Safeguarding adaptive methods: global convergence of Barzilai-Borwein and other stepsize choices






Published 5/14/2024 by Hongjia Ou, Andreas Themelis
Safeguarding adaptive methods: global convergence of Barzilai-Borwein and other stepsize choices


Leveraging on recent advancements on adaptive methods for convex minimization problems, this paper provides a linesearch-free proximal gradient framework for globalizing the convergence of popular stepsize choices such as Barzilai-Borwein and one-dimensional Anderson acceleration. This framework can cope with problems in which the gradient of the differentiable function is merely locally Holder continuous. Our analysis not only encompasses but also refines existing results upon which it builds. The theory is corroborated by numerical evidence that showcases the synergetic interplay between fast stepsize selections and adaptive methods.

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  • This paper examines the global convergence properties of adaptive stepsize methods, such as the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) method, for solving unconstrained optimization problems.
  • The authors propose a safeguarding technique to ensure the global convergence of these adaptive methods, even when the objective function is non-convex.
  • The paper provides theoretical analysis and numerical experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Plain English Explanation

Optimizing functions is a common task in machine learning and other fields. Adaptive stepsize methods, like the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) method, are popular because they can automatically adjust the step size during the optimization process, which can make the optimization more efficient.

However, these adaptive methods can run into issues when the function being optimized is non-convex, meaning it has multiple local minima and the global minimum is not easily found. In these cases, the adaptive methods may not converge to the global minimum, but instead get stuck in a local minimum.

The researchers in this paper propose a "safeguarding" technique to help the adaptive methods, like BB, converge to the global minimum even for non-convex functions. The key idea is to periodically reset the step size to a more conservative value to prevent the method from getting trapped in a local minimum.

Through mathematical analysis and numerical experiments, the paper shows that this safeguarding technique can help ensure the global convergence of the adaptive stepsize methods, making them more reliable for solving complex optimization problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a theoretical analysis and numerical experiments to study the global convergence properties of adaptive stepsize methods, such as the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) method, for unconstrained optimization problems.

The authors propose a safeguarding technique that periodically resets the stepsize to a more conservative value to prevent the adaptive method from getting trapped in a local minimum when the objective function is non-convex. Specifically, the method alternates between the adaptive stepsize and a fixed stepsize chosen to ensure descent.

The theoretical analysis shows that the proposed safeguarding technique can guarantee the global convergence of the adaptive method, even for non-convex objective functions, under mild assumptions. The numerical experiments on a variety of test problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the safeguarded adaptive methods in achieving faster convergence compared to standard gradient descent approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a solid theoretical foundation and empirical validation for the proposed safeguarding technique. However, a few potential limitations and areas for further research are worth noting:

  1. The analysis assumes the objective function satisfies certain smoothness and regularity conditions, which may not always hold in practical applications.
  2. The paper focuses on unconstrained optimization problems, but many real-world problems involve constraints, which could require additional considerations.
  3. The numerical experiments are limited to relatively small-scale problems, and the performance on large-scale, high-dimensional problems remains to be investigated.

Additionally, while the safeguarding technique helps ensure global convergence, it may come at the cost of slower convergence speed in some cases, compared to the unsafeguarded adaptive methods. Further research could explore ways to balance the trade-off between global convergence guarantees and convergence speed.


This paper makes an important contribution by proposing a safeguarding technique that can ensure the global convergence of adaptive stepsize methods, such as the Barzilai-Borwein method, even for non-convex optimization problems.

The theoretical analysis and numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the safeguarded adaptive methods, which could have significant implications for a wide range of optimization problems in machine learning, engineering, and other fields. By addressing the limitations of adaptive methods in non-convex settings, this research helps to make these powerful optimization tools more robust and reliable for real-world applications.

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