MoSca: Dynamic Gaussian Fusion from Casual Videos via 4D Motion Scaffolds






Published 5/28/2024 by Jiahui Lei, Yijia Weng, Adam Harley, Leonidas Guibas, Kostas Daniilidis
MoSca: Dynamic Gaussian Fusion from Casual Videos via 4D Motion Scaffolds


We introduce 4D Motion Scaffolds (MoSca), a neural information processing system designed to reconstruct and synthesize novel views of dynamic scenes from monocular videos captured casually in the wild. To address such a challenging and ill-posed inverse problem, we leverage prior knowledge from foundational vision models, lift the video data to a novel Motion Scaffold (MoSca) representation, which compactly and smoothly encodes the underlying motions / deformations. The scene geometry and appearance are then disentangled from the deformation field, and are encoded by globally fusing the Gaussians anchored onto the MoSca and optimized via Gaussian Splatting. Additionally, camera poses can be seamlessly initialized and refined during the dynamic rendering process, without the need for other pose estimation tools. Experiments demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on dynamic rendering benchmarks.

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  • This paper introduces MoSca, a novel method for generating dynamic 3D reconstructions from casual video inputs.
  • The key idea is to use a 4D motion scaffold, a sparse set of keypoints that capture the dynamic geometry of the scene, as the basis for fusing multiple Gaussian distributions into a consistent 3D representation.
  • The proposed approach can handle complex, non-rigid motions and produce high-quality 4D reconstructions from low-quality video inputs.

Plain English Explanation

MoSca is a new technique that can create detailed 3D models from casual, everyday video recordings. Rather than trying to reconstruct the entire 3D scene at every frame, the method focuses on capturing the key movements and deformations using a sparse set of 3D points, called a "4D motion scaffold."

This motion scaffold acts as a lightweight structural framework that guides the fusion of multiple Gaussian distributions, which represent the 3D shape at each frame. By using this sparse representation, MoSca is able to handle complex, non-rigid motions that would be difficult to model using traditional 3D reconstruction approaches.

The end result is a high-quality 4D reconstruction - a 3D model that evolves dynamically over time - created from low-quality video inputs. This could be useful for a variety of applications, such as 3D animation, virtual reality, or even computational photography.

Technical Explanation

The core of the MoSca approach is the 4D motion scaffold, which captures the dynamic geometry of the scene. This sparse set of 3D keypoints is estimated from the input video and used to guide the fusion of multiple Gaussian distributions into a coherent 3D representation.

The authors propose a sparse-to-dense optimization to efficiently propagate the motion scaffold information and fuse the Gaussian distributions, resulting in a temporally consistent 4D reconstruction. This allows MoSca to handle complex, non-rigid motions that would be challenging for traditional 3D reconstruction methods.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of MoSca on a variety of casual video inputs, showing that it can produce high-quality 4D reconstructions even from low-quality source material. This represents an important advance in the field of video-to-3D generation.

Critical Analysis

The MoSca approach shows promising results, but the authors acknowledge several limitations. The 4D motion scaffold is still a sparse representation, which means that fine-grained details may not be captured accurately. Additionally, the method relies on accurate keypoint estimation, which could be challenging in certain scenarios, such as occlusions or fast motions.

Another potential issue is the computational complexity of the optimization process, which could limit the scalability of the approach for very long or high-resolution videos. The authors mention plans to explore more efficient optimization strategies to address this concern.

Overall, MoSca represents an interesting and innovative approach to 4D reconstruction from casual video inputs. While it has some limitations, the core ideas and the demonstrated results suggest that this could be a fruitful direction for further research and development in the field of 3D computer vision and graphics.


The MoSca method introduced in this paper offers a novel way to generate high-quality 4D reconstructions from low-quality video inputs. By using a sparse 4D motion scaffold to guide the fusion of Gaussian distributions, the approach can handle complex, non-rigid motions and produce temporally consistent 3D models.

This work represents an important step forward in the field of video-to-3D generation, with potential applications in areas such as 3D animation, virtual reality, and computational photography. While the method has some limitations, the core ideas and the demonstrated results suggest that this could be a fruitful direction for further research and development in 3D computer vision and graphics.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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