Permutation invariant functions: statistical tests, density estimation, and computationally efficient embedding






Published 5/10/2024 by Wee Chaimanowong, Ying Zhu



Permutation invariance is among the most common symmetry that can be exploited to simplify complex problems in machine learning (ML). There has been a tremendous surge of research activities in building permutation invariant ML architectures. However, less attention is given to: (1) how to statistically test for permutation invariance of coordinates in a random vector where the dimension is allowed to grow with the sample size; (2) how to leverage permutation invariance in estimation problems and how does it help reduce dimensions. In this paper, we take a step back and examine these questions in several fundamental problems: (i) testing the assumption of permutation invariance of multivariate distributions; (ii) estimating permutation invariant densities; (iii) analyzing the metric entropy of permutation invariant function classes and compare them with their counterparts without imposing permutation invariance; (iv) deriving an embedding of permutation invariant reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for efficient computation. In particular, our methods for (i) and (iv) are based on a sorting trick and (ii) is based on an averaging trick. These tricks substantially simplify the exploitation of permutation invariance.

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  • The paper explores the statistical and computational aspects of exploiting permutation invariance in machine learning problems.
  • It addresses key questions about testing for permutation invariance, estimating permutation invariant densities, and efficiently computing in permutation invariant function spaces.
  • The authors propose novel techniques, such as a "sorting trick" and an "averaging trick," to simplify the use of permutation invariance in these fundamental problems.

Plain English Explanation

Permutation invariance is an important symmetry that machine learning models can take advantage of to simplify complex problems. Permutation invariant neural networks are a prime example of this concept in action. However, the statistical and computational aspects of using permutation invariance have not been fully explored.

This paper aims to address some key questions in this area. First, it looks at how to test whether the coordinates of a random vector are truly permutation invariant, even as the dimensionality of the vector grows. This is important for assessing the invariance of representations learned by machine learning models.

Next, the paper examines how to estimate probability distributions that are permutation invariant. This could be useful for modeling data with inherent symmetries, such as the arrangement of atoms in a molecule.

The authors also analyze the complexity of permutation invariant function classes, comparing them to their non-invariant counterparts. This provides insights into the statistical properties of invariant representations and how they might behave in machine learning tasks.

Finally, the paper proposes an efficient way to compute in permutation invariant function spaces, using a clever "embedding" technique. This could lead to more scalable machine learning methods that exploit symmetries in data.

Overall, this work takes a deeper look at the theoretical and practical aspects of leveraging permutation invariance in machine learning, providing tools and insights that could benefit a wide range of applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by highlighting the importance of permutation invariance as a common symmetry that can be exploited to simplify complex machine learning problems. However, the authors note that there has been limited research into the statistical and computational aspects of using permutation invariance.

To address this gap, the paper examines several fundamental problems:

  1. Testing for permutation invariance: The authors propose a method to statistically test whether the coordinates of a random vector are permutation invariant, even as the dimensionality of the vector grows with the sample size. This is based on a "sorting trick" that simplifies the testing procedure.

  2. Estimating permutation invariant densities: The paper presents an approach for estimating probability distributions that are permutation invariant. This "averaging trick" involves taking the average of all permutations of the input data to obtain the permutation invariant density estimate.

  3. Analyzing metric entropy: The authors derive bounds on the metric entropy (a measure of function class complexity) for permutation invariant function classes and compare them to their non-invariant counterparts. This provides insights into the statistical properties of permutation invariant representations.

  4. Efficient computation in permutation invariant spaces: Finally, the paper proposes an embedding technique that allows for efficient computation in permutation invariant reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. This could enable more scalable machine learning methods that exploit symmetries in data.

Throughout the paper, the authors demonstrate how their proposed "tricks" can substantially simplify the exploitation of permutation invariance in these fundamental problems, paving the way for more advanced applications of this important symmetry in machine learning.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes valuable contributions by addressing key statistical and computational challenges in leveraging permutation invariance for machine learning. The proposed methods, such as the sorting and averaging tricks, provide practical solutions to problems that have received relatively little attention in the literature.

One potential limitation of the work is that it focuses primarily on the theoretical and mathematical aspects of permutation invariance, without extensive empirical validation. While the authors provide some illustrative examples, more comprehensive experiments on real-world datasets could further demonstrate the benefits and practical implications of their techniques.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the broader context of how permutation invariance relates to other types of symmetries and invariances in machine learning, such as translation, rotation, or scale invariance. Exploring the connections and potential synergies between these different forms of invariance could lead to a more holistic understanding of the role of symmetries in machine learning.

Furthermore, the paper does not address potential challenges or caveats that may arise when applying these techniques in practice. For example, the sensitivity of the proposed tests for permutation invariance to factors like noise, outliers, or sample size could be important considerations for real-world deployment.

Despite these minor limitations, the paper represents a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on exploiting symmetries in machine learning. The authors' insights and techniques could inspire further advancements in this area, potentially leading to more efficient, robust, and interpretable machine learning models across a wide range of applications.


This paper takes a deep dive into the statistical and computational aspects of leveraging permutation invariance in machine learning. By addressing key questions around testing for permutation invariance, estimating permutation invariant densities, analyzing function class complexities, and efficiently computing in permutation invariant spaces, the authors provide a comprehensive framework for better understanding and utilizing this important symmetry.

The proposed "sorting trick" and "averaging trick" demonstrate how permutation invariance can be exploited in a computationally efficient manner, potentially enabling more scalable and powerful machine learning models. These insights could have far-reaching implications, from modeling data with inherent symmetries to learning using statistical invariants.

Overall, this work represents a significant step forward in our understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of permutation invariance, and could inspire further advancements in the field of machine learning and beyond.

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