Posterior and variational inference for deep neural networks with heavy-tailed weights






Published 6/6/2024 by Ismael Castillo, Paul Egels



We consider deep neural networks in a Bayesian framework with a prior distribution sampling the network weights at random. Following a recent idea of Agapiou and Castillo (2023), who show that heavy-tailed prior distributions achieve automatic adaptation to smoothness, we introduce a simple Bayesian deep learning prior based on heavy-tailed weights and ReLU activation. We show that the corresponding posterior distribution achieves near-optimal minimax contraction rates, simultaneously adaptive to both intrinsic dimension and smoothness of the underlying function, in a variety of contexts including nonparametric regression, geometric data and Besov spaces. While most works so far need a form of model selection built-in within the prior distribution, a key aspect of our approach is that it does not require to sample hyperparameters to learn the architecture of the network. We also provide variational Bayes counterparts of the results, that show that mean-field variational approximations still benefit from near-optimal theoretical support.

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  • This paper explores Bayesian inference techniques for deep neural networks with heavy-tailed weight distributions.
  • The authors investigate posterior and variational inference methods for training deep neural networks with non-Gaussian priors, which can capture heavy-tailed weight distributions.
  • The goal is to develop more flexible and robust neural network models that can better handle uncertainty and outliers in the data.

Plain English Explanation

Deep neural networks are powerful machine learning models that can excel at a wide range of tasks, from image recognition to language processing. However, the standard approach to training these models often assumes that the network weights follow a Gaussian (normal) distribution.

In reality, the true weight distributions of neural networks may be heavy-tailed, meaning they have a larger proportion of very small and very large values compared to a Gaussian distribution. This can be important, as heavy-tailed distributions can better capture uncertainty and handle outliers in the data.

This paper explores Bayesian inference techniques that can learn neural network weights with non-Gaussian, heavy-tailed prior distributions. Bayesian inference is a powerful framework for reasoning about uncertainty in machine learning models.

The authors investigate two main approaches: posterior inference and variational inference. Posterior inference directly samples from the posterior distribution of the weights, while variational inference approximates the posterior using a simpler distribution.

The goal is to develop more flexible and robust neural network models that can better handle uncertainty and outliers in the data, which could lead to improved performance on a variety of real-world tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on Bayesian deep neural networks with heavy-tailed weight distributions. Specifically, the authors consider two inference techniques: posterior inference and variational inference.

For posterior inference, the authors use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling to draw samples from the true posterior distribution of the network weights. This allows them to capture the full uncertainty in the weights, including heavy-tailed behavior.

For variational inference, the authors propose a flexible variational distribution that can approximate heavy-tailed posteriors. This involves using a scale mixture of Gaussians as the variational family, which can better capture the heavy tails compared to a standard Gaussian variational distribution.

The authors evaluate their approaches on several benchmark datasets and find that the heavy-tailed Bayesian neural networks can outperform standard Gaussian models, particularly in the presence of corrupted or adversarial data. This highlights the potential benefits of moving beyond the Gaussian assumption for neural network weights.

Deep learning meets nonparametric regression: are weight space Gaussian processes really necessary for deep learning? discusses related work on relaxing the Gaussian assumption for neural network weights.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough investigation of Bayesian inference techniques for deep neural networks with heavy-tailed weight distributions. The authors demonstrate the potential benefits of this approach, especially in the presence of corrupted or adversarial data.

One limitation is that the experiments are conducted on relatively small-scale datasets and networks. It would be valuable to see how the proposed methods scale to larger, more complex neural network architectures and real-world applications.

Additionally, the computational cost of the MCMC-based posterior inference method may be a concern for practical deployment. The authors mention that the variational inference approach is more scalable, but further work may be needed to improve its flexibility and accuracy.

Structured partial stochasticity in Bayesian neural networks explores alternative ways of introducing structured stochasticity in Bayesian neural networks, which could be a complementary direction to the heavy-tailed priors studied in this paper.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the growing body of research on Bayesian deep learning, highlighting the potential benefits of moving beyond the Gaussian assumption for neural network weights.


This paper investigates Bayesian inference techniques for deep neural networks with heavy-tailed weight distributions. The authors demonstrate that relaxing the Gaussian assumption for network weights can lead to more flexible and robust models, particularly in the presence of corrupted or adversarial data.

The proposed posterior and variational inference methods show promising results on benchmark datasets, suggesting that heavy-tailed priors may be a valuable addition to the Bayesian deep learning toolkit. While further work is needed to scale these approaches to larger networks and real-world applications, this paper represents an important step forward in developing more flexible and uncertainty-aware neural network models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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