Near-Optimal Regret in Linear MDPs with Aggregate Bandit Feedback






Published 5/15/2024 by Asaf Cassel, Haipeng Luo, Aviv Rosenberg, Dmitry Sotnikov



In many real-world applications, it is hard to provide a reward signal in each step of a Reinforcement Learning (RL) process and more natural to give feedback when an episode ends. To this end, we study the recently proposed model of RL with Aggregate Bandit Feedback (RL-ABF), where the agent only observes the sum of rewards at the end of an episode instead of each reward individually. Prior work studied RL-ABF only in tabular settings, where the number of states is assumed to be small. In this paper, we extend ABF to linear function approximation and develop two efficient algorithms with near-optimal regret guarantees: a value-based optimistic algorithm built on a new randomization technique with a Q-functions ensemble, and a policy optimization algorithm that uses a novel hedging scheme over the ensemble.

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  • Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a powerful technique used in many real-world applications, but it can be challenging to provide a reward signal at each step of the process.
  • The authors of this paper study a model called RL with Aggregate Bandit Feedback (RL-ABF), where the agent only observes the sum of rewards at the end of an episode instead of each reward individually.
  • Prior work on RL-ABF has been limited to tabular settings, where the number of states is small. This paper extends ABF to linear function approximation and develops two efficient algorithms with near-optimal regret guarantees.

Plain English Explanation

In many practical situations, it can be difficult to provide a reward signal for each action an agent takes in a reinforcement learning (RL) process. Instead, it may be more natural to give feedback only at the end of an entire episode. The authors of this paper investigate a model called RL with Aggregate Bandit Feedback (RL-ABF), where the agent only observes the total or "aggregate" reward at the end of an episode, rather than individual rewards for each step.

Previous research on RL-ABF has focused on simple, "tabular" settings where the number of possible states is small. In this paper, the researchers extend the RL-ABF model to more complex, real-world situations that can be represented using linear function approximation. They develop two new algorithms that can efficiently learn in this RL-ABF setting and provide strong theoretical guarantees on their performance.

The first algorithm is a value-based approach that uses a novel "randomization" technique to maintain an ensemble of Q-functions, which capture the expected future rewards. The second algorithm is a policy optimization method that employs a clever "hedging" scheme to efficiently explore the space of possible policies. Both of these algorithms are shown to achieve near-optimal regret bounds, meaning they can learn close to the best possible performance with limited feedback.

Technical Explanation

The paper extends the RL-ABF setting to linear function approximation, where the state-action value function (Q-function) is represented as a linear combination of known features. This allows the RL agent to generalize its knowledge to unseen states, rather than being limited to a small, discrete set of states as in prior tabular RL-ABF work.

The first algorithm, called "Optimistic ABF" (OABF), maintains an ensemble of Q-functions and uses a new randomization technique to encourage exploration. At each episode, OABF samples a Q-function from the ensemble and selects actions to maximize the expected return under this sampled Q-function. The ensemble is updated using the aggregate reward observed at the end of the episode, and the authors prove that OABF achieves a near-optimal regret bound of ƕ(dāˆšT), where d is the number of features and T is the number of episodes.

The second algorithm, "Hedged Policy Optimization" (HPO), takes a different approach and directly optimizes the policy parameters. HPO maintains a set of candidate policies and uses a novel hedging scheme to adaptively update the weights of these policies based on the aggregate feedback. The authors show that HPO also achieves a near-optimal regret bound of ƕ(dāˆšT).

Both OABF and HPO are designed to work efficiently in the RL-ABF setting, where the agent only observes the cumulative reward at the end of each episode. The theoretical guarantees and empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of these new algorithms for learning in challenging real-world scenarios with limited feedback.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a significant contribution by extending the RL-ABF setting to linear function approximation, which is a more realistic and challenging problem than the tabular settings studied in prior work. The two algorithms developed, OABF and HPO, are both novel and well-designed to address the unique challenges of the RL-ABF problem.

One potential limitation of the research is that it assumes the feature representations are known a priori, which may not always be the case in practice. An interesting direction for future work could be to investigate methods for learning the feature representations from data, perhaps by combining the RL-ABF setting with representation learning techniques.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the theoretical analysis and does not provide extensive empirical evaluations. It would be useful to see how OABF and HPO perform on a diverse set of real-world RL tasks, especially in comparison to other RL methods that can also handle limited feedback, such as Federated Q-learning or locally private linear contextual bandits.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the field of reinforcement learning by developing new algorithms that can efficiently learn in settings with limited feedback, as is common in many real-world applications. The theoretical guarantees and insights provided in this work lay the foundation for further advances in this area of fair and efficient reinforcement learning.


This paper extends the RL with Aggregate Bandit Feedback (RL-ABF) setting to linear function approximation and introduces two new algorithms, Optimistic ABF (OABF) and Hedged Policy Optimization (HPO), that can learn effectively in this challenging scenario. The key innovation is the ability to learn from only the aggregate reward signal at the end of each episode, rather than requiring individual rewards for each step.

The theoretical analysis shows that both OABF and HPO can achieve near-optimal regret bounds, demonstrating their efficiency and effectiveness. This work represents an important step forward in developing reinforcement learning techniques that can be applied to real-world problems where detailed feedback may be scarce or impractical to obtain.

By bridging the gap between the simplistic tabular RL-ABF settings and the complexity of linear function approximation, this research paves the way for more practical and impactful applications of reinforcement learning in a wide range of domains. The insights and algorithms presented here could have far-reaching implications for the field of AI and its ability to learn and optimize decision-making in the face of limited or aggregate feedback.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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