Poisson Variational Autoencoder






Published 5/24/2024 by Hadi Vafaii, Dekel Galor, Jacob L. Yates



Variational autoencoders (VAE) employ Bayesian inference to interpret sensory inputs, mirroring processes that occur in primate vision across both ventral (Higgins et al., 2021) and dorsal (Vafaii et al., 2023) pathways. Despite their success, traditional VAEs rely on continuous latent variables, which deviates sharply from the discrete nature of biological neurons. Here, we developed the Poisson VAE (P-VAE), a novel architecture that combines principles of predictive coding with a VAE that encodes inputs into discrete spike counts. Combining Poisson-distributed latent variables with predictive coding introduces a metabolic cost term in the model loss function, suggesting a relationship with sparse coding which we verify empirically. Additionally, we analyze the geometry of learned representations, contrasting the P-VAE to alternative VAE models. We find that the P-VAEencodes its inputs in relatively higher dimensions, facilitating linear separability of categories in a downstream classification task with a much better (5x) sample efficiency. Our work provides an interpretable computational framework to study brain-like sensory processing and paves the way for a deeper understanding of perception as an inferential process.

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  • This paper proposes a novel architecture called the Poisson Variational Autoencoder (P-VAE) that combines principles of predictive coding with a VAE that encodes inputs into discrete spike counts.
  • The P-VAE introduces a metabolic cost term in the model loss function, suggesting a relationship with sparse coding.
  • The paper analyzes the geometry of the learned representations and finds that the P-VAE encodes its inputs in relatively higher dimensions, facilitating linear separability of categories in a downstream classification task with much better sample efficiency.

Plain English Explanation

The human brain is incredibly efficient at processing sensory information, and researchers are constantly seeking to understand the underlying mechanisms. Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are a type of machine learning model that can mimic some of the brain's information processing, particularly in the visual system.

However, traditional VAEs use continuous latent variables, which don't align well with the discrete nature of biological neurons. The authors of this paper wanted to develop a more brain-like VAE model, so they created the Poisson VAE (P-VAE).

The P-VAE encodes inputs into discrete "spike counts" rather than continuous values. This introduces a metabolic cost term into the model, which suggests a connection to the brain's sparse coding mechanisms. In other words, the P-VAE learns to represent information efficiently, much like the brain does.

The paper also shows that the P-VAE's learned representations are encoded in a higher-dimensional space, which makes it easier to distinguish between different categories of input. This leads to better performance on a classification task, using far fewer training examples than other VAE models.

Overall, the P-VAE provides an interpretable computational framework for studying brain-like sensory processing, and it could help us better understand how the brain perceives and interprets the world around us.

Technical Explanation

The authors of this paper developed the Poisson Variational Autoencoder (P-VAE), a novel architecture that combines principles of predictive coding with a VAE that encodes inputs into discrete spike counts.

Traditional VAEs use continuous latent variables, which deviates from the discrete nature of biological neurons. In contrast, the P-VAE employs Poisson-distributed latent variables, which introduces a metabolic cost term in the model loss function. This suggests a relationship with sparse coding, which the authors verify empirically.

The paper also analyzes the geometry of the learned representations, comparing the P-VAE to alternative VAE models. The results show that the P-VAE encodes its inputs in relatively higher dimensions, which facilitates linear separability of categories in a downstream classification task with much better sample efficiency (5x).

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge that the P-VAE is a simplified model of biological neural processing and that further research is needed to understand the full complexity of sensory perception in the brain.

One potential limitation of the P-VAE is that it relies on Poisson-distributed latent variables, which may not capture all the nuances of real neural spike patterns. Additionally, the paper focuses on visual processing, and it's unclear how well the model would generalize to other sensory modalities.

Nevertheless, the P-VAE provides an important step towards developing more biologically plausible models of perception. By incorporating principles of predictive coding and sparse coding, the authors have created a framework that could lead to a deeper understanding of how the brain makes sense of the world.


The Poisson Variational Autoencoder (P-VAE) proposed in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of computational neuroscience. By combining VAE principles with Poisson-distributed latent variables and predictive coding, the authors have developed a model that more closely resembles the discrete, efficient processing of the human brain.

The P-VAE's superior performance on a classification task, using far fewer training examples than other VAE models, suggests that this approach could have important implications for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the insights gained from analyzing the geometry of the P-VAE's learned representations could help us better understand the fundamental mechanisms of sensory perception.

Overall, this paper provides a valuable contribution to our understanding of brain-like information processing and paves the way for further research in this exciting field.

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