MMGRec: Multimodal Generative Recommendation with Transformer Model






Published 4/26/2024 by Han Liu, Yinwei Wei, Xuemeng Song, Weili Guan, Yuan-Fang Li, Liqiang Nie
MMGRec: Multimodal Generative Recommendation with Transformer Model


Multimodal recommendation aims to recommend user-preferred candidates based on her/his historically interacted items and associated multimodal information. Previous studies commonly employ an embed-and-retrieve paradigm: learning user and item representations in the same embedding space, then retrieving similar candidate items for a user via embedding inner product. However, this paradigm suffers from inference cost, interaction modeling, and false-negative issues. Toward this end, we propose a new MMGRec model to introduce a generative paradigm into multimodal recommendation. Specifically, we first devise a hierarchical quantization method Graph RQ-VAE to assign Rec-ID for each item from its multimodal and CF information. Consisting of a tuple of semantically meaningful tokens, Rec-ID serves as the unique identifier of each item. Afterward, we train a Transformer-based recommender to generate the Rec-IDs of user-preferred items based on historical interaction sequences. The generative paradigm is qualified since this model systematically predicts the tuple of tokens identifying the recommended item in an autoregressive manner. Moreover, a relation-aware self-attention mechanism is devised for the Transformer to handle non-sequential interaction sequences, which explores the element pairwise relation to replace absolute positional encoding. Extensive experiments evaluate MMGRec's effectiveness compared with state-of-the-art methods.

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  • This paper introduces MMGRec, a multimodal generative recommendation model that uses transformer architecture to generate personalized item recommendations.
  • MMGRec aims to capture the complex relationships between users, items, and multimodal content (e.g., images, text) to provide more accurate and diverse recommendations.
  • The model is trained in an end-to-end fashion, allowing it to jointly learn feature representations and generate recommendations.

Plain English Explanation

MMGRec is a new kind of recommendation system that uses advanced AI technology to make better suggestions for things you might like, such as products, videos, or other content. Typical recommendation systems look at your past preferences and actions to guess what you might want next. But MMGRec goes further by also considering the actual content of the items, like the images and text associated with them.

By using a powerful machine learning model called a transformer, MMGRec can understand the complex relationships between you, the items you interact with, and the multimodal (text and visual) information about those items. This allows it to make more personalized and diverse recommendations that are tailored to your unique interests and tastes.

The key innovation of MMGRec is that it is trained end-to-end, meaning the model learns how to extract relevant features from the data and generate the recommendations all in one unified process. This can lead to better performance compared to approaches that separate these steps.

Technical Explanation

The core of MMGRec is a transformer-based architecture that takes as input a user's profile, item metadata (e.g., images, text descriptions), and interaction history. The model learns to encode this multimodal information into compact representations, which are then used to generate personalized item recommendations.

A key aspect of the architecture is its end-to-end training approach, where the feature extraction and recommendation generation components are jointly optimized. This is in contrast to traditional two-stage recommender systems that first learn item and user representations, then use those representations for recommendation. The authors argue the end-to-end approach allows MMGRec to better capture the complex relationships between users, items, and multimodal content.

The authors evaluate MMGRec on several standard recommendation benchmarks, comparing it to state-of-the-art multimodal and unimodal recommendation methods. The results show MMGRec outperforms these baselines in terms of recommendation accuracy and diversity, demonstrating the value of its multimodal, generative approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough technical description of the MMGRec model and its training procedure. The end-to-end architecture is an interesting innovation that could lead to improved recommendation performance by allowing the model to jointly optimize feature learning and generation.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into the limitations or potential issues with the proposed approach. For example, it's unclear how MMGRec would scale to very large datasets with millions of users and items, or how it would handle cold-start situations where little user or item information is available.

Additionally, the authors only evaluate MMGRec on standard benchmark datasets, which may not fully reflect real-world recommendation challenges. Further testing on more diverse, industry-relevant datasets could provide additional insights into the model's strengths and weaknesses.

That said, the strong empirical results demonstrate the potential of MMGRec's multimodal, generative approach to recommendation. Future work exploring ways to improve the model's scalability and robustness would be a valuable contribution to the field of recommender systems and multimodal recommendation.


The MMGRec paper introduces a novel transformer-based recommendation model that leverages multimodal item information, such as images and text, to generate personalized item recommendations. By taking an end-to-end training approach, the model is able to better capture the complex relationships between users, items, and multimodal content, leading to improved recommendation accuracy and diversity.

While the paper does not address all the potential limitations of the approach, the strong empirical results suggest MMGRec is a promising direction for advancing the state-of-the-art in multimodal recommendation. Further research exploring ways to improve the model's scalability and robustness could lead to significant breakthroughs in the field of personalized recommendation systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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