OwLore: Outlier-weighed Layerwise Sampled Low-Rank Projection for Memory-Efficient LLM Fine-tuning






Published 5/29/2024 by Pengxiang Li, Lu Yin, Xiaowei Gao, Shiwei Liu
OwLore: Outlier-weighed Layerwise Sampled Low-Rank Projection for Memory-Efficient LLM Fine-tuning


The rapid advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized various natural language processing tasks. However, the substantial size of LLMs presents significant challenges in training or fine-tuning. While parameter-efficient approaches such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA) have gained popularity, they often compromise performance compared to full-rank fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose Outlier-weighed Layerwise Sampled Low-Rank Projection (OwLore), a new memory-efficient fine-tuning approach, inspired by the layerwise outlier distribution of LLMs, which dynamically samples pre-trained layers to fine-tune instead of adding additional adaptors. We first interpret the outlier phenomenon through the lens of Heavy-Tailed Self-Regularization theory (HT-SR), discovering that layers with more outliers tend to be more heavy-tailed and consequently better trained. Inspired by this finding, OwLore strategically assigns higher sampling probabilities to layers with more outliers to better leverage the knowledge stored in pre-trained LLMs. To further mitigate the memory demands of fine-tuning, we integrate gradient low-rank projection into our approach, which facilitates each layer to be efficiently trained in a low-rank manner. By incorporating the efficient characteristics of low-rank and optimal layerwise sampling, OwLore significantly improves the memory-performance trade-off in LLM pruning. Our extensive experiments across various architectures, including LLaMa2, LLaMa3, and Mistral, demonstrate that OwLore consistently outperforms baseline approaches, including full fine-tuning. Specifically, it achieves up to a 1.1% average accuracy gain on the Commonsense Reasoning benchmark, a 3.0% improvement on MMLU, and a notable 10% boost on MT-Bench, while being more memory efficient. OwLore allows us to fine-tune LLaMa2-7B with only 21GB of memory.

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  • Introduces a new method called OwLore (Outlier-weighed Layerwise Sampled Low-Rank Projection) for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) more efficiently
  • Aims to address challenges like catastrophic forgetting and high memory/compute requirements in LLM fine-tuning
  • Proposes a layerwise importance sampling approach to selectively fine-tune only the most relevant parts of the model

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 are extremely powerful, but fine-tuning them for specific tasks can be challenging. One major issue is "catastrophic forgetting" - when fine-tuning the model on a new task, it can forget important knowledge it had learned previously.

The OwLore method proposed in this paper tries to address this by selectively fine-tuning only the most important parts of the LLM. It does this through a technique called "layerwise importance sampling." The key idea is to identify the most important neurons or features in each layer of the model, and only update those during fine-tuning. This helps the model retain more of its original knowledge while still adapting to the new task.

OwLore also incorporates an "outlier weighting" approach to give more importance to rare but important features during fine-tuning. This can help the model better capture nuanced information that may be critical for certain tasks.

By fine-tuning the model more selectively, OwLore aims to achieve similar performance to full fine-tuning, but with much lower memory and compute requirements. This could make it easier and more practical to adapt large language models to a wide range of applications.

Technical Explanation

The OwLore method builds on prior work like LISA and LoRA, which also explored selective fine-tuning approaches to improve efficiency. However, OwLore introduces some novel components:

  1. Layerwise Importance Sampling: The model first identifies the most important neurons/features in each layer of the LLM using a layerwise importance scoring metric. Only the top-ranked features in each layer are then fine-tuned, reducing the overall number of parameters updated.

  2. Outlier Weighting: The importance scoring also incorporates an "outlier weighting" factor, giving higher priority to rare but potentially critical features. This helps the model better capture nuanced information.

  3. Low-Rank Projection: The fine-tuned updates are applied through a low-rank projection, further reducing the memory footprint compared to full fine-tuning approaches like LoRA.

The authors evaluate OwLore on various benchmark tasks and show it can achieve comparable performance to full fine-tuning, while using much less memory and compute resources. This makes it a promising approach for efficiently adapting large language models to different applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed study with thorough experiments to validate the OwLore method. The authors provide a clear technical explanation of the approach and situate it within the context of related work.

One potential limitation is that the evaluation is primarily focused on standard NLP benchmarks. It would be interesting to see how OwLore performs on more specialized or domain-specific tasks, where the ability to capture nuanced information could be particularly important.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential for negative societal impacts of these types of efficient fine-tuning techniques. As LLMs become more widely deployed, it will be crucial to consider issues of fairness and responsible AI development.

Overall, the OwLore method appears to be a valuable contribution to the ongoing research on making large language models more flexible and practical to deploy. However, as with any powerful AI technology, careful consideration of its implications and limitations will be essential.


The OwLore paper presents an innovative approach to fine-tuning large language models more efficiently. By selectively updating only the most important parts of the model using layerwise importance sampling and outlier weighting, OwLore can achieve similar performance to full fine-tuning while using much less memory and compute resources.

This type of selective fine-tuning technique could make it more practical to adapt powerful LLMs to a wide range of applications, from language generation to task-specific AI assistants. As the field of large language models continues to evolve, methods like OwLore will likely play an important role in unlocking their full potential.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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