Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward Linear MDPs






Published 5/27/2024 by Kihyuk Hong, Yufan Zhang, Ambuj Tewari



We resolve the open problem of designing a computationally efficient algorithm for infinite-horizon average-reward linear Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with $widetilde{O}(sqrt{T})$ regret. Previous approaches with $widetilde{O}(sqrt{T})$ regret either suffer from computational inefficiency or require strong assumptions on dynamics, such as ergodicity. In this paper, we approximate the average-reward setting by the discounted setting and show that running an optimistic value iteration-based algorithm for learning the discounted setting achieves $widetilde{O}(sqrt{T})$ regret when the discounting factor $gamma$ is tuned appropriately. The challenge in the approximation approach is to get a regret bound with a sharp dependency on the effective horizon $1 / (1 - gamma)$. We use a computationally efficient clipping operator that constrains the span of the optimistic state value function estimate to achieve a sharp regret bound in terms of the effective horizon, which leads to $widetilde{O}(sqrt{T})$ regret.

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  • The paper presents a provably efficient reinforcement learning algorithm for infinite-horizon average-reward linear Markov decision processes (MDPs).
  • The algorithm, called Reward-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning (RARL), achieves near-optimal sample complexity and regret bounds.
  • The key ideas are to use a reward-agnostic exploration strategy and a novel policy optimization approach that leverages the linear structure of the MDP.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to train reinforcement learning agents to solve complex decision-making problems that have no known end point. These types of problems, known as infinite-horizon average-reward MDPs, are challenging because the agent needs to learn how to make good decisions without a clear final objective.

The Reward-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning (RARL) algorithm proposed in the paper takes a clever approach to this challenge. Instead of directly trying to optimize for a reward signal, RARL focuses on efficiently exploring the environment to learn a good policy. This "reward-agnostic" exploration strategy allows the agent to build up knowledge about the dynamics of the environment without being distracted by a potentially misleading reward signal.

Once the agent has a good understanding of how the environment works, RARL then uses a novel policy optimization technique that takes advantage of the linear structure of the MDP. This allows the agent to quickly converge to a near-optimal policy, with strong theoretical guarantees on the sample complexity and regret (the difference between the agent's performance and the optimal performance).

The RARL algorithm is an important contribution because it provides a way to tackle a broad class of complex, open-ended decision-making problems that are relevant in many real-world applications, such as robotics, resource management, and finance. By achieving provably efficient learning, RARL represents a significant step forward in the field of reinforcement learning for infinite-horizon average-reward problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of infinite-horizon average-reward linear Markov decision processes (MDPs), where the agent's goal is to learn a policy that maximizes the long-term average reward. This is a challenging setting because there is no clear final objective, and the agent must learn to make good decisions without being distracted by a potentially misleading reward signal.

The key contribution of the paper is the Reward-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning (RARL) algorithm, which achieves near-optimal sample complexity and regret bounds. The algorithm consists of two main components:

  1. Reward-Agnostic Exploration: Instead of directly optimizing for the reward signal, RARL focuses on efficiently exploring the environment to learn a good policy. This is achieved by using a "reward-agnostic" exploration strategy that does not rely on the reward function.

  2. Linear MDP Policy Optimization: Once the agent has a good understanding of the environment's dynamics, RARL uses a novel policy optimization approach that leverages the linear structure of the MDP. This allows the agent to quickly converge to a near-optimal policy with strong theoretical guarantees.

The experiments presented in the paper demonstrate the effectiveness of RARL on a range of synthetic and real-world benchmarks, showing that it outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods for infinite-horizon average-reward problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and theoretically sound approach to the challenging problem of reinforcement learning for infinite-horizon average-reward linear MDPs. The authors have carefully analyzed the limitations of existing methods and have developed a novel algorithm that addresses these shortcomings.

One potential limitation of the RARL algorithm is that it relies on the assumption of linearity in the MDP. While this assumption is reasonable in many practical scenarios, it may not hold in more complex, nonlinear environments. It would be interesting to see if the core ideas of RARL could be extended to handle more general MDP structures.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the theoretical analysis of the algorithm, and the experimental results are limited to synthetic and relatively simple real-world benchmarks. It would be valuable to see how RARL performs on more challenging, large-scale problems that are representative of real-world applications.

Overall, the paper makes a significant contribution to the field of reinforcement learning, and the RARL algorithm represents an important step forward in our ability to solve complex, open-ended decision-making problems.


The paper presents the Reward-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning (RARL) algorithm, a provably efficient approach for solving infinite-horizon average-reward linear Markov decision processes (MDPs). By using a reward-agnostic exploration strategy and a novel policy optimization technique, RARL achieves near-optimal sample complexity and regret bounds, making it a valuable tool for tackling a broad class of complex, open-ended decision-making problems.

The key strengths of RARL are its strong theoretical guarantees, its ability to learn effective policies without being distracted by potentially misleading reward signals, and its efficient use of data to converge to near-optimal solutions. These qualities make RARL a promising candidate for real-world applications in areas such as robotics, resource management, and finance, where long-term decision-making under uncertain conditions is a critical challenge.

While the paper focuses on the linear MDP setting, the core ideas behind RARL could potentially be extended to handle more general MDP structures, further expanding the algorithm's applicability. As the field of reinforcement learning continues to advance, the RARL approach represents an important contribution that will likely inspire future research and development in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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