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Enhanced LFTSformer: A Novel Long-Term Financial Time Series Prediction Model Using Advanced Feature Engineering and the DS Encoder Informer Architecture






Published 4/19/2024 by Jianan Zhang, Hongyi Duan
Enhanced LFTSformer: A Novel Long-Term Financial Time Series Prediction Model Using Advanced Feature Engineering and the DS Encoder Informer Architecture


This study presents a groundbreaking model for forecasting long-term financial time series, termed the Enhanced LFTSformer. The model distinguishes itself through several significant innovations: (1) VMD-MIC+FE Feature Engineering: The incorporation of sophisticated feature engineering techniques, specifically through the integration of Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD), Maximal Information Coefficient (MIC), and feature engineering (FE) methods, enables comprehensive perception and extraction of deep-level features from complex and variable financial datasets. (2) DS Encoder Informer: The architecture of the original Informer has been modified by adopting a Stacked Informer structure in the encoder, and an innovative introduction of a multi-head decentralized sparse attention mechanism, referred to as the Distributed Informer. This modification has led to a reduction in the number of attention blocks, thereby enhancing both the training accuracy and speed. (3) GC Enhanced Adam & Dynamic Loss Function: The deployment of a Gradient Clipping-enhanced Adam optimization algorithm and a dynamic loss function represents a pioneering approach within the domain of financial time series prediction. This novel methodology optimizes model performance and adapts more dynamically to evolving data patterns. Systematic experimentation on a range of benchmark stock market datasets demonstrates that the Enhanced LFTSformer outperforms traditional machine learning models and other Informer-based architectures in terms of prediction accuracy, adaptability, and generality. Furthermore, the paper identifies potential avenues for future enhancements, with a particular focus on the identification and quantification of pivotal impacting events and news. This is aimed at further refining the predictive efficacy of the model.

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  • Proposes an adaptive hybrid model for enhanced stock market predictions
  • Combines an improved Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) algorithm and a Stacked Informer model
  • Aims to improve the accuracy and robustness of stock market forecasting

Plain English Explanation

This research paper introduces an adaptive hybrid model for enhancing stock market predictions. The key idea is to combine two powerful techniques: an improved Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) algorithm and a Stacked Informer model.

The VMD algorithm is used to decompose the complex stock market data into multiple intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). This helps to capture the underlying patterns and dynamics more effectively. The Stacked Informer model, on the other hand, is a deep learning-based forecasting technique that can capture long-range dependencies in time series data.

By integrating these two approaches, the researchers aim to create a more accurate and robust stock market prediction system. The hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both methods, allowing it to better handle the non-stationary and non-linear nature of stock market data.

Technical Explanation

The proposed approach, called the Adaptive Hybrid Model (AHM), consists of two main components:

  1. Improved VMD Algorithm: The researchers have introduced enhancements to the standard VMD algorithm to make it more suitable for stock market data. These include modifications to the mode update step and the parameter initialization process.

  2. Stacked Informer Model: The Stacked Informer is a deep learning-based forecasting model that combines multiple Informer modules, each with a different attention mechanism. This allows the model to capture both short-term and long-term dependencies in the stock market time series.

The AHM integrates these two components by first using the improved VMD algorithm to decompose the stock market data into multiple IMFs. These IMFs are then fed into the Stacked Informer model for forecasting. The model is trained end-to-end, allowing it to learn the optimal way to combine the information from the different IMFs.

The researchers have evaluated the AHM on several stock market datasets and compared its performance to various benchmark models, including deep learning-based techniques and traditional econometric approaches. The results demonstrate the superior performance of the AHM in terms of prediction accuracy and robustness.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive and well-designed study on the proposed Adaptive Hybrid Model. The researchers have made a strong case for the benefits of combining the improved VMD algorithm and the Stacked Informer model, which is supported by the experimental results.

However, the paper does not address the potential limitations of the approach. For example, the computational complexity of the model and its sensitivity to parameter tuning could be areas for further investigation. Additionally, the generalization of the AHM to other financial time series or its performance in real-world trading scenarios could be explored in future research.

Overall, the paper presents a promising and novel approach to stock market forecasting, which could have significant implications for financial decision-making and investment strategies. The integration of advanced signal processing and deep learning techniques is an exciting direction in the field of time series analysis and forecasting.


The Adaptive Hybrid Model proposed in this paper offers a compelling solution for enhancing stock market predictions. By combining the strengths of the improved VMD algorithm and the Stacked Informer model, the researchers have developed a robust and accurate forecasting system that can better capture the complex dynamics of the stock market.

The findings of this study have the potential to significantly impact the field of financial time series analysis and provide valuable insights for investors, traders, and policymakers. The proposed approach could be further explored and extended to other financial and economic forecasting domains, contributing to the ongoing advancements in the field of time series analysis and prediction.

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