Model Collapse Demystified: The Case of Regression






Published 5/2/2024 by Elvis Dohmatob, Yunzhen Feng, Julia Kempe
Model Collapse Demystified: The Case of Regression


In the era of proliferation of large language and image generation models, the phenomenon of model collapse refers to the situation whereby as a model is trained recursively on data generated from previous generations of itself over time, its performance degrades until the model eventually becomes completely useless, i.e the model collapses. In this work, we study this phenomenon in the setting of high-dimensional regression and obtain analytic formulae which quantitatively outline this phenomenon in a broad range of regimes. In the special case of polynomial decaying spectral and source conditions, we obtain modified scaling laws which exhibit new crossover phenomena from fast to slow rates. We also propose a simple strategy based on adaptive regularization to mitigate model collapse. Our theoretical results are validated with experiments.

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  • This paper examines the phenomenon of "model collapse" in the context of regression problems.
  • Model collapse occurs when a machine learning model fails to learn the underlying patterns in the data and instead converges to a simple, uninformative solution.
  • The authors provide a theoretical and empirical analysis of model collapse in regression tasks, offering insights into the factors that contribute to this issue.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models are commonly used to solve a wide range of problems, including regression tasks, where the goal is to predict a continuous output variable based on input data. However, sometimes these models can fail to learn the true patterns in the data and instead converge to a simple, uninformative solution. This phenomenon is known as "model collapse."

The authors of this paper delve into the problem of model collapse in regression tasks, aiming to demystify the underlying causes and provide a better understanding of this issue. They use a combination of theoretical analysis and empirical investigations to shed light on the factors that can lead to model collapse, such as the complexity of the data, the choice of model architecture, and the optimization process.

By exploring the nuances of model collapse in regression, the researchers hope to help machine learning practitioners develop more robust and reliable models that can effectively capture the relevant patterns in the data, even in the face of challenging scenarios that might otherwise lead to model collapse.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of model collapse in the context of regression tasks. The authors begin by reviewing the existing literature on model collapse, including related studies on how bad is training on synthetic data, the inevitability of model collapse, and the collapse of self-trained language models [collapse-self-trained-language-models].

Through a detailed theoretical investigation, the researchers demonstrate that model collapse can occur even in simple regression settings, where the true underlying function is linear. They identify key factors that contribute to this phenomenon, such as the curse of recursion and the presence of certain types of noise in the data.

To validate their theoretical findings, the authors conduct extensive experiments using synthetic and real-world datasets. They explore the impact of various model architectures, optimization algorithms, and hyperparameter settings on the likelihood and severity of model collapse. The results provide empirical evidence for the theoretical insights and offer practical guidance for mitigating the problem.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough and insightful analysis of model collapse in regression tasks, which is an important and often overlooked issue in machine learning. The authors' theoretical and empirical investigations offer valuable contributions to the understanding of this phenomenon.

One potential limitation of the study is that it focuses exclusively on regression problems, and the findings may not directly translate to other machine learning tasks, such as classification or generative modeling. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest that further research is needed to explore the generalizability of their insights.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential societal implications of model collapse, such as the risks of deploying faulty models in real-world applications. Exploring these broader implications could be a fruitful area for future research.

Overall, the paper is a well-executed and insightful contribution to the field of machine learning. The authors' solvable model for the emergence of scaling laws and their nuanced analysis of the factors leading to model collapse provide a solid foundation for further investigations and practical applications.


This paper offers a comprehensive examination of the problem of model collapse in regression tasks, providing both theoretical and empirical insights into the underlying causes and contributing factors. The researchers' findings shed light on the complexities of model training and serve as a valuable resource for machine learning practitioners who strive to develop robust and reliable models, even in the face of challenging data scenarios.

By demystifying the mechanisms behind model collapse, this study paves the way for the development of more advanced techniques and strategies to mitigate this issue, ultimately leading to improvements in the performance and reliability of machine learning systems across a wide range of applications.

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