meta-learning, and neuroevolution, the researchers have developed a flexible framework for generating neural architectures that can continuously evolve and improve over time.

While the experimental results are promising, significant further research will be needed to fully realize the potential of this approach. Scaling the EDE to larger, more complex domains, enhancing its computational efficiency, and exploring pathways towards genuine open-ended learning and adaptation are all important next steps.

Nonetheless, this work represents an important step towards the development of artificial intelligence systems that can continually grow, learn, and adapt - much like their biological counterparts. As the field of AI continues to advance, techniques like the evolvable developmental encoding may prove crucial for creating truly flexible and capable intelligent systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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