P4Control: Line-Rate Cross-Host Attack Prevention via In-Network Information Flow Control Enabled by Programmable Switches and eBPF






Published 5/27/2024 by Osama Bajaber, Bo Ji, Peng Gao
P4Control: Line-Rate Cross-Host Attack Prevention via In-Network Information Flow Control Enabled by Programmable Switches and eBPF


Modern targeted attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats use multiple hosts as stepping stones and move laterally across them to gain deeper access to the network. However, existing defenses lack end-to-end information flow visibility across hosts and cannot block cross-host attack traffic in real time. In this paper, we propose P4Control, a network defense system that precisely confines end-to-end information flows in a network and prevents cross-host attacks at line rate. P4Control introduces a novel in-network decentralized information flow control (DIFC) mechanism and is the first work that enforces DIFC at the network level at network line rate. This is achieved through: (1) an in-network primitive based on programmable switches for tracking inter-host information flows and enforcing line-rate DIFC policies; (2) a lightweight eBPF-based primitive deployed on hosts for tracking intra-host information flows. P4Control also provides an expressive policy framework for specifying DIFC policies against different attack scenarios. We conduct extensive evaluations to show that P4Control can effectively prevent cross-host attacks in real time, while maintaining line-rate network performance and imposing minimal overhead on the network and host machines. It is also noteworthy that P4Control can facilitate the realization of a zero trust architecture through its fine-grained least-privilege network access control.

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  • The paper introduces P4Control, a system that uses programmable switches and eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) to prevent cross-host attacks in computer networks at line rate.
  • P4Control aims to provide in-network information flow control, ensuring that network traffic is restricted to only authorized communication patterns between hosts.
  • The key innovation is the use of programmable switches and eBPF to enforce these communication policies efficiently and at high speeds, without relying on end-host software.

Plain English Explanation

In computer networks, there is a risk of attacks that span across multiple hosts, where a compromised machine can be used to launch attacks on other machines. P4Control: Line-Rate Cross-Host Attack Prevention via In-Network Information Flow Control Enabled by Programmable Switches and eBPF is a system that tries to prevent these cross-host attacks by controlling the flow of information in the network.

The core idea is to have the network switches themselves enforce strict rules on which hosts can communicate with each other. These rules are programmed into the switches using a language called P4, which allows the switches to be customized and reprogrammed. Additionally, the system uses a technology called eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) to further enhance the enforcement of these communication policies.

By handling this access control and communication monitoring within the network, rather than relying on software running on each individual host, P4Control can operate at very high speeds, preventing attacks in real-time as network traffic flows through the switches. This is in contrast to solutions that depend on end-host software, which can be slower and more vulnerable to evasion by sophisticated attackers.

Technical Explanation

P4Control is designed to provide line-rate cross-host attack prevention by leveraging programmable switches and eBPF. The key components of the system are:

  1. P4 Programmable Switches: The network switches are programmed using the P4 language to implement custom packet processing logic. This allows the switches to enforce fine-grained communication policies between hosts, restricting traffic based on attributes like source, destination, and protocol.

  2. eBPF Integration: The system also integrates eBPF, a powerful in-kernel programming framework, to further enhance the enforcement of communication policies. eBPF allows the injection of custom code directly into the kernel of the switch operating system, enabling more sophisticated monitoring and control of network traffic.

  3. Policy Management: P4Control provides a centralized policy management system, where network administrators can define and update the allowed communication patterns between hosts. These policies are then automatically translated into the appropriate P4 and eBPF rules and deployed to the network switches.

The key technical innovation is the combination of programmable switches and eBPF, which enables P4Control to perform efficient, line-rate information flow control in the network. By handling access control and monitoring within the network infrastructure, rather than relying on end-host software, P4Control can provide robust protection against cross-host attacks without introducing significant performance overhead.

Critical Analysis

The P4Control system presents a promising approach to preventing cross-host attacks, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Complexity of Policy Management: While the centralized policy management system is convenient, maintaining and updating communication policies across a large, complex network may still be a significant challenge for network administrators.

  2. Dependency on Programmable Switches: The effectiveness of P4Control is dependent on the availability of programmable network switches. Not all networks may have access to such hardware, which could limit the adoption of the system.

  3. Potential for Evasion: While P4Control aims to provide robust protection, it's possible that sophisticated attackers could find ways to evade the system's detection and enforcement mechanisms, particularly if they have detailed knowledge of the underlying P4 and eBPF implementations.

  4. Performance Impact on Network: Although the paper claims that P4Control operates at line rate, the additional processing required by the programmable switches and eBPF could still have some impact on overall network performance, especially in high-traffic environments.

To address these concerns, future research could explore ways to simplify policy management, expand the system's compatibility with a wider range of network hardware, and investigate potential evasion techniques and countermeasures. Additionally, more extensive performance evaluations in real-world network scenarios would help validate the scalability and efficiency of the P4Control approach.


P4Control presents an innovative solution to the problem of cross-host attacks in computer networks. By leveraging programmable switches and eBPF, the system can enforce fine-grained communication policies at line rate, effectively preventing unauthorized access and information flow between hosts.

The key strength of P4Control is its ability to perform this critical security function within the network infrastructure, rather than relying on end-host software. This approach allows for robust, high-speed protection against attacks without introducing significant performance overhead.

While the system has some potential limitations, the underlying concepts and techniques employed by P4Control represent an important step forward in the field of network security. As programmable network hardware and in-kernel technologies like eBPF continue to evolve, solutions like P4Control may become increasingly valuable in safeguarding modern, interconnected computing environments.

Optimal Flow Admission Control for Edge Computing via the combination of programmable switches and in-network processing could serve as a model for future research and development in this area, with the goal of creating more secure and resilient computer networks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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