Parameter Estimation in DAGs from Incomplete Data via Optimal Transport

Read original: arXiv:2305.15927 - Published 6/4/2024 by Vy Vo, Trung Le, Tung-Long Vuong, He Zhao, Edwin Bonilla, Dinh Phung
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  • Estimating parameters of a probabilistic directed graphical model from incomplete data is a long-standing challenge.
  • Existing learning methods are based on likelihood maximization, but this paper offers a new perspective through the lens of optimal transport.
  • The proposed framework can operate on any directed graphs without making unrealistic assumptions about the posterior over latent variables or resorting to variational approximations.
  • The method is shown to effectively recover ground-truth parameters and perform comparably or better than competing baselines on downstream applications.

Plain English Explanation

Probabilistic directed graphical models are a powerful tool for representing complex relationships between variables. However, estimating the parameters of these models can be challenging, especially when some of the data is missing. Existing techniques typically rely on maximizing the likelihood of the observed data, but this can be computationally intractable and require making simplifying assumptions.

This paper takes a different approach by framing the parameter learning problem through the lens of optimal transport. Optimal transport is a mathematical framework for comparing and aligning probability distributions, and the authors show how it can be applied to directed graphical models without requiring restrictive assumptions about the structure of the model or the nature of the missing data.

The key idea is to find the set of model parameters that minimizes the "distance" between the observed data and the predictions of the model, as measured by an optimal transport metric. This approach is more flexible and robust than traditional likelihood-based methods, and the authors demonstrate its effectiveness on a range of experiments, showing that it can recover the true model parameters and outperform competing techniques on downstream tasks.

The paper introduces a theoretical framework for this optimal transport-based approach and provides extensive empirical evidence to support its versatility and robustness. The authors also explore extensions of the technique, such as leveraging semantic information and assessing model performance on unseen domains.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel framework for learning the parameters of probabilistic directed graphical models from incomplete data. Rather than relying on traditional likelihood-based methods, the authors formulate the parameter learning problem as an optimal transport optimization problem.

Specifically, the goal is to find the set of model parameters that minimizes the optimal transport distance between the observed data and the predictions of the model. This approach has several key advantages:

  1. Flexibility: The framework can be applied to any directed graphical model without making restrictive assumptions about the structure of the model or the nature of the missing data.
  2. Robustness: By using an optimal transport metric, the method is more resilient to outliers and noise in the data compared to likelihood-based techniques.
  3. Computational tractability: The optimal transport optimization problem can be solved efficiently using convex optimization techniques, avoiding the need for computationally expensive variational approximations.

The authors develop a theoretical framework for this optimal transport-based approach and support it with extensive empirical evaluation. They demonstrate the method's ability to accurately recover ground-truth model parameters across a variety of synthetic and real-world datasets, and show that it performs comparably or better than competing baselines on downstream applications.

Additionally, the authors explore several extensions of the core technique, such as leveraging semantic information to improve the optimal transport metric (SP-Dollar2Dollar-OT) and assessing model performance on unseen domains (Test-Time Assessment).

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and theoretically grounded approach to the long-standing challenge of learning probabilistic graphical models from incomplete data. The authors' use of optimal transport provides a flexible and robust alternative to traditional likelihood-based methods, and the empirical results demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of their framework.

One potential limitation of the approach is the need to specify the optimal transport metric, which can have a significant impact on the performance of the method. While the authors explore the use of semantic information to improve the metric, it would be valuable to investigate more automated or data-driven ways of selecting the optimal transport cost function.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on parameter estimation and does not address the problem of model structure learning, which is another key challenge in probabilistic graphical modeling. Extending the optimal transport framework to also infer the underlying graph structure would be an interesting direction for future research.

Finally, while the authors demonstrate the method's performance on a range of datasets, it would be helpful to see more real-world applications and an analysis of the method's scalability to large-scale problems. Exploring the use of this approach in practical domains, such as recommendation systems or biological networks, could further showcase its utility and impact.

Overall, this paper offers a novel and promising perspective on the problem of learning probabilistic graphical models from incomplete data, and the authors' optimal transport-based framework represents an important contribution to the field.


This paper presents a new framework for learning the parameters of probabilistic directed graphical models from incomplete data. By formulating the problem as an optimal transport optimization, the authors introduce a flexible and robust approach that can operate on a wide range of model structures without making restrictive assumptions.

The key innovation of this work is the use of optimal transport metrics to align the observed data with the predictions of the model, rather than relying on traditional likelihood-based methods. This approach has been shown to effectively recover ground-truth parameters and outperform competing baselines on downstream applications.

The paper's theoretical analysis and extensive empirical evaluation demonstrate the versatility and promise of this optimal transport-based parameter learning framework. While the method has some limitations, such as the need to specify the optimal transport metric, the authors' contributions represent an important step forward in addressing the long-standing challenge of learning from incomplete data in probabilistic graphical modeling.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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