Mobile-Agent: Autonomous Multi-Modal Mobile Device Agent with Visual Perception






Published 4/19/2024 by Junyang Wang, Haiyang Xu, Jiabo Ye, Ming Yan, Weizhou Shen, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Jitao Sang
Mobile-Agent: Autonomous Multi-Modal Mobile Device Agent with Visual Perception


Mobile device agent based on Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) is becoming a popular application. In this paper, we introduce Mobile-Agent, an autonomous multi-modal mobile device agent. Mobile-Agent first leverages visual perception tools to accurately identify and locate both the visual and textual elements within the app's front-end interface. Based on the perceived vision context, it then autonomously plans and decomposes the complex operation task, and navigates the mobile Apps through operations step by step. Different from previous solutions that rely on XML files of Apps or mobile system metadata, Mobile-Agent allows for greater adaptability across diverse mobile operating environments in a vision-centric way, thereby eliminating the necessity for system-specific customizations. To assess the performance of Mobile-Agent, we introduced Mobile-Eval, a benchmark for evaluating mobile device operations. Based on Mobile-Eval, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of Mobile-Agent. The experimental results indicate that Mobile-Agent achieved remarkable accuracy and completion rates. Even with challenging instructions, such as multi-app operations, Mobile-Agent can still complete the requirements. Code and model will be open-sourced at

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  • The research paper discusses the development of a novel mobile agent called "Mobile-Agent" that can operate autonomously on mobile devices and leverage visual perception capabilities.
  • The Mobile-Agent is designed to be a multi-modal agent that can interact with users through various modalities, including visual, audio, and touch.
  • The key focus of the paper is on the visual perception capabilities of the Mobile-Agent, which enable it to understand and interact with its surrounding environment.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper describes the development of a new type of virtual assistant or agent that can run on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. This agent, called "Mobile-Agent," is designed to be able to act and make decisions on its own, without needing constant supervision or control by the human user.

One of the key features of the Mobile-Agent is its ability to perceive and understand the visual world around it. This is similar to how virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa can see and recognize objects, but the Mobile-Agent takes this a step further. The agent can use its visual perception capabilities to navigate its environment, identify objects and people, and even respond to visual cues from the user.

For example, the Mobile-Agent could potentially see that the user is looking at a specific item on their screen and offer relevant information or suggestions. Or it could notice that the user is in a particular location and automatically provide useful local information or services. This multi-modal interaction, combining visual, audio, and touch inputs, is a key part of what makes the Mobile-Agent a novel and potentially powerful virtual assistant.

Technical Explanation

The core innovation of the Mobile-Agent is its ability to leverage visual perception to interact with and understand its environment. This builds on the advances in computer vision and large language models that have enabled virtual assistants to become more visually aware.

The researchers have developed a specialized neural network architecture that allows the Mobile-Agent to process visual inputs from the device's camera, identify objects and scenes, and then use that information to make decisions and take actions. [This is similar to the Octopus V3 system, which also aims to bring advanced perceptual capabilities to mobile devices.]

The paper describes the training process for the visual perception model, as well as how the agent integrates this visual understanding with other modalities like speech and touch to provide a seamless multi-modal interaction experience for the user. Experiments demonstrate the agent's ability to navigate virtual environments, identify objects, and respond to visual prompts from the user.

Critical Analysis

The research represents an interesting advance in the field of autonomous mobile agents and virtual assistants. The inclusion of visual perception capabilities is a significant step forward that could enable these agents to become more aware of and responsive to their surroundings.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations or concerns with this technology. For example, there may be privacy implications of a mobile agent that can constantly perceive and analyze the user's visual environment. Additionally, the robustness and reliability of the visual perception model in real-world, noisy conditions is not fully explored.

Further research would be needed to understand the broader implications and potential risks of deploying such autonomous agents with advanced perceptual capabilities on personal mobile devices. Careful consideration of ethical and security concerns will be crucial as this technology continues to evolve.


The Mobile-Agent research represents an important step forward in the development of autonomous, multi-modal virtual assistants for mobile devices. By endowing these agents with visual perception capabilities, the researchers have opened up new possibilities for how users can interact with and rely on these intelligent systems in their daily lives.

While there are certainly some open questions and potential concerns that need to be addressed, the core ideas and technical innovations presented in this paper are quite compelling. As the field of mobile autonomy and perceptual intelligence continues to advance, the Mobile-Agent could serve as a valuable model for how these capabilities can be brought to the ubiquitous personal devices we all rely on.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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