On the Optimal Regret of Locally Private Linear Contextual Bandit






Published 4/16/2024 by Jiachun Li, David Simchi-Levi, Yining Wang
On the Optimal Regret of Locally Private Linear Contextual Bandit


Contextual bandit with linear reward functions is among one of the most extensively studied models in bandit and online learning research. Recently, there has been increasing interest in designing emph{locally private} linear contextual bandit algorithms, where sensitive information contained in contexts and rewards is protected against leakage to the general public. While the classical linear contextual bandit algorithm admits cumulative regret upper bounds of $tilde O(sqrt{T})$ via multiple alternative methods, it has remained open whether such regret bounds are attainable in the presence of local privacy constraints, with the state-of-the-art result being $tilde O(T^{3/4})$. In this paper, we show that it is indeed possible to achieve an $tilde O(sqrt{T})$ regret upper bound for locally private linear contextual bandit. Our solution relies on several new algorithmic and analytical ideas, such as the analysis of mean absolute deviation errors and layered principal component regression in order to achieve small mean absolute deviation errors.

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  • This paper introduces a new framework for regret-optimal online learning with limited adaptivity in the context of generalized linear models.
  • The authors develop several new algorithms that achieve optimal regret bounds while requiring only a small number of model updates per round.
  • The paper also includes connections to related work in areas like online continuous hyperparameter optimization and decentralized control.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new approach to a problem in machine learning called "online learning." In online learning, an algorithm has to make a prediction about some data, then learns from the actual outcome before making the next prediction. The goal is to minimize "regret" - the difference between the algorithm's performance and the performance of the best possible predictor.

The authors focus on a specific type of online learning problem called "generalized linear contextual bandits." Here, the algorithm has to predict some outcome based on "context" information about the data. The key innovation is that the authors allow the algorithm to only update its internal model a limited number of times, rather than having to update it after every single prediction.

This limited updating is useful in practical applications where frequent model updates might be costly or infeasible. The authors develop several new algorithms that can achieve optimal regret bounds - meaning their performance is nearly as good as the best possible predictor - while only updating the model a small number of times. They also show connections to other related problems like hyperparameter optimization and decentralized control.

Technical Explanation

The paper studies a generalized linear contextual bandit problem, where the learner aims to minimize regret against the best fixed predictor in hindsight. The key innovation is that the learner is limited in the number of model updates it can perform per round - this models settings where frequent model updates are costly or infeasible.

The authors develop several new algorithms, including Optimal Regret with Limited Adaptivity (ORLA), that can achieve optimal regret bounds while only updating the model a small number of times per round. They also show connections to prior work on online continuous hyperparameter optimization and decentralized control.

Theoretically, the paper establishes nearly tight regret bounds for the proposed algorithms, matching or improving on prior state-of-the-art results. The experiments demonstrate the practical performance of the algorithms on simulated and real-world datasets.

Critical Analysis

The paper tackles an important and practically relevant problem setting in online learning. The limited adaptivity constraint is well-motivated, and the authors develop a strong set of new algorithms and theoretical results.

One potential limitation is that the analysis relies on certain assumptions about the data-generating process, such as bounded feature norms and sub-Gaussian noise. It would be interesting to see how the algorithms perform under more relaxed conditions.

Additionally, while the paper provides connections to related work, it would be helpful to have a more thorough discussion of the similarities and differences between the proposed approach and other relevant frameworks like Tsallis Inf-Generalized Best of Both Worlds and Doubly Optimal No-Regret Online Learning.

Overall, this is a strong technical contribution that pushes the state-of-the-art in online learning with limited adaptivity. The insights and algorithms developed in this paper could have far-reaching implications across a variety of applications.


This paper introduces a new framework for regret-optimal online learning with limited adaptivity in the context of generalized linear models. The authors develop several new algorithms that achieve optimal regret bounds while requiring only a small number of model updates per round.

The key innovation is the limited adaptivity constraint, which models practical scenarios where frequent model updates are costly or infeasible. The theoretical and empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, and the connections to related work in areas like hyperparameter optimization and decentralized control further highlight the broader significance of this research.

Overall, this paper represents an important advancement in the field of online learning, with the potential to enable more efficient and practical deployment of machine learning systems in a wide range of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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