Scalable Bayesian Inference in the Era of Deep Learning: From Gaussian Processes to Deep Neural Networks






Published 5/1/2024 by Javier Antoran



Large neural networks trained on large datasets have become the dominant paradigm in machine learning. These systems rely on maximum likelihood point estimates of their parameters, precluding them from expressing model uncertainty. This may result in overconfident predictions and it prevents the use of deep learning models for sequential decision making. This thesis develops scalable methods to equip neural networks with model uncertainty. In particular, we leverage the linearised Laplace approximation to equip pre-trained neural networks with the uncertainty estimates provided by their tangent linear models. This turns the problem of Bayesian inference in neural networks into one of Bayesian inference in conjugate Gaussian-linear models. Alas, the cost of this remains cubic in either the number of network parameters or in the number of observations times output dimensions. By assumption, neither are tractable. We address this intractability by using stochastic gradient descent (SGD) -- the workhorse algorithm of deep learning -- to perform posterior sampling in linear models and their convex duals: Gaussian processes. With this, we turn back to linearised neural networks, finding the linearised Laplace approximation to present a number of incompatibilities with modern deep learning practices -- namely, stochastic optimisation, early stopping and normalisation layers -- when used for hyperparameter learning. We resolve these and construct a sample-based EM algorithm for scalable hyperparameter learning with linearised neural networks. We apply the above methods to perform linearised neural network inference with ResNet-50 (25M parameters) trained on Imagenet (1.2M observations and 1000 output dimensions). Additionally, we apply our methods to estimate uncertainty for 3d tomographic reconstructions obtained with the deep image prior network.

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  • Large neural networks trained on big datasets have become the dominant approach in machine learning.
  • These systems rely on point estimates of their parameters, which means they cannot express model uncertainty.
  • This can lead to overconfident predictions and prevents the use of deep learning models for sequential decision-making.
  • This research develops scalable methods to equip neural networks with model uncertainty estimates.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks have become the go-to tool for many machine learning tasks, as they can learn incredibly complex patterns from large datasets. However, these neural networks have a significant limitation - they only provide a single "best guess" for their predictions, without any sense of how confident they are in that guess.

This lack of uncertainty quantification can lead to problems. For example, if a neural network is very confident in a prediction that turns out to be wrong, it could make poor decisions, especially in applications like sequential decision-making. Ideally, neural networks should be able to express their level of confidence in their outputs.

This research tackles this challenge by developing new techniques to equip neural networks with model uncertainty estimates. The key idea is to leverage the Laplace approximation, a mathematical technique that can convert a neural network into a simpler, more interpretable model that can quantify its own uncertainty.

The researchers show how to apply this Laplace approximation approach to large, state-of-the-art neural networks like ResNet-50, and demonstrate its use for tasks like 3D medical imaging reconstruction with the deep image prior network.

Technical Explanation

The core of this research is the development of scalable methods to estimate model uncertainty in large neural networks. Traditionally, neural networks are trained using maximum likelihood, which results in a single "point estimate" of the model parameters, without any sense of the uncertainty in those estimates.

The researchers address this by leveraging the linearized Laplace approximation, which can convert a pre-trained neural network into a simpler Gaussian-linear model. This allows them to quantify the model's uncertainty using Bayesian inference techniques.

However, performing Bayesian inference in these Gaussian-linear models is still computationally expensive, scaling cubically with either the number of model parameters or the number of observations and output dimensions. To address this intractability, the researchers use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to perform posterior sampling in the linear models and their convex duals, Gaussian processes.

The researchers also identify a number of issues that arise when applying the linearized Laplace approximation to modern deep learning practices, such as stochastic optimization, early stopping, and normalization layers. They resolve these issues by developing a sample-based EM algorithm for scalable hyperparameter learning with linearized neural networks.

Critical Analysis

The researchers present a novel and intriguing approach to quantifying uncertainty in large neural networks, which is an important problem in the field. By leveraging the linearized Laplace approximation, they are able to convert neural networks into simpler Gaussian-linear models that can be subjected to Bayesian inference.

However, the researchers acknowledge that their approach still faces computational challenges, as the Bayesian inference step remains costly. While their use of SGD and Gaussian processes helps to address this, it's unclear how scalable the approach is to the largest neural networks and datasets.

Additionally, the researchers identify several incompatibilities between the linearized Laplace approximation and modern deep learning practices, such as stochastic optimization and normalization layers. While they develop solutions to these issues, it's possible that there are other deep learning techniques that are not well-suited to this approach.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in equipping neural networks with model uncertainty estimates, but there are still significant challenges to overcome before this approach can be broadly adopted. Researchers and practitioners should continue to explore alternative methods for uncertainty quantification in deep learning, such as Bayesian neural networks and ensemble techniques.


This research tackles the important problem of quantifying model uncertainty in large neural networks, which is crucial for applications like sequential decision-making. By leveraging the linearized Laplace approximation, the researchers are able to convert neural networks into simpler Gaussian-linear models that can be subjected to Bayesian inference.

While the approach faces some computational challenges and compatibility issues with modern deep learning practices, the researchers present a novel and promising direction for incorporating uncertainty estimates into powerful neural network models. Continued research in this area could lead to significant advancements in the robustness and reliability of deep learning systems, with far-reaching implications for a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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