Dynamic Gaussians Mesh: Consistent Mesh Reconstruction from Monocular Videos






Published 4/23/2024 by Isabella Liu, Hao Su, Xiaolong Wang



Modern 3D engines and graphics pipelines require mesh as a memory-efficient representation, which allows efficient rendering, geometry processing, texture editing, and many other downstream operations. However, it is still highly difficult to obtain high-quality mesh in terms of structure and detail from monocular visual observations. The problem becomes even more challenging for dynamic scenes and objects. To this end, we introduce Dynamic Gaussians Mesh (DG-Mesh), a framework to reconstruct a high-fidelity and time-consistent mesh given a single monocular video. Our work leverages the recent advancement in 3D Gaussian Splatting to construct the mesh sequence with temporal consistency from a video. Building on top of this representation, DG-Mesh recovers high-quality meshes from the Gaussian points and can track the mesh vertices over time, which enables applications such as texture editing on dynamic objects. We introduce the Gaussian-Mesh Anchoring, which encourages evenly distributed Gaussians, resulting better mesh reconstruction through mesh-guided densification and pruning on the deformed Gaussians. By applying cycle-consistent deformation between the canonical and the deformed space, we can project the anchored Gaussian back to the canonical space and optimize Gaussians across all time frames. During the evaluation on different datasets, DG-Mesh provides significantly better mesh reconstruction and rendering than baselines. Project page: https://www.liuisabella.com/DG-Mesh/

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  • Meshes are an efficient way to represent 3D objects for rendering, processing, and editing
  • However, it is challenging to obtain high-quality meshes from monocular video data, especially for dynamic scenes
  • The paper introduces "Dynamic Gaussians Mesh (DG-Mesh)", a framework to reconstruct high-fidelity, time-consistent meshes from monocular video

Plain English Explanation

3D computer graphics often use meshes - a way of representing 3D objects using a collection of connected triangles or polygons. Meshes are memory-efficient and enable efficient rendering, geometry processing, and texture editing. However, it is still very difficult to obtain high-quality meshes, especially for dynamic objects and scenes, just from a single video camera.

To address this challenge, the researchers developed a new system called "Dynamic Gaussians Mesh (DG-Mesh)". This framework can reconstruct high-quality, time-consistent meshes from a monocular video. It builds on recent advances in 3D Gaussian Splatting, a technique that represents 3D shapes using a set of overlapping Gaussian "splats". By tracking these Gaussian splats over time, DG-Mesh can create a sequence of meshes that stay consistent as the object moves and deforms.

A key innovation is "Gaussian-Mesh Anchoring", which ensures the Gaussian splats are evenly distributed to produce better mesh quality. This is done through a process of mesh-guided densification and pruning of the Gaussian splats. Another key idea is to optimize the Gaussian splats across all time frames by projecting them back to a canonical space.

Overall, DG-Mesh provides significantly better mesh reconstruction and rendering compared to previous methods, enabling applications like texture editing on dynamic objects.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces "Dynamic Gaussians Mesh (DG-Mesh)", a framework to reconstruct high-fidelity, time-consistent meshes from a monocular video input. It leverages recent advancements in 3D Gaussian Splatting to construct a mesh sequence with temporal consistency.

The core idea is to represent the 3D shape using a set of overlapping Gaussian "splats", which can be tracked over time to create a sequence of deforming meshes. Building on this Gaussian representation, DG-Mesh recovers high-quality meshes and tracks the mesh vertices over time.

A key contribution is the "Gaussian-Mesh Anchoring" technique, which encourages an even distribution of the Gaussian splats. This is achieved through a mesh-guided densification and pruning process on the deformed Gaussians. Additionally, the system applies cycle-consistent deformation between the canonical and deformed Gaussian spaces, allowing the Gaussians to be optimized across all time frames.

The evaluation on various datasets shows that DG-Mesh provides significantly better mesh reconstruction and rendering quality compared to existing baselines. This enables applications like texture editing on dynamic objects.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to reconstruct high-quality, temporally consistent meshes from monocular video data. The key innovations, such as Gaussian-Mesh Anchoring and cross-frame Gaussian optimization, seem well-justified and effective at improving mesh quality.

However, the paper does not extensively discuss the limitations of the proposed method. For example, it is unclear how well DG-Mesh would perform on extremely complex or fast-moving scenes, or how sensitive the results are to factors like camera pose, lighting, or object texture.

Additionally, the authors could have provided more insight into the computational complexity and runtime performance of DG-Mesh, as these are important practical considerations for real-world applications.

While the results are impressive, further research is needed to better understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of this approach, especially in comparison to other emerging techniques like Gaussian SLAM and efficient animatable human modeling.


The Dynamic Gaussians Mesh (DG-Mesh) framework presented in this paper demonstrates a promising approach to reconstructing high-quality, time-consistent 3D meshes from monocular video data. By leveraging the strengths of 3D Gaussian Splatting and introducing novel techniques like Gaussian-Mesh Anchoring, the system is able to produce significantly better mesh reconstruction and rendering compared to previous methods.

This work has important implications for a wide range of 3D computer graphics and computer vision applications, such as texture editing, animation, and augmented reality. While the paper does not extensively explore the limitations of the approach, the core ideas and results suggest that DG-Mesh could be a valuable addition to the toolbox of 3D reconstruction and modeling techniques.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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