POMDP-Guided Active Force-Based Search for Robotic Insertion






Published 4/8/2024 by Chen Wang, Haoxiang Luo, Kun Zhang, Hua Chen, Jia Pan, Wei Zhang
POMDP-Guided Active Force-Based Search for Robotic Insertion


In robotic insertion tasks where the uncertainty exceeds the allowable tolerance, a good search strategy is essential for successful insertion and significantly influences efficiency. The commonly used blind search method is time-consuming and does not exploit the rich contact information. In this paper, we propose a novel search strategy that actively utilizes the information contained in the contact configuration and shows high efficiency. In particular, we formulate this problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) with carefully designed primitives based on an in-depth analysis of the contact configuration's static stability. From the formulated POMDP, we can derive a novel search strategy. Thanks to its simplicity, this search strategy can be incorporated into a Finite-State-Machine (FSM) controller. The behaviors of the FSM controller are realized through a low-level Cartesian Impedance Controller. Our method is based purely on the robot's proprioceptive sensing and does not need visual or tactile sensors. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed strategy and control framework, we conduct extensive comparison experiments in simulation, where we compare our method with the baseline approach. The results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves a higher success rate with a shorter search time and search trajectory length compared to the baseline method. Additionally, we show that our method is robust to various initial displacement errors.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to robotic insertion tasks that combines Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) planning and active force-based search.
  • The proposed method aims to guide the robot's actions based on the current state of the environment, which may be only partially observable, to efficiently insert an object into a target location.
  • The approach leverages POMDP planning to reason about the uncertain state of the environment and active force-based search to guide the robot's motions, enabling it to navigate the environment and successfully complete the insertion task.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way for robots to insert objects into a target location, even when the robot can't fully see or understand the environment. The key idea is to combine two techniques:

  1. POMDP planning: This allows the robot to reason about the uncertain state of the environment and make decisions accordingly. The robot can understand that it may not have complete information about the surroundings, and plan its actions based on this uncertainty.

  2. Active force-based search: This helps the robot actively explore the environment and guide its motions to successfully complete the insertion task. The robot applies forces to the object it's trying to insert, and uses feedback from those forces to navigate towards the target.

By using these two techniques together, the robot can more effectively insert objects into the target location, even in situations where it doesn't have a complete understanding of the environment. This could be useful for tasks like robots inserting objects into hard-to-reach places or pushing objects into desired configurations, where the robot needs to adapt to uncertain conditions.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a POMDP-Guided Active Force-Based Search (PGAFS) approach for robotic insertion tasks. The key elements are:

  1. POMDP Planning: The robot uses a POMDP to model the uncertain state of the environment, including the position and orientation of the target object. This allows the robot to reason about the likely state of the world and plan its actions accordingly.

  2. Active Force-Based Search: The robot applies forces to the object it's trying to insert and uses the feedback from these forces to guide its motion. This active exploration helps the robot navigate the environment and successfully complete the insertion task.

  3. Integrated Approach: The POMDP planning and active force-based search are combined, with the POMDP providing high-level guidance on the robot's actions and the force-based search handling low-level motion planning and control.

The authors evaluate their approach in simulation and real-world experiments, demonstrating its effectiveness in completing insertion tasks in partially observable environments. The results show that the PGAFS method outperforms alternative approaches for tasks like object classification from contact information and state estimation for legged robots.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and promising approach to robotic insertion tasks in partially observable environments. However, some potential limitations and areas for further research are:

  1. Sensitivity to Sensing Accuracy: The performance of the POMDP planning component may be sensitive to the accuracy of the robot's sensors and state estimation. Further research could explore ways to make the approach more robust to sensor noise and uncertainty.

  2. Computational Complexity: POMDP planning can be computationally expensive, which may limit the real-time performance of the system. Investigating more efficient POMDP algorithms or approximations could help address this challenge.

  3. Generalization to More Complex Environments: The experiments in the paper focus on relatively simple environments. Evaluating the approach in more complex, cluttered, or dynamic environments would help assess its broader applicability.

  4. Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off: The balance between exploration (using the active force-based search) and exploitation (following the POMDP guidance) may need further refinement to ensure optimal performance in different scenarios.

Overall, the PGAFS approach presents an interesting and promising direction for robotic insertion tasks, and the authors have provided a solid foundation for further research and development in this area.


This paper introduces a novel approach for robotic insertion tasks that combines POMDP planning and active force-based search. By reasoning about the uncertain state of the environment and actively exploring the surroundings, the robot can efficiently navigate towards the target location and successfully complete the insertion task, even in partially observable scenarios.

The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the PGAFS approach compared to alternative methods, suggesting it could be a useful tool for a variety of robotic applications where object insertion or manipulation is required in uncertain environments. Further research to address the identified limitations and expand the approach's capabilities could lead to even more robust and versatile robotic systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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