Optimal Rates for DP-SCO with a Single Epoch and Large Batches

Read original: arXiv:2406.02716 - Published 6/6/2024 by Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Arun Ganesh, Abhradeep Thakurta
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  • This paper presents an analysis of the optimal convergence rates for differentially private stochastic compositional optimization (DP-SCO) with a single training epoch and large batches.
  • The authors derive tight upper and lower bounds on the convergence rates for DP-SCO, showing that the optimal rate is proportional to the inverse square root of the privacy parameter and the inverse square root of the batch size.
  • The paper also provides an optimal algorithm that achieves the derived optimal rates and demonstrates its effectiveness through numerical experiments.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a machine learning optimization problem called differentially private stochastic compositional optimization (DP-SCO). This is a type of optimization problem that is designed to protect the privacy of the individuals whose data is used to train the machine learning model.

The key challenge in DP-SCO is balancing the need for accurate optimization with the requirement to protect individual privacy. The authors of this paper tackle this challenge by analyzing the

optimal convergence rates
for DP-SCO, which describe how quickly the optimization algorithm can find the best solution while still preserving privacy.

The authors derive

tight upper and lower bounds
on the convergence rates for DP-SCO. This means they find the fastest possible rate at which the algorithm can converge to the optimal solution, as well as the slowest possible rate. Importantly, they show that the optimal rate is proportional to the
inverse square root
of the
privacy parameter
and the
inverse square root
of the
batch size

The privacy parameter is a measure of how much privacy is preserved, with smaller values indicating stronger privacy. The batch size refers to the number of data samples used in each iteration of the optimization algorithm.

The paper also provides an

optimal algorithm
that can achieve these derived optimal convergence rates. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this algorithm through
numerical experiments
, which show that it outperforms other state-of-the-art DP-SCO algorithms.

Overall, this paper makes important theoretical and practical contributions to the field of differentially private machine learning by characterizing the fundamental limits of DP-SCO and providing an optimal algorithm to address this problem.

Technical Explanation

The paper studies the problem of differentially private stochastic compositional optimization (DP-SCO), which is a type of optimization problem that arises in machine learning applications where the goal is to find the optimal model parameters while preserving the privacy of the training data.

The authors derive

tight upper and lower bounds
on the
convergence rates
for DP-SCO algorithms, showing that the optimal rate is proportional to the
inverse square root
of the
privacy parameter
and the
inverse square root
of the
batch size
. This means that to achieve faster convergence, one must either relax the privacy requirement (i.e., use a larger privacy parameter) or use larger batches of data.

The authors also provide an

optimal algorithm
that can achieve these derived optimal convergence rates. This algorithm is based on the lazy DP-CO framework and uses a
privacy-preserving gradient estimation
technique to obtain unbiased gradients while satisfying the differential privacy constraint.

The authors evaluate their proposed algorithm on several benchmark problems and show that it outperforms other state-of-the-art DP-SCO algorithms, including the nearly tight black-box auditing of differentially private algorithms and the new linear scaling rule for private adaptive hyperparameter tuning.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong theoretical analysis of the optimal convergence rates for DP-SCO, which is an important problem in differentially private machine learning. The authors' derivation of tight upper and lower bounds on the convergence rates is a significant contribution to the field.

One potential limitation of the work is that the analysis is focused on the single-epoch setting, which may not capture the full complexity of real-world optimization problems that often require multiple training epochs. It would be valuable to see an extension of this work to the multi-epoch case.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the practical implications of the derived optimal rates, such as the trade-offs between privacy, convergence speed, and other factors that may be relevant in real-world applications. A more in-depth discussion of these practical considerations would be helpful for readers interested in applying the proposed techniques.

Finally, the paper could be strengthened by addressing potential issues or concerns with the proposed optimal algorithm, such as its computational complexity, memory requirements, or the sensitivity of its performance to hyperparameter tuning. A more comprehensive evaluation of the algorithm's practical performance would be valuable.

Overall, this paper makes a significant theoretical contribution to the field of differentially private machine learning, but could be further enhanced by addressing some of the practical considerations and potential limitations of the work.


This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the optimal convergence rates for differentially private stochastic compositional optimization (DP-SCO) with a single training epoch and large batches. The authors derive tight upper and lower bounds on the convergence rates, showing that the optimal rate is proportional to the inverse square root of the privacy parameter and the inverse square root of the batch size.

The paper also provides an optimal algorithm that can achieve these derived optimal convergence rates, and demonstrates its effectiveness through numerical experiments. This work advances the state of the art in differentially private machine learning by characterizing the fundamental limits of DP-SCO and offering an optimal solution to this important problem.

The insights and techniques developed in this paper could have significant implications for the design and deployment of privacy-preserving machine learning systems in a wide range of real-world applications, from healthcare to finance to social media. Further research and development in this area could lead to even more efficient and effective ways of balancing the trade-offs between model accuracy, privacy, and computational efficiency.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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