PEFSL: A deployment Pipeline for Embedded Few-Shot Learning on a FPGA SoC






Published 5/1/2024 by Lucas Grativol Ribeiro (IMT Atlantique - MEE, Lab_STICC_BRAIn, Lab-STICC_2AI, LHC), Lubin Gauthier (Lab_STICC_BRAIn, IMT Atlantique - MEE), Mathieu Leonardon (IMT Atlantique - MEE, Lab_STICC_BRAIn), J'er'emy Morlier (IMT Atlantique - MEE, Lab_STICC_BRAIn) and 8 others



This paper tackles the challenges of implementing few-shot learning on embedded systems, specifically FPGA SoCs, a vital approach for adapting to diverse classification tasks, especially when the costs of data acquisition or labeling prove to be prohibitively high. Our contributions encompass the development of an end-to-end open-source pipeline for a few-shot learning platform for object classification on a FPGA SoCs. The pipeline is built on top of the Tensil open-source framework, facilitating the design, training, evaluation, and deployment of DNN backbones tailored for few-shot learning. Additionally, we showcase our work's potential by building and deploying a low-power, low-latency demonstrator trained on the MiniImageNet dataset with a dataflow architecture. The proposed system has a latency of 30 ms while consuming 6.2 W on the PYNQ-Z1 board.

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  • This paper addresses the challenges of implementing few-shot learning on embedded systems, specifically FPGA SoCs.
  • The researchers developed an end-to-end open-source pipeline for a few-shot learning platform for object classification on FPGA SoCs, built on the Tensil open-source framework.
  • They showcase a low-power, low-latency demonstrator trained on the MiniImageNet dataset with a dataflow architecture, which has a latency of 30 ms and consumes 6.2 W on the PYNQ-Z1 board.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the challenge of enabling few-shot learning on embedded systems, like the system-on-a-chip (SoC) found in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Few-shot learning is an important approach for adapting to diverse classification tasks, especially when acquiring or labeling data is expensive.

The researchers developed an end-to-end pipeline that allows for the design, training, evaluation, and deployment of deep neural network (DNN) models tailored for few-shot learning on FPGA SoCs. This pipeline is built using the Tensil open-source framework, which simplifies the process of working with these specialized hardware platforms.

As a demonstration, the researchers created a low-power, low-latency system for object classification using the MiniImageNet dataset. This system runs on a PYNQ-Z1 board and has a latency of just 30 milliseconds while consuming only 6.2 watts of power. This shows the potential of FPGA-based spatial acceleration for few-shot learning on embedded devices.

Technical Explanation

The researchers developed an end-to-end open-source pipeline for a few-shot learning platform on FPGA SoCs. This pipeline is built on top of the Tensil open-source framework, which facilitates the design, training, evaluation, and deployment of DNN backbones tailored for few-shot learning.

As a demonstration, the researchers built and deployed a low-power, low-latency system trained on the MiniImageNet dataset. This system uses a dataflow architecture and runs on the PYNQ-Z1 board, achieving a latency of 30 ms while consuming 6.2 W of power.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution by addressing the challenges of implementing few-shot learning on FPGA SoCs, which are important for enabling adaptive and efficient machine learning on embedded devices. The researchers' development of an open-source pipeline built on the Tensil framework is a significant step forward in making this technology more accessible.

However, the paper does not provide extensive details on the specific DNN architectures or training methodologies used, which would be helpful for understanding the technical details of their approach. Additionally, the researchers could have discussed the potential limitations of their system, such as the scalability to larger datasets or the generalization capabilities of the few-shot learning models.

Further research could explore the potential for FPGA-based spatial acceleration of large-scale few-shot learning models, as well as investigate ways to leverage pre-trained vision-language transformers or semantically-aided few-shot learning to further enhance the performance and efficiency of these embedded systems.


This paper presents an important step towards enabling few-shot learning on embedded FPGA SoCs, which is crucial for adapting machine learning models to diverse classification tasks with limited data. The researchers' development of an open-source pipeline built on the Tensil framework, along with their demonstration of a low-power, low-latency object classification system, showcases the potential of this approach. As the field of embedded FPGA developments continues to advance, this work paves the way for more efficient and adaptive machine learning on edge devices.

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