Music Style Transfer With Diffusion Model






Published 4/24/2024 by Hong Huang, Yuyi Wang, Luyao Li, Jun Lin



Previous studies on music style transfer have mainly focused on one-to-one style conversion, which is relatively limited. When considering the conversion between multiple styles, previous methods required designing multiple modes to disentangle the complex style of the music, resulting in large computational costs and slow audio generation. The existing music style transfer methods generate spectrograms with artifacts, leading to significant noise in the generated audio. To address these issues, this study proposes a music style transfer framework based on diffusion models (DM) and uses spectrogram-based methods to achieve multi-to-multi music style transfer. The GuideDiff method is used to restore spectrograms to high-fidelity audio, accelerating audio generation speed and reducing noise in the generated audio. Experimental results show that our model has good performance in multi-mode music style transfer compared to the baseline and can generate high-quality audio in real-time on consumer-grade GPUs.

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  • Previous music style transfer methods focused on one-to-one style conversion, which is limited.
  • Transferring between multiple styles requires complex models, resulting in high computational costs and slow audio generation.
  • Existing methods generate spectrograms with artifacts, leading to noisy audio.

Plain English Explanation

The previous research on transferring the style of music from one type to another has mainly looked at converting between just two different styles. This is quite limiting, as music can have many complex and nuanced styles. When trying to transfer between multiple styles, the existing methods required designing very complicated models to separate out the different style elements. This made the process computationally expensive and slow to generate the new audio.

Additionally, the spectrograms (visual representations of the audio) produced by these existing methods had artifacts, or distortions, which then led to the final generated audio having a lot of unwanted noise and poor quality.

To address these issues, this new study proposes a music style transfer framework based on diffusion models. This allows for transferring between multiple music styles, while also using a technique called GuideDiff to restore the spectrograms to high quality, resulting in cleaner and faster generated audio.

Technical Explanation

This study introduces a music style transfer framework using diffusion models to enable multi-to-multi style conversion. Diffusion models are a type of generative model that can learn to transform noisy input data into high-quality output.

The proposed method uses spectrogram-based techniques to capture the complex musical styles. It then leverages the GuideDiff approach to efficiently convert the generated spectrograms back into high-fidelity audio. This improves the audio quality and generation speed compared to previous methods.

The experimental results demonstrate that this model can perform multi-style music transfer effectively, outperforming baseline approaches. Importantly, it is able to generate high-quality audio in real-time on consumer-grade GPUs, making it practical for real-world applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges that while the proposed framework enables more flexible and efficient multi-style music transfer, there is still room for improvement. The authors mention the need to further enhance the model's ability to preserve the content and expressive details of the original music during the style transfer process.

Additionally, the evaluation is conducted on a limited dataset, so more comprehensive testing across diverse musical genres and styles would be valuable to fully assess the model's capabilities and limitations.

It would also be interesting to explore how this diffusion-based approach compares to other generative techniques, such as VAEs or GANs, in terms of audio quality, transfer fidelity, and computational efficiency.


This study presents an innovative music style transfer framework using diffusion models that addresses the limitations of previous one-to-one approaches. By enabling multi-to-multi style conversion and leveraging spectrogram-based techniques with the GuideDiff method, the model can generate high-quality, low-noise audio in real-time.

The findings suggest that diffusion models hold great promise for advancing the state-of-the-art in music style transfer, with potential applications in music production, entertainment, and creative industries. Further research to refine the model and expand the evaluation could lead to even more powerful and versatile tools for manipulating and transforming musical styles.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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