Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks to Simulate Physical Dynamics






Published 5/22/2024 by Liming Wu, Zhichao Hou, Jirui Yuan, Yu Rong, Wenbing Huang



Learning to represent and simulate the dynamics of physical systems is a crucial yet challenging task. Existing equivariant Graph Neural Network (GNN) based methods have encapsulated the symmetry of physics, emph{e.g.}, translations, rotations, etc, leading to better generalization ability. Nevertheless, their frame-to-frame formulation of the task overlooks the non-Markov property mainly incurred by unobserved dynamics in the environment. In this paper, we reformulate dynamics simulation as a spatio-temporal prediction task, by employing the trajectory in the past period to recover the Non-Markovian interactions. We propose Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks (ESTAG), an equivariant version of spatio-temporal GNNs, to fulfill our purpose. At its core, we design a novel Equivariant Discrete Fourier Transform (EDFT) to extract periodic patterns from the history frames, and then construct an Equivariant Spatial Module (ESM) to accomplish spatial message passing, and an Equivariant Temporal Module (ETM) with the forward attention and equivariant pooling mechanisms to aggregate temporal message. We evaluate our model on three real datasets corresponding to the molecular-, protein- and macro-level. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of ESTAG compared to typical spatio-temporal GNNs and equivariant GNNs.

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  • The paper proposes a new model called Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks (ESTAG) to simulate the dynamics of physical systems.
  • ESTAG builds on equivariant Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to capture the symmetry properties of physical systems, such as translation and rotation.
  • The key innovation is reformulating the dynamics simulation task as a spatio-temporal prediction problem, which allows the model to better handle non-Markovian (history-dependent) interactions.

Plain English Explanation

Physical systems, whether at the molecular, protein, or macro level, often exhibit complex dynamics that can be challenging to model and simulate. Existing equivariant Graph Neural Network (GNN) models have made progress by incorporating the underlying symmetries of physics, such as translations and rotations. However, these frame-to-frame formulations overlook the fact that the dynamics may depend on unobserved factors in the environment, leading to a non-Markovian (history-dependent) process.

The researchers behind this paper propose a new approach called Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks (ESTAG). The key idea is to reformulate the dynamics simulation task as a spatio-temporal prediction problem, where the model uses the past trajectory of the system to better capture the non-Markovian interactions. ESTAG builds on the concept of spatio-temporal GNNs and introduces several novel equivariant modules to handle the spatial and temporal aspects of the problem.

At the core of ESTAG is a novel Equivariant Discrete Fourier Transform (EDFT) module, which extracts periodic patterns from the history frames. This is combined with an Equivariant Spatial Module (ESM) for spatial message passing and an Equivariant Temporal Module (ETM) that uses forward attention and equivariant pooling to aggregate temporal information. The use of Fourier-based representations is inspired by recent work on evolving Fourier transforms.

The researchers evaluate ESTAG on three real-world datasets spanning the molecular, protein, and macro levels. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach compared to typical spatio-temporal GNNs and equivariant GNNs, highlighting the importance of capturing both the spatial and temporal aspects of physical system dynamics.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel model called Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks (ESTAG) to address the task of learning and simulating the dynamics of physical systems. ESTAG builds upon the success of equivariant Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in capturing the symmetry properties of physical systems, such as translations and rotations.

The key innovation of ESTAG is the reformulation of the dynamics simulation task as a spatio-temporal prediction problem. This allows the model to better handle the non-Markovian (history-dependent) interactions that can arise from unobserved dynamics in the environment, which are not well-captured by existing frame-to-frame GNN formulations.

At the core of ESTAG are three novel equivariant modules:

  1. Equivariant Discrete Fourier Transform (EDFT): This module extracts periodic patterns from the history frames, leveraging the insights from recent work on evolving Fourier transforms.

  2. Equivariant Spatial Module (ESM): This module performs spatial message passing to capture the spatial relationships between the elements of the physical system.

  3. Equivariant Temporal Module (ETM): This module aggregates temporal information using forward attention and equivariant pooling mechanisms, allowing the model to better capture the non-Markovian aspects of the dynamics.

The researchers evaluate ESTAG on three real-world datasets representing physical systems at the molecular, protein, and macro levels. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of ESTAG compared to typical spatio-temporal GNNs and equivariant GNNs, highlighting the importance of jointly modeling the spatial and temporal aspects of physical system dynamics.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to modeling the dynamics of physical systems by reformulating the task as a spatio-temporal prediction problem and introducing several novel equivariant modules. The use of the Equivariant Discrete Fourier Transform (EDFT) to extract periodic patterns from the history frames is a particularly interesting and well-motivated idea, drawing inspiration from recent work on evolving Fourier transforms.

One potential limitation of the study is the reliance on real-world datasets, which may not fully capture the complexity and diversity of physical systems. It would be interesting to see how ESTAG performs on more controlled, simulated environments where the ground truth dynamics are known. Additionally, the paper does not provide much insight into the computational complexity and training efficiency of the proposed model, which could be important considerations for practical applications.

Another area for further research could be the exploration of alternative temporal aggregation mechanisms beyond the forward attention and equivariant pooling used in the Equivariant Temporal Module (ETM). Techniques like Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformers may offer additional insights into effective ways to capture the non-Markovian aspects of physical system dynamics.

Overall, the paper presents an interesting and well-designed approach to tackling the challenging problem of learning and simulating physical system dynamics. The incorporation of equivariance and the reformulation of the task as a spatio-temporal prediction problem are promising directions that may inspire further advancements in this field.


The paper introduces Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks (ESTAG), a novel model for learning and simulating the dynamics of physical systems. ESTAG builds on the success of equivariant Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in capturing the symmetry properties of physical systems, while reformulating the dynamics simulation task as a spatio-temporal prediction problem.

The key innovations of ESTAG include the Equivariant Discrete Fourier Transform (EDFT) module for extracting periodic patterns from history frames, the Equivariant Spatial Module (ESM) for spatial message passing, and the Equivariant Temporal Module (ETM) that uses forward attention and equivariant pooling to aggregate temporal information.

Experimental results on real-world datasets spanning the molecular, protein, and macro levels demonstrate the effectiveness of ESTAG compared to typical spatio-temporal GNNs and equivariant GNNs. This highlights the importance of jointly modeling the spatial and temporal aspects of physical system dynamics, particularly in the presence of non-Markovian (history-dependent) interactions.

The proposed approach represents an exciting step forward in the field of physical system modeling and simulation, with potential applications in areas such as materials science, biomolecular engineering, and climate modeling. Future research could explore the performance of ESTAG on more controlled, simulated environments and investigate alternative temporal aggregation mechanisms to further enhance the model's capabilities.

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