Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent






Published 5/27/2024 by Yuki Takezawa, Han Bao, Ryoma Sato, Kenta Niwa, Makoto Yamada
Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent


Gradient descent and its variants are de facto standard algorithms for training machine learning models. As gradient descent is sensitive to its hyperparameters, we need to tune the hyperparameters carefully using a grid search, but it is time-consuming, especially when multiple hyperparameters exist. Recently, parameter-free methods that adjust the hyperparameters on the fly have been studied. However, the existing work only studied parameter-free methods for the stepsize, and parameter-free methods for other hyperparameters have not been explored. For instance, the gradient clipping threshold is also a crucial hyperparameter in addition to the stepsize to prevent gradient explosion issues, but none of the existing studies investigated the parameter-free methods for clipped gradient descent. In this work, we study the parameter-free methods for clipped gradient descent. Specifically, we propose Inexact Polyak Stepsize, which converges to the optimal solution without any hyperparameters tuning, and its convergence rate is asymptotically independent of L under L-smooth and $(L_0, L_1)$-smooth assumptions of the loss function as that of clipped gradient descent with well-tuned hyperparameters. We numerically validated our convergence results using a synthetic function and demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed methods using LSTM, Nano-GPT, and T5.

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  • Introduces a new optimization algorithm called Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent (PPCGD) that combines the strengths of Polyak step size adaptation and parameter-free clipped gradient descent
  • Aims to achieve stable and efficient optimization performance without the need to tune hyperparameters
  • Demonstrates the effectiveness of PPCGD on various machine learning tasks compared to other state-of-the-art methods

Plain English Explanation

Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent presents a new optimization algorithm that blends two powerful techniques - Polyak step size adaptation and parameter-free clipped gradient descent. The key idea is to leverage the strengths of these approaches to achieve stable and efficient optimization without the need for manual hyperparameter tuning.

Optimizing machine learning models often requires carefully adjusting various hyperparameters, which can be time-consuming and challenging, especially for non-experts. The proposed PPCGD algorithm aims to automate this process by dynamically adjusting the step size during the optimization process. It combines the adaptive step size of Polyak's method with the robustness of parameter-free clipped gradient descent, resulting in an optimization approach that can adapt to the problem at hand without the need for extensive hyperparameter tuning.

By evaluating PPCGD on various machine learning tasks, the authors demonstrate its effectiveness in achieving stable and efficient optimization performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods. This work contributes to the ongoing efforts in the field of adaptively inexact first-order methods and safeguarding adaptive optimization methods to develop optimization algorithms that are both robust and user-friendly.

Technical Explanation

Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent proposes a new optimization algorithm that combines the benefits of Polyak step size adaptation and parameter-free clipped gradient descent. The authors aim to achieve stable and efficient optimization performance without the need for manual hyperparameter tuning.

The algorithm, named Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent (PPCGD), leverages the adaptive step size of Polyak's method and the robustness of parameter-free clipped gradient descent. Polyak's method dynamically adjusts the step size during optimization based on the historical gradients, while parameter-free clipped gradient descent employs a parameter-free clipping strategy to ensure stable and reliable updates.

The authors evaluate PPCGD on a variety of machine learning tasks, including training neural networks, solving linear regression problems, and optimizing the generative adversarial network (GAN) objective. The experimental results demonstrate that PPCGD outperforms other state-of-the-art optimization methods, such as Adam and SGD with Nesterov momentum, in terms of optimization stability and efficiency.

Furthermore, the authors provide theoretical analysis to establish the convergence guarantees of PPCGD, showing that it can achieve the optimal convergence rate under certain assumptions. The analysis also highlights the importance of the interplay between Polyak's step size adaptation and the parameter-free clipping strategy in ensuring the algorithm's stability and performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and well-designed study on the Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent (PPCGD) algorithm. The authors have effectively highlighted the shortcomings of existing optimization methods and the need for stable and efficient optimization algorithms that do not require extensive hyperparameter tuning.

One potential limitation of the research is the scope of the experiments. While the authors have examined PPCGD's performance on various machine learning tasks, it would be valuable to explore its effectiveness in more diverse domains, such as reinforcement learning or large-scale language models, to further validate its broader applicability.

Additionally, the paper could have delved deeper into the practical implications of PPCGD, discussing potential use cases, implementation challenges, and the computational overhead associated with the algorithm. Metaoptimize, a framework for optimizing step sizes and other hyperparameters, could provide useful insights for the real-world deployment of PPCGD.

Nevertheless, the proposed algorithm and the accompanying theoretical and experimental analyses represent a significant contribution to the field of optimization. The integration of Polyak's step size adaptation and parameter-free clipped gradient descent is a promising approach that addresses the limitations of existing methods, and the authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of PPCGD through rigorous experimentation.


Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent introduces a novel optimization algorithm that combines the strengths of Polyak step size adaptation and parameter-free clipped gradient descent. By leveraging these complementary techniques, the authors have developed an optimization approach that can achieve stable and efficient performance without the need for manual hyperparameter tuning.

The experimental results showcase the superior optimization capabilities of PPCGD compared to other state-of-the-art methods, and the theoretical analysis provides convergence guarantees under certain assumptions. This work contributes to the ongoing research efforts in adaptively inexact first-order methods and safeguarding adaptive optimization methods, paving the way for more user-friendly and robust optimization algorithms in machine learning and beyond.

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