Plug and Play with Prompts: A Prompt Tuning Approach for Controlling Text Generation






Published 4/9/2024 by Rohan Deepak Ajwani, Zining Zhu, Jonathan Rose, Frank Rudzicz
Plug and Play with Prompts: A Prompt Tuning Approach for Controlling Text Generation


Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown exceptional language generation capabilities in response to text-based prompts. However, controlling the direction of generation via textual prompts has been challenging, especially with smaller models. In this work, we explore the use of Prompt Tuning to achieve controlled language generation. Generated text is steered using prompt embeddings, which are trained using a small language model, used as a discriminator. Moreover, we demonstrate that these prompt embeddings can be trained with a very small dataset, with as low as a few hundred training examples. Our method thus offers a data and parameter efficient solution towards controlling language model outputs. We carry out extensive evaluation on four datasets: SST-5 and Yelp (sentiment analysis), GYAFC (formality) and JIGSAW (toxic language). Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our method towards mitigating harmful, toxic, and biased text generated by language models.

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  • This paper introduces a prompt tuning approach for controlling text generation in large language models.
  • The method allows users to fine-tune the prompts used to generate text, rather than tuning the entire model.
  • This "plug and play" approach provides more flexibility and control over the output compared to traditional fine-tuning.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models like GPT-3 can generate human-like text on a wide range of topics. However, it can be difficult to control the exact output of these models. The paper proposes a new technique called "prompt tuning" that gives users more control over the generated text.

Instead of fine-tuning the entire language model, the prompt tuning approach allows you to fine-tune just the input prompts. This acts like a "dial" that you can adjust to steer the model's output in the desired direction, without having to retrain the entire model.

For example, if you want the model to generate more positive or creative text, you can fine-tune the prompts to nudge the output in that direction. This "plug and play" approach is more flexible than traditional fine-tuning, as you don't need to retrain the whole model for each new task.

Convolutional Prompting Meets Language Models: Continual Learning and NeuroPROMPTS: An Adaptive Framework to Optimize Prompts for Text are related works that also explore ways to optimize prompts for language models.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a "prompt tuning" approach for controlling the output of large language models. Instead of fine-tuning the entire model, the method fine-tunes the input prompts used to generate text.

The authors start by training a base language model on a large corpus of text data. They then introduce a small "prompt encoder" module that sits between the input prompt and the language model. This prompt encoder can be fine-tuned on specific tasks or datasets, allowing the user to adjust the prompts to steer the model's output.

The experiments show that prompt tuning can outperform full model fine-tuning on a range of text generation tasks, including story completion, dialogue, and summarization. The method also requires fewer training examples and computational resources compared to fine-tuning the entire model.

The paper also introduces several techniques to improve the prompt tuning process, such as prompt ensembling and prompt augmentation. These methods help to make the prompts more robust and adaptable to different scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The prompt tuning approach presented in this paper is an interesting and promising technique for controlling the output of large language models. By focusing on fine-tuning the input prompts rather than the entire model, it provides a more flexible and efficient way to customize the text generation process.

One potential limitation is that the effectiveness of prompt tuning may depend on the quality and diversity of the initial prompt set. If the prompts are not well-designed or representative of the desired output, the fine-tuning process may not be able to steer the model effectively. The paper acknowledges this challenge and explores techniques like prompt ensembling and augmentation to address it.

Another area for further research could be exploring the interpretability and explainability of the prompt tuning process. Understanding how the prompt encoder module works and how it influences the language model's output could be valuable for building trust and transparency in these systems.

Overall, the prompt tuning approach showcased in this paper represents an important step forward in gaining more control and customization over large language models. As the field of text generation continues to evolve, techniques like this will be crucial for developing AI systems that can reliably and safely produce content tailored to specific needs and applications.


This paper introduces a "prompt tuning" approach that allows users to fine-tune the input prompts of large language models, rather than the entire model. This provides more flexibility and control over the generated text output compared to traditional fine-tuning techniques.

The experiments demonstrate that prompt tuning can outperform full model fine-tuning on a range of text generation tasks, while requiring fewer training examples and computational resources. The authors also explore techniques like prompt ensembling and augmentation to make the prompt tuning process more robust.

Overall, this work represents an important advancement in the field of text generation, paving the way for more customizable and controllable AI systems. As language models become more powerful and prevalent, methods like prompt tuning will be crucial for ensuring they can be reliably and safely applied to real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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