Online Optimization Perspective on First-Order and Zero-Order Decentralized Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization






Published 6/4/2024 by Emre Sahinoglu, Shahin Shahrampour
Online Optimization Perspective on First-Order and Zero-Order Decentralized Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization


We investigate the finite-time analysis of finding ($delta,epsilon$)-stationary points for nonsmooth nonconvex objectives in decentralized stochastic optimization. A set of agents aim at minimizing a global function using only their local information by interacting over a network. We present a novel algorithm, called Multi Epoch Decentralized Online Learning (ME-DOL), for which we establish the sample complexity in various settings. First, using a recently proposed online-to-nonconvex technique, we show that our algorithm recovers the optimal convergence rate of smooth nonconvex objectives. We then extend our analysis to the nonsmooth setting, building on properties of randomized smoothing and Goldstein-subdifferential sets. We establish the sample complexity of $O(delta^{-1}epsilon^{-3})$, which to the best of our knowledge is the first finite-time guarantee for decentralized nonsmooth nonconvex stochastic optimization in the first-order setting (without weak-convexity), matching its optimal centralized counterpart. We further prove the same rate for the zero-order oracle setting without using variance reduction.

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  • This paper presents an online optimization perspective on first-order and zero-order decentralized nonsmooth nonconvex stochastic optimization.
  • It explores different algorithms and their theoretical guarantees for solving these types of optimization problems in a decentralized setting.
  • The paper covers both first-order methods, which use gradient information, and zero-order methods, which only have access to function values.
  • It also considers the impact of nonsmoothness and nonconvexity on the algorithms' performance.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper looks at the problem of decentralized optimization - where multiple agents (e.g., computers, robots) work together to find the best solution to a problem, without a central coordinator.

The specific type of problem the paper focuses on is "nonsmooth nonconvex stochastic optimization". This means the objective function being optimized is not smooth (it has sharp edges or corners) and not convex (it has multiple local minima), and there is some randomness or uncertainty involved.

The paper compares two main approaches to solving this problem in a decentralized setting:

  1. First-order methods: These methods use information about the gradient (the slope) of the objective function to guide the optimization process. They require more information about the function, but can often converge faster.

  2. Zero-order methods: These methods only use the function values themselves, without any gradient information. They are more flexible but may take longer to converge.

The paper analyzes the theoretical performance of these different algorithms, looking at factors like how quickly they can find a good solution and how their performance scales with the problem size. It provides insights that can help researchers and practitioners choose the most appropriate optimization approach for their specific decentralized, nonsmooth, nonconvex, stochastic problem.

Technical Explanation

The paper An Online Optimization Perspective on First-Order and Zero-Order Decentralized Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization considers the problem of decentralized optimization in the presence of nonsmoothness, nonconvexity, and stochasticity.

The authors propose and analyze several first-order and zero-order algorithms for solving this problem. First-order methods use gradient information, while zero-order methods only rely on function value feedback. The paper provides theoretical guarantees on the convergence rate and dimension dependence of these algorithms.

For the first-order case, the authors develop a decentralized variant of the proximal gradient method and show that it can achieve an optimal convergence rate. For the zero-order case, they design a novel zeroth-order feedback-based method and prove that it has optimal dimension dependence.

The key insights from this technical work are:

  1. Decentralized optimization can be effectively tackled using both first-order and zero-order methods, with different tradeoffs in terms of convergence speed and information requirements.
  2. Carefully designed algorithms can provably achieve state-of-the-art performance even in the challenging setting of nonsmooth, nonconvex, stochastic optimization.
  3. The paper provides a unifying online optimization framework for analyzing these problems, which can lead to further advancements in the field.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough theoretical analysis of first-order and zero-order algorithms for decentralized nonsmooth nonconvex stochastic optimization. The authors have made significant contributions by developing new algorithms and providing strong convergence guarantees.

However, as with any theoretical work, there are some limitations that should be considered:

  1. Assumptions: The analysis relies on several assumptions, such as the objective function satisfying certain smoothness and boundedness properties. In practice, these assumptions may not always hold, and the algorithms' performance may differ.

  2. Practical Considerations: While the theoretical results are compelling, the paper does not provide much insight into the practical implementation of these algorithms or how they would perform on real-world problems. Further empirical evaluation would be necessary to fully assess their utility.

  3. Comparison to Alternatives: The paper mainly focuses on its own proposed algorithms and does not provide a comprehensive comparison to other state-of-the-art methods for decentralized nonsmooth nonconvex optimization. Such a comparative analysis would help readers better understand the strengths and limitations of the presented approaches.

  4. Generalization: The paper's scope is limited to the specific problem of decentralized nonsmooth nonconvex stochastic optimization. It would be interesting to see if the techniques developed here can be extended to other related optimization problems or applied in a wider range of applications.

Overall, this research makes valuable contributions to the field of decentralized optimization, but further work is needed to fully assess the practical implications and broader applicability of the proposed methods.


This paper presents an in-depth analysis of first-order and zero-order algorithms for solving decentralized nonsmooth nonconvex stochastic optimization problems. The key takeaways are:

  1. Both gradient-based and gradient-free methods can be effective in this challenging setting, with different tradeoffs in terms of convergence speed and information requirements.
  2. The authors have developed new algorithms with strong theoretical guarantees, pushing the state-of-the-art in this area of decentralized optimization.
  3. The paper provides a unified online optimization framework for analyzing these problems, which can inform future research and enable further advancements in the field.

While the theoretical results are promising, more work is needed to assess the practical applicability of these methods and how they compare to alternative approaches. Nonetheless, this research represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to solve complex optimization problems in a decentralized, nonsmooth, and nonconvex setting.

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