A Multi-Source Retrieval Question Answering Framework Based on RAG






Published 5/30/2024 by Ridong Wu, Shuhong Chen, Xiangbiao Su, Yuankai Zhu, Yifei Liao, Jianming Wu



With the rapid development of large-scale language models, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has been widely adopted. However, existing RAG paradigms are inevitably influenced by erroneous retrieval information, thereby reducing the reliability and correctness of generated results. Therefore, to improve the relevance of retrieval information, this study proposes a method that replaces traditional retrievers with GPT-3.5, leveraging its vast corpus knowledge to generate retrieval information. We also propose a web retrieval based method to implement fine-grained knowledge retrieval, Utilizing the powerful reasoning capability of GPT-3.5 to realize semantic partitioning of problem.In order to mitigate the illusion of GPT retrieval and reduce noise in Web retrieval,we proposes a multi-source retrieval framework, named MSRAG, which combines GPT retrieval with web retrieval. Experiments on multiple knowledge-intensive QA datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework in this study performs better than existing RAG framework in enhancing the overall efficiency and accuracy of QA systems.

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  • Existing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems are limited by erroneous retrieval information, reducing the reliability and accuracy of generated results.
  • This study proposes a method that replaces traditional retrievers with GPT-3.5, leveraging its vast corpus knowledge to generate more relevant retrieval information.
  • A web retrieval-based method is also proposed to enable fine-grained knowledge retrieval, utilizing the powerful reasoning capabilities of GPT-3.5.
  • To mitigate the limitations of GPT retrieval and web retrieval, a multi-source retrieval framework called MSRAG is introduced, which combines these two approaches.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models like GPT-3.5 have become increasingly powerful at generating human-like text. However, when these models are used in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, the retrieval information they rely on can sometimes be inaccurate or irrelevant, leading to less reliable and correct results.

To address this issue, the researchers in this study developed a new method that uses GPT-3.5 itself as the retriever, instead of traditional retrieval systems. The idea is that GPT-3.5's vast knowledge base can generate more relevant and useful retrieval information than conventional approaches. They also proposed a web-based retrieval method that allows for more fine-grained knowledge retrieval, leveraging GPT-3.5's strong reasoning capabilities.

To further improve the quality of the retrieved information, the researchers developed a framework called MSRAG, which combines the GPT-based retrieval with the web-based retrieval. This multi-source approach helps to mitigate the limitations of each individual retrieval method, resulting in more accurate and reliable question-answering systems.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this study recognized the limitations of existing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, which are influenced by erroneous retrieval information and can reduce the reliability and correctness of generated results. To address this, they proposed a method that replaces traditional retrievers with GPT-3.5, leveraging its vast corpus knowledge to generate more relevant retrieval information.

Additionally, the researchers developed a web retrieval-based method to implement fine-grained knowledge retrieval, utilizing the powerful reasoning capability of GPT-3.5 to enable semantic partitioning of problems. To mitigate the limitations of GPT retrieval and web retrieval, the researchers proposed a multi-source retrieval framework, named MSRAG, which combines the GPT-based retrieval with the web-based retrieval.

The researchers conducted experiments on multiple knowledge-intensive question-answering datasets, and the results demonstrated that the proposed MSRAG framework performs better than existing RAG frameworks in enhancing the overall efficiency and accuracy of question-answering systems.

Critical Analysis

The researchers in this study have made a significant contribution to the field of Retrieval-Augmented Generation by addressing the limitations of existing RAG systems. The use of GPT-3.5 as the retriever, as well as the web-based retrieval method, are innovative approaches that leverage the powerful capabilities of large language models to improve the relevance and accuracy of the retrieval information.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the limitations and potential drawbacks of the proposed methods. For example, the researchers do not discuss the computational overhead or the scalability of the MSRAG framework, which could be important considerations for real-world applications.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential biases or ethical implications of using a large language model like GPT-3.5 as the primary retriever. There could be concerns about the reliability and fairness of the retrieval information generated by such a model, especially in sensitive or high-stakes domains.

Further research could also explore the generalizability of the MSRAG framework to other types of tasks and datasets, as well as the potential for combining it with other RAG approaches, such as DuetRAG or Blended-RAG, to create even more robust and effective systems.


This study presents a novel approach to Retrieval-Augmented Generation that addresses the limitations of existing RAG systems. By replacing traditional retrievers with GPT-3.5 and incorporating a web-based retrieval method, the researchers have developed a multi-source retrieval framework (MSRAG) that can generate more relevant and accurate retrieval information, leading to improved performance on knowledge-intensive question-answering tasks.

The findings of this study have important implications for the development of more reliable and effective AI systems, particularly in domains that require access to large and diverse knowledge bases. As the field of Retrieval-Augmented Generation continues to evolve, the MSRAG framework proposed in this study could serve as a foundation for further advancements in empowering large language models to tackle complex, knowledge-intensive problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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