Nearly Minimax Optimal Regret for Multinomial Logistic Bandit






Published 6/24/2024 by Joongkyu Lee, Min-hwan Oh

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In this paper, we study the contextual multinomial logit (MNL) bandit problem in which a learning agent sequentially selects an assortment based on contextual information, and user feedback follows an MNL choice model. There has been a significant discrepancy between lower and upper regret bounds, particularly regarding the maximum assortment size $K$. Additionally, the variation in reward structures between these bounds complicates the quest for optimality. Under uniform rewards, where all items have the same expected reward, we establish a regret lower bound of $Omega(dsqrt{smash[b]{T/K}})$ and propose a constant-time algorithm, OFU-MNL+, that achieves a matching upper bound of $tilde{O}(dsqrt{smash[b]{T/K}})$. Under non-uniform rewards, we prove a lower bound of $Omega(dsqrt{T})$ and an upper bound of $tilde{O}(dsqrt{T})$, also achievable by OFU-MNL+. Our empirical studies support these theoretical findings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in the contextual MNL bandit literature to prove minimax optimality -- for either uniform or non-uniform reward setting -- and to propose a computationally efficient algorithm that achieves this optimality up to logarithmic factors.

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  • This paper investigates the contextual multinomial logit (MNL) bandit problem, where a learning agent selects an assortment of items based on contextual information, and user feedback follows an MNL choice model.
  • The authors focus on addressing the significant discrepancy between lower and upper regret bounds, particularly regarding the feature dimension d and the maximum assortment size K.
  • They explore the variation in reward structures between these bounds and aim to find optimal solutions.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors are studying a specific type of machine learning problem called the "contextual multinomial logit (MNL) bandit problem." This problem involves a learning agent, like a recommendation system, that needs to select a group of items (called an "assortment") to show to a user based on certain information about the user (the "contextual information"). The user then provides feedback on the selected items, and this feedback follows a specific statistical model called the MNL choice model.

The researchers found that there was a significant gap between the lower and upper bounds on the "regret" of this problem, which is a measure of how well the learning agent is performing compared to the best possible solution. This gap was particularly noticeable when considering the number of features (d) and the maximum size of the assortment (K). Additionally, the way the rewards (or payoffs) for the items are structured can also complicate the quest for the optimal solution.

Under the scenario where all items have the same expected reward (called "uniform rewards"), the authors were able to establish a lower bound on the regret of Ī©(dāˆš(T/K)) and propose an algorithm called OFU-MNL+ that achieves a matching upper bound of \tilde{O}(dāˆš(T/K)). In the case of "non-uniform rewards," where the items have different expected rewards, they proved a lower bound of Ī©(dāˆšT) and an upper bound of \tilde{O}(dāˆšT), which can also be achieved by the OFU-MNL+ algorithm.

The authors' empirical studies support these theoretical findings, and they claim that this is the first work in the MNL contextual bandit literature to prove minimax optimality (the best possible performance) for both the uniform and non-uniform reward settings, and to propose a computationally efficient algorithm that achieves this optimality up to logarithmic factors.

Technical Explanation

The authors investigate the contextual multinomial logit (MNL) bandit problem, where a learning agent sequentially selects an assortment of items based on contextual information, and the user's feedback follows an MNL choice model. This problem has a significant discrepancy between the lower and upper regret bounds, particularly regarding the feature dimension d and the maximum assortment size K.

Under the "uniform rewards" setting, where all items have the same expected reward, the authors establish a regret lower bound of Ī©(dāˆš(T/K)) and propose a constant-time algorithm called OFU-MNL+ that achieves a matching upper bound of \tilde{O}(dāˆš(T/K)). This means that their algorithm is provably optimal, up to logarithmic factors, for the uniform rewards case.

In the "non-uniform rewards" setting, where the items have different expected rewards, the authors prove a lower bound of Ī©(dāˆšT) and an upper bound of \tilde{O}(dāˆšT), which can also be achieved by the OFU-MNL+ algorithm. This again shows the optimality of their proposed approach for the non-uniform rewards case.

The authors' empirical studies support these theoretical findings, and they claim that this is the first work in the MNL contextual bandit literature to prove minimax optimality (the best possible performance) for both the uniform and non-uniform reward settings, and to propose a computationally efficient algorithm that achieves this optimality up to logarithmic factors.

Critical Analysis

The authors have addressed an important problem in the field of contextual bandits, with a focus on the MNL choice model. They have made significant progress in establishing tight lower and upper bounds on the regret, which is a crucial step towards understanding the fundamental limits of this problem.

One potential limitation of the research is the assumption of either uniform or non-uniform rewards. In real-world applications, the reward structure may be more complex and may not fit neatly into these two categories. It would be interesting to see if the authors' techniques can be extended to more general reward structures.

Additionally, the authors' proposed algorithm, OFU-MNL+, is claimed to be computationally efficient, but its practical implementation and scalability to large-scale problems are not extensively evaluated in the paper. Further empirical studies on the algorithm's performance and runtime in realistic scenarios would be valuable.

Another area for future research could be the exploration of alternative choice models beyond the MNL, as different application domains may require different user behavior models. Investigating the regret bounds and optimal algorithms for other choice models could broaden the impact of this work.


This paper makes significant contributions to the understanding of the contextual MNL bandit problem. The authors have established tight lower and upper bounds on the regret, proving the optimality of their proposed OFU-MNL+ algorithm for both the uniform and non-uniform reward settings.

These findings have important implications for the design of recommendation systems and other decision-making applications that involve user feedback following an MNL choice model. The authors' work lays a solid theoretical foundation and provides a computationally efficient algorithm that can be leveraged in practical deployments.

While the authors have made substantial progress, there are still opportunities for further research to address the limitations and explore more general scenarios. Nonetheless, this paper represents a significant step forward in the field of contextual bandits and opens up new avenues for improving the performance and robustness of decision-making systems in the real world.

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