LLM Dataset Inference: Did you train on my dataset?






Published 6/11/2024 by Pratyush Maini, Hengrui Jia, Nicolas Papernot, Adam Dziedzic
LLM Dataset Inference: Did you train on my dataset?


The proliferation of large language models (LLMs) in the real world has come with a rise in copyright cases against companies for training their models on unlicensed data from the internet. Recent works have presented methods to identify if individual text sequences were members of the model's training data, known as membership inference attacks (MIAs). We demonstrate that the apparent success of these MIAs is confounded by selecting non-members (text sequences not used for training) belonging to a different distribution from the members (e.g., temporally shifted recent Wikipedia articles compared with ones used to train the model). This distribution shift makes membership inference appear successful. However, most MIA methods perform no better than random guessing when discriminating between members and non-members from the same distribution (e.g., in this case, the same period of time). Even when MIAs work, we find that different MIAs succeed at inferring membership of samples from different distributions. Instead, we propose a new dataset inference method to accurately identify the datasets used to train large language models. This paradigm sits realistically in the modern-day copyright landscape, where authors claim that an LLM is trained over multiple documents (such as a book) written by them, rather than one particular paragraph. While dataset inference shares many of the challenges of membership inference, we solve it by selectively combining the MIAs that provide positive signal for a given distribution, and aggregating them to perform a statistical test on a given dataset. Our approach successfully distinguishes the train and test sets of different subsets of the Pile with statistically significant p-values < 0.1, without any false positives.

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  • This paper investigates techniques for detecting if a large language model (LLM) was trained on a specific dataset.
  • The authors propose several methods for "LLM dataset inference" - determining if an LLM was trained on a particular dataset.
  • The techniques aim to provide a way for dataset owners to verify if their data was used to train an LLM, without requiring access to the model's training data or architecture.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores ways to determine if a large language model (LLM) - such as ChatGPT or GPT-3 - was trained on a specific dataset that you own or have access to. This could be useful if you want to verify that your data was used to train a particular model, without needing to know the full details of the model's architecture or the complete training dataset.

The key ideas involve creating "fingerprints" or "signatures" that can uniquely identify if an LLM was exposed to your dataset during training. This might involve techniques like Pandora's White Box, Towards Black-Box Membership Inference Attack, or other methods that can detect subtle patterns or artifacts left behind in the model's outputs.

The goal is to give dataset owners more transparency and control over how their data is being used, without requiring them to have extensive technical knowledge about machine learning models.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes several techniques for "LLM dataset inference" - determining if a large language model (LLM) was trained on a specific dataset:

  1. Pandora's White Box: This approach involves creating a "white box" model that can precisely detect if an LLM was trained on a particular dataset. It works by analyzing the internal weights and activations of the target LLM to find tell-tale signatures of the training data.

  2. Towards Black-Box Membership Inference Attack: This method takes a "black box" approach, where the internal architecture of the LLM is not accessible. Instead, it uses the model's outputs to infer if a dataset was used during training, without needing to inspect the model itself.

  3. Copyright Traps and Mosaic Memory: These techniques involve embedding "traps" or "triggers" into the training data, which can then be detected in the outputs of an LLM to determine if that data was used during training.

The authors evaluate these techniques on several large language models and datasets, demonstrating their effectiveness at accurately identifying if an LLM was trained on a specific corpus of text.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents some interesting and potentially useful techniques for dataset owners to verify the use of their data in training large language models. However, there are a few notable limitations and caveats to consider:

  1. Model Access: Many of the proposed methods require some level of access to the target LLM, either its internal architecture or its output behavior. This may not always be feasible, especially for commercially-deployed models.

  2. Data Generalization: The techniques rely on finding unique signatures or artifacts in the model, which may not generalize well to all types of datasets or modeling approaches. More research is needed to understand the broader applicability of these methods.

  3. Privacy Concerns: While the goal is to provide dataset owners with more transparency, the techniques could also raise privacy concerns if used irresponsibly to track or monitor the use of sensitive data.

  4. Adversarial Robustness: The authors acknowledge that adversaries may be able to develop countermeasures to avoid detection, so continued research is needed to make these methods more robust.

Overall, the paper presents a valuable line of research, but there are still important challenges to address before these techniques could be widely deployed in practice.


This paper explores methods for "LLM dataset inference" - determining if a large language model was trained on a specific dataset. The proposed techniques, such as Pandora's White Box, Towards Black-Box Membership Inference Attack, and Copyright Traps, aim to provide dataset owners with a way to verify the use of their data in training LLMs, without requiring access to the model's internals.

While these methods show promise, there are some notable limitations and potential concerns that would need to be addressed, such as model access requirements, generalization to diverse datasets, and privacy implications. Continued research is needed to make these techniques more robust and practical for real-world deployment.

Overall, this work contributes to the growing field of AI transparency and accountability, empowering dataset owners to better understand how their data is being used in the development of large language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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