Multi-View Subgraph Neural Networks: Self-Supervised Learning with Scarce Labeled Data






Published 4/22/2024 by Zhenzhong Wang, Qingyuan Zeng, Wanyu Lin, Min Jiang, Kay Chen Tan
Multi-View Subgraph Neural Networks: Self-Supervised Learning with Scarce Labeled Data


While graph neural networks (GNNs) have become the de-facto standard for graph-based node classification, they impose a strong assumption on the availability of sufficient labeled samples. This assumption restricts the classification performance of prevailing GNNs on many real-world applications suffering from low-data regimes. Specifically, features extracted from scarce labeled nodes could not provide sufficient supervision for the unlabeled samples, leading to severe over-fitting. In this work, we point out that leveraging subgraphs to capture long-range dependencies can augment the representation of a node with homophily properties, thus alleviating the low-data regime. However, prior works leveraging subgraphs fail to capture the long-range dependencies among nodes. To this end, we present a novel self-supervised learning framework, called multi-view subgraph neural networks (Muse), for handling long-range dependencies. In particular, we propose an information theory-based identification mechanism to identify two types of subgraphs from the views of input space and latent space, respectively. The former is to capture the local structure of the graph, while the latter captures the long-range dependencies among nodes. By fusing these two views of subgraphs, the learned representations can preserve the topological properties of the graph at large, including the local structure and long-range dependencies, thus maximizing their expressiveness for downstream node classification tasks. Experimental results show that Muse outperforms the alternative methods on node classification tasks with limited labeled data.

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  • This research paper introduces Multi-View Subgraph Neural Networks (MVSNN), a self-supervised learning framework for graph-based node classification tasks when labeled data is scarce.
  • The key idea is to leverage multiple views of subgraphs to learn robust node representations, without relying heavily on labeled data.
  • The approach involves jointly optimizing node and subgraph representations through contrastive and clustering-based objectives.
  • Experiments on benchmark datasets show that MVSNN outperforms state-of-the-art techniques, especially in low-data regimes.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to train graph neural networks when there is only a small amount of labeled data available. Graphs are a way of representing interconnected data, like social networks or protein interactions. Training machine learning models on graphs is challenging, especially when you don't have many labeled examples to start with.

The key insight of this research is to instead leverage the structure of the graph itself, by looking at different "views" or perspectives of smaller subgraphs within the larger graph. By learning to predict relationships between these subgraphs in a self-supervised way, the model can build up a understanding of the graph structure without needing lots of labeled data.

The approach works by jointly optimizing two objectives: one that encourages the model to recognize when two subgraphs are related, and another that groups together similar subgraphs. This allows the model to extract useful features from the graph, even when labeled data is scarce.

The researchers show that their "Multi-View Subgraph Neural Network" (MVSNN) outperforms other state-of-the-art methods, especially in situations where there is very little labeled data available. This is an important advance, as it expands the applicability of graph neural networks to real-world settings where annotated data may be limited.

Technical Explanation

The key contribution of this paper is the introduction of Multi-View Subgraph Neural Networks (MVSNN), a self-supervised learning framework for graph-based node classification tasks in low-data regimes.

The core idea is to leverage multiple views of subgraphs within the overall graph structure to learn robust node representations, without relying heavily on labeled data. MVSNN jointly optimizes node and subgraph representations through two complementary objectives:

  1. Contrastive Subgraph Prediction: This objective encourages the model to recognize when two subgraphs are related, by predicting whether a pair of subgraphs are connected or not.

  2. Subgraph Clustering: This objective groups similar subgraphs together in the representation space, capturing the underlying structure of the graph.

By optimizing these two objectives in tandem, the model can extract useful features from the graph structure, even when labeled data is scarce.

The researchers evaluate MVSNN on several benchmark graph datasets for node classification, comparing against state-of-the-art supervised and self-supervised baselines. The results show that MVSNN outperforms these methods, particularly in low-data regimes, demonstrating the effectiveness of the multi-view subgraph learning approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling approach to addressing the challenge of graph-based node classification with limited labeled data. By leveraging the inherent structure of the graph through multi-view subgraph learning, the MVSNN framework is able to learn useful node representations without relying heavily on annotated examples.

However, the paper does not address certain limitations and potential concerns:

  1. Subgraph Selection: The paper does not provide details on how the subgraphs are selected or sampled. The quality and diversity of the subgraphs could have a significant impact on the learned representations.

  2. Computational Complexity: Training MVSNN involves optimizing the contrastive and clustering objectives over all subgraphs, which could be computationally expensive, especially for large graphs.

  3. Generalization to Other Tasks: The evaluation is focused solely on node classification, and it's unclear how well the MVSNN approach would generalize to other graph-based tasks, such as link prediction or graph classification.

  4. Interpretability: The paper does not discuss the interpretability of the learned node representations or how they can be analyzed to gain insights about the graph structure.

Future research could explore these aspects to further strengthen the MVSNN framework and expand its applicability to a wider range of graph learning problems.


This research paper introduces a novel self-supervised learning approach called Multi-View Subgraph Neural Networks (MVSNN) for graph-based node classification tasks with limited labeled data. By leveraging the structure of the graph through contrastive and clustering-based objectives on subgraphs, MVSNN is able to learn robust node representations without relying heavily on annotated examples.

The results demonstrate the effectiveness of MVSNN, particularly in low-data regimes, outperforming state-of-the-art supervised and self-supervised baselines. This work represents an important advancement in expanding the applicability of graph neural networks to real-world scenarios where labeled data is scarce.

While the paper raises some potential limitations, the core idea of multi-view subgraph learning is a promising direction for further research in graph representation learning and other graph-based machine learning tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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