Minusformer: Improving Time Series Forecasting by Progressively Learning Residuals






Published 4/12/2024 by Daojun Liang, Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Bingzheng Zhang, Minggao Zhang



In this paper, we find that ubiquitous time series (TS) forecasting models are prone to severe overfitting. To cope with this problem, we embrace a de-redundancy approach to progressively reinstate the intrinsic values of TS for future intervals. Specifically, we renovate the vanilla Transformer by reorienting the information aggregation mechanism from addition to subtraction. Then, we incorporate an auxiliary output branch into each block of the original model to construct a highway leading to the ultimate prediction. The output of subsequent modules in this branch will subtract the previously learned results, enabling the model to learn the residuals of the supervision signal, layer by layer. This designing facilitates the learning-driven implicit progressive decomposition of the input and output streams, empowering the model with heightened versatility, interpretability, and resilience against overfitting. Since all aggregations in the model are minus signs, which is called Minusformer. Extensive experiments demonstrate the proposed method outperform existing state-of-the-art methods, yielding an average performance improvement of 11.9% across various datasets.

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  • The paper examines the issue of severe overfitting in ubiquitous time series (TS) forecasting models.
  • To address this problem, the authors propose a "de-redundancy approach" that aims to reinstate the intrinsic values of TS for future intervals.
  • The key innovation is a modified Transformer architecture called the "Minusformer" that uses subtraction instead of addition for information aggregation.
  • The Minusformer also includes an auxiliary output branch that enables the model to learn residuals layer by layer, improving versatility, interpretability, and resilience against overfitting.
  • Extensive experiments show the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by an average of 11.9% across various datasets.

Plain English Explanation

Time series forecasting models, which are used to predict future values based on past data, often suffer from a problem called "overfitting." This means the model learns the training data too well and doesn't perform as well on new, unseen data.

To tackle this issue, the researchers in this paper developed a new approach called the "Minusformer." The key idea is to modify the way the model aggregates information, using subtraction instead of the more common addition.

Normally, Transformer models (a type of neural network often used for time series forecasting) use addition to combine information from different parts of the input. The Minusformer, on the other hand, uses subtraction. This helps the model focus on the differences and changes in the data, rather than just memorizing the overall patterns.

The Minusformer also includes an additional output branch that allows the model to learn the "residuals" - the differences between the model's predictions and the actual target values. By learning these residuals layer by layer, the model becomes more versatile, interpretable, and less prone to overfitting.

The researchers tested the Minusformer on various time series datasets and found that it outperformed other state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin, with an average improvement of 11.9% in performance.

Technical Explanation

The paper addresses the problem of severe overfitting in ubiquitous time series (TS) forecasting models by proposing a "de-redundancy approach" that aims to reinstate the intrinsic values of TS for future intervals.

The core innovation is the "Minusformer," a renovated version of the vanilla Transformer architecture that reorients the information aggregation mechanism from addition to subtraction. This design choice is based on the hypothesis that subtracting previously learned results, rather than adding them, can facilitate the model's learning-driven implicit progressive decomposition of the input and output streams.

Specifically, the Minusformer incorporates an auxiliary output branch into each block of the original model. The output of subsequent modules in this branch will subtract the previously learned results, enabling the model to learn the residuals of the supervision signal, layer by layer. This architecture design aims to empower the model with heightened versatility, interpretability, and resilience against overfitting.

Extensive experiments on various time series datasets demonstrate that the proposed Minusformer method outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches, yielding an average performance improvement of 11.9%.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to addressing the issue of overfitting in time series forecasting models. The authors' insight to replace addition with subtraction in the Transformer architecture is intriguing and aligns with the objective of decomposing the input and output streams to improve the model's learning capabilities.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed theoretical analysis or intuitive explanation of why the subtraction-based aggregation and residual learning mechanism should be more effective than the standard Transformer design. While the empirical results are compelling, a deeper understanding of the underlying principles would strengthen the contribution.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential limitations or failure modes of the Minusformer. It would be valuable to understand the types of time series data or forecasting tasks for which the Minusformer may not perform as well, or to identify any potential drawbacks or computational overhead introduced by the additional output branch.

Furthermore, the authors could have discussed potential synergies between the Minusformer and other recent advancements in time series modeling, such as the techniques presented in Longitudinal Targeted Minimum Loss-Based Estimation, Tiny Time Mixers (TTMs), TSGT: Stochastic Time Series Modeling Transformer, or Rethinking Channel Dependence in Multivariate Time Series Forecasting. Exploring these connections could uncover further avenues for improving time series forecasting models.


The paper presents a novel "Minusformer" architecture that uses subtraction instead of addition for information aggregation in Transformer-based time series forecasting models. This design choice, along with an auxiliary output branch that enables residual learning, aims to address the problem of severe overfitting in ubiquitous time series models.

The extensive experiments demonstrate the Minusformer's superior performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, with an average improvement of 11.9% across various datasets. This work contributes a promising direction for enhancing the versatility, interpretability, and resilience of time series forecasting models, which could have important implications for a wide range of applications relying on accurate predictions of future trends and patterns.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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