Pandora's White-Box: Precise Training Data Detection and Extraction in Large Language Models






Published 6/26/2024 by Jeffrey G. Wang, Jason Wang, Marvin Li, Seth Neel



In this paper we develop state-of-the-art privacy attacks against Large Language Models (LLMs), where an adversary with some access to the model tries to learn something about the underlying training data. Our headline results are new membership inference attacks (MIAs) against pretrained LLMs that perform hundreds of times better than baseline attacks, and a pipeline showing that over 50% (!) of the fine-tuning dataset can be extracted from a fine-tuned LLM in natural settings. We consider varying degrees of access to the underlying model, pretraining and fine-tuning data, and both MIAs and training data extraction. For pretraining data, we propose two new MIAs: a supervised neural network classifier that predicts training data membership on the basis of (dimensionality-reduced) model gradients, as well as a variant of this attack that only requires logit access to the model by leveraging recent model-stealing work on LLMs. To our knowledge this is the first MIA that explicitly incorporates model-stealing information. Both attacks outperform existing black-box baselines, and our supervised attack closes the gap between MIA attack success against LLMs and the strongest known attacks for other machine learning models. In fine-tuning, we find that a simple attack based on the ratio of the loss between the base and fine-tuned models is able to achieve near-perfect MIA performance; we then leverage our MIA to extract a large fraction of the fine-tuning dataset from fine-tuned Pythia and Llama models. Our code is available at

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  • This paper presents a template for citing AI research papers in the PRIME AI style.
  • The template includes standard citation elements such as author names, paper title, page numbers, and DOI.
  • The paper aims to provide a consistent format for citing AI research, which can help improve readability and discoverability of these works.

Plain English Explanation

The provided paper is a template for how to properly cite AI research papers using the PRIME AI style. PRIME AI Style Citation: Authors. Title. Pages…. DOI:000000/11111. This style includes the key elements you'd expect to see in any citation, such as the author names, the title of the paper, the page numbers, and the digital object identifier (DOI) which provides a unique link to the paper. By having a standardized format, it can make it easier to read and find AI research papers, which is important as this field continues to grow rapidly. The template provided in the paper aims to ensure citations for AI papers are consistent and informative.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a template for citation of AI research papers in the PRIME AI style. The key elements included are:

  • Author names
  • Paper title
  • Page numbers
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

This standardized format is intended to improve the readability and discoverability of AI research papers, as the field continues to expand. The template ensures key information is provided in a consistent way across citations.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a useful standardized template for citing AI research, which can help address challenges around readability and findability as the field grows. However, the template itself is quite basic and does not include more advanced citation elements that may be valuable, such as publication date, journal name, volume/issue number, etc. There may be opportunities to expand the template to be more comprehensive.

Additionally, the widespread adoption of this citation style would rely on it being broadly accepted by the AI research community. The paper does not discuss any efforts to promote or standardize the use of this PRIME AI citation style.


This paper presents a simple template for citing AI research papers in a consistent PRIME AI style. The template includes core citation elements like author names, paper title, page numbers, and DOI. Standardizing citations in this way could improve the readability and discoverability of AI research as the field continues to expand rapidly. However, the template is basic and its broader adoption would require concerted efforts to promote its use within the AI community.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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