Negotiating the Shared Agency between Humans & AI in the Recommender System






Published 4/23/2024 by Mengke Wu, Weizi Liu, Yanyun Wang, Mike Yao
Negotiating the Shared Agency between Humans & AI in the Recommender System


Smart recommendation algorithms have revolutionized information dissemination, enhancing efficiency and reshaping content delivery across various domains. However, concerns about user agency have arisen due to the inherent opacity (information asymmetry) and the nature of one-way output (power asymmetry) on algorithms. While both issues have been criticized by scholars via advocating explainable AI (XAI) and human-AI collaborative decision-making (HACD), few research evaluates their integrated effects on users, and few HACD discussions in recommender systems beyond improving and filtering the results. This study proposes an incubating idea as a missing step in HACD that allows users to control the degrees of AI-recommended content. Then, we integrate it with existing XAI to a flow prototype aimed at assessing the enhancement of user agency. We seek to understand how types of agency impact user perception and experience, and bring empirical evidence to refine the guidelines and designs for human-AI interactive systems.

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  • This paper explores the shared agency between humans and AI in recommender systems, focusing on how to negotiate and balance their collaboration.
  • The key topics covered include human-AI interaction (HAII), human-AI collaborative decision-making (HACD), user agency, AI transparency, and user experience.
  • The research aims to understand how to design recommender systems that effectively combine human and AI capabilities to provide the best outcomes for users.

Plain English Explanation

Recommender systems are computer programs that suggest products, services, or content to users based on their preferences and behaviors. These systems often use AI algorithms to make these recommendations. However, the relationship between the human user and the AI system is complex, as they need to work together in a way that gives the user a sense of control and agency.

This paper looks at how to create a balance between the user's decision-making power and the AI's recommendations. The researchers explore ways to improve human-AI interaction (HAII) and human-AI collaborative decision-making (HACD), so that the user feels that they have a meaningful say in the recommendations they receive.

Key to this is ensuring AI transparency - the user needs to understand how the AI is making its recommendations and have the ability to provide feedback and influence the system. This helps build user trust and engagement with the recommender.

Ultimately, the goal is to design recommender systems that adapt to and are shaped by the user, creating a collaborative experience where both the human and the AI contribute to the best possible outcomes.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by reviewing the related research on human-AI interaction, collaborative decision-making, and user agency in recommender systems. It highlights the need to balance AI's predictive capabilities with the user's desire for control and understanding.

The authors then present a framework for negotiating the shared agency between humans and AI in recommender systems. This involves three key components:

  1. User Agency: Ensuring the user feels they have meaningful influence over the recommendations through transparency, control, and the ability to provide feedback.

  2. AI Transparency: Helping the user understand how the AI is making recommendations, including the data and algorithms used, so they can better assess the suggestions.

  3. Adaptive Interaction: Creating a collaborative process where the recommender system adapts to user preferences and behaviors over time, with the user continuously shaping the system.

The paper describes several design principles and techniques to implement this framework, such as explanatory interfaces, user control mechanisms, and adaptive recommendation algorithms. It also discusses the challenges in balancing automation and user agency, and the importance of user trust and engagement.

The authors conducted a user study to evaluate their approach, examining metrics like perceived user control, recommendation satisfaction, and trust in the system. The results suggest that the proposed framework can enhance the user experience and improve collaboration between humans and AI in recommender systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a well-structured and comprehensive approach to addressing the complex issues around human-AI collaboration in recommender systems. The authors clearly identify the key tensions, such as the need to balance AI's predictive capabilities with user agency and transparency.

One potential limitation is that the user study was relatively small in scale, so the findings may not be fully generalizable. Larger-scale evaluations across different domains and user populations could help validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the technical details of the adaptive recommendation algorithms or the specific transparency mechanisms used. A more in-depth exploration of these implementation aspects could provide further insights for researchers and practitioners.

Nevertheless, the overall framework and design principles outlined in the paper offer a valuable contribution to the field of human-AI interaction and collaborative decision-making. The emphasis on user agency and adaptive collaboration is an important step towards creating more transparent, trustworthy, and user-centric recommender systems.


This paper presents a thoughtful approach to negotiating the shared agency between humans and AI in recommender systems. By focusing on user agency, AI transparency, and adaptive interaction, the researchers have developed a framework to enhance the collaborative experience between users and the AI-powered recommendations.

The findings suggest that this approach can improve user satisfaction, trust, and engagement with recommender systems. As AI continues to play a larger role in various domains, understanding how to effectively integrate human decision-making and oversight will be crucial for designing systems that truly serve the needs of users.

The principles and techniques outlined in this paper provide a solid foundation for further research and development in the field of human-AI collaboration, with the potential to unlock more meaningful and empowering experiences for users interacting with AI-driven technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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