Diff-BGM: A Diffusion Model for Video Background Music Generation






Published 5/21/2024 by Sizhe Li, Yiming Qin, Minghang Zheng, Xin Jin, Yang Liu
Diff-BGM: A Diffusion Model for Video Background Music Generation


When editing a video, a piece of attractive background music is indispensable. However, video background music generation tasks face several challenges, for example, the lack of suitable training datasets, and the difficulties in flexibly controlling the music generation process and sequentially aligning the video and music. In this work, we first propose a high-quality music-video dataset BGM909 with detailed annotation and shot detection to provide multi-modal information about the video and music. We then present evaluation metrics to assess music quality, including music diversity and alignment between music and video with retrieval precision metrics. Finally, we propose the Diff-BGM framework to automatically generate the background music for a given video, which uses different signals to control different aspects of the music during the generation process, i.e., uses dynamic video features to control music rhythm and semantic features to control the melody and atmosphere. We propose to align the video and music sequentially by introducing a segment-aware cross-attention layer. Experiments verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. The code and models are available at https://github.com/sizhelee/Diff-BGM.

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  • This paper introduces Diff-BGM, a diffusion model for generating background music for videos.
  • Diff-BGM can create diverse and coherent background music that complements the visual content of a video.
  • The model is trained on a dataset of video-music pairs and uses a diffusion process to generate the music.

Plain English Explanation

Diff-BGM is a new way to automatically create background music for videos. Background music is the music that plays in the background of a video to set the mood and enhance the visuals.

Diff-BGM works by learning from a dataset of videos paired with their corresponding background music. It uses a process called diffusion to generate new background music that fits the visual content of a video. Diffusion is a technique where the model starts with random noise and gradually transforms it into something more meaningful, in this case, background music.

The key advantage of Diff-BGM is that it can create diverse and coherent background music that complements the video. This is an important capability, as finding the right background music can be challenging and time-consuming for video creators. Diff-BGM automates this process and allows for more creative and expressive video production.

Technical Explanation

Diff-BGM is a diffusion-based model for generating background music to accompany videos. The model is trained on a dataset of video-music pairs, where each video is paired with its corresponding background music.

During training, the model learns to gradually transform random noise into the target background music, using a diffusion process. This process involves repeatedly adding noise to the music and then learning to reverse the process to generate new music that matches the video content.

The key innovation of Diff-BGM is its ability to capture the complex relationship between the visual and auditory elements of a video. By learning from the paired dataset, the model can generate background music that is semantically consistent with the video, creating a more immersive and cohesive viewing experience.

The paper also explores the use of various conditioning techniques to further improve the quality and diversity of the generated background music, such as using video features or text descriptions as additional inputs to the model.

Critical Analysis

The Diff-BGM paper presents a promising approach to the challenging task of automatically generating background music for videos. The use of diffusion models, which have shown impressive results in other domains, is a well-chosen technique for this problem.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on a dataset of pre-existing video-music pairs. While this allows the model to learn the relationship between visuals and audio, it may limit the model's ability to generate truly novel and creative background music. Exploring ways to incorporate additional musical knowledge or generative capabilities could help address this constraint.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed evaluation of the generated music's quality and its impact on the overall viewing experience. Further user studies or objective metrics could help assess the practical benefits of Diff-BGM for video creators and consumers.

Overall, Diff-BGM represents an exciting step forward in the field of automated background music generation. As the authors note, this technology could have significant implications for video production, gaming, and other multimedia applications. Continued research in this area could lead to even more advanced and versatile tools for enhancing the audiovisual experience.


The Diff-BGM paper presents a novel diffusion-based approach to generating background music that complements the visual content of videos. By learning from a dataset of video-music pairs, the model can create diverse and coherent background music that enhances the viewing experience.

This work highlights the potential of leveraging advanced generative models, such as diffusion models, to automate creative tasks like background music composition. As the technology continues to evolve, we may see even more sophisticated tools that empower video creators and unlock new possibilities for immersive multimedia experiences.

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