Practical and efficient quantum circuit synthesis and transpiling with Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/24/2024 by David Kremer, Victor Villar, Hanhee Paik, Ivan Duran, Ismael Faro, Juan Cruz-Benito



This paper demonstrates the integration of Reinforcement Learning (RL) into quantum transpiling workflows, significantly enhancing the synthesis and routing of quantum circuits. By employing RL, we achieve near-optimal synthesis of Linear Function, Clifford, and Permutation circuits, up to 9, 11 and 65 qubits respectively, while being compatible with native device instruction sets and connectivity constraints, and orders of magnitude faster than optimization methods such as SAT solvers. We also achieve significant reductions in two-qubit gate depth and count for circuit routing up to 133 qubits with respect to other routing heuristics such as SABRE. We find the method to be efficient enough to be useful in practice in typical quantum transpiling pipelines. Our results set the stage for further AI-powered enhancements of quantum computing workflows.

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  • This paper explores the integration of Reinforcement Learning (RL) into quantum transpiling workflows, which are used to optimize the synthesis and routing of quantum circuits.
  • The researchers demonstrate that by using RL, they can achieve near-optimal synthesis of Linear Function, Clifford, and Permutation circuits, up to 9, 11, and 65 qubits respectively, while also being compatible with native device instruction sets and connectivity constraints.
  • The method is also shown to significantly reduce the two-qubit gate depth and count for circuit routing up to 133 qubits, outperforming other routing heuristics like SABRE.
  • The researchers find the RL-powered method to be efficient enough to be practical for use in typical quantum transpiling pipelines.

Plain English Explanation

Quantum computers are still in the early stages of development, and one of the key challenges is figuring out how to efficiently program them. This paper explores a way to use a technique called Reinforcement Learning (RL) to help with this problem.

RL is a type of machine learning where an AI system learns by trial and error, getting rewarded for taking actions that lead to good outcomes. In this case, the researchers used RL to help quantum programmers optimize the way they break down and route quantum circuits, which are the instructions that tell a quantum computer what to do.

By using RL, the researchers were able to create quantum circuits that were very close to the best possible ones, with far fewer of the key building blocks (called gates) than circuits made using other optimization methods. This makes the quantum programs more efficient and easier to run on actual quantum hardware.

The researchers also found that their RL-powered method was fast enough to be useful in real-world quantum programming workflows, which is important because quantum computers are still very sensitive and difficult to program.

Overall, this research shows how AI techniques like RL could help unlock the potential of quantum computing by making it easier and more efficient to program these powerful but tricky machines.

Technical Explanation

The paper demonstrates how the researchers integrated Reinforcement Learning (RL) into quantum transpiling workflows, which are the processes used to optimize the synthesis and routing of quantum circuits.

Through their RL-based approach, the researchers were able to achieve near-optimal synthesis of Linear Function, Clifford, and Permutation circuits, up to 9, 11, and 65 qubits respectively. This means they could create highly efficient quantum circuits that were close to the theoretical best possible, while also ensuring compatibility with the native instruction sets and connectivity constraints of quantum hardware.

The researchers also demonstrated significant reductions in two-qubit gate depth and count for circuit routing up to 133 qubits, outperforming other routing heuristics like SABRE. Two-qubit gates are a critical component of quantum circuits, so reducing their usage is an important optimization.

The efficiency of the RL-powered method was found to be suitable for practical use in typical quantum transpiling pipelines, which is crucial given the sensitivity and complexity of current quantum hardware and software.

The researchers note that their work sets the stage for further AI-powered enhancements of quantum computing workflows, showing the potential for machine learning techniques to unlock new capabilities in this emerging field.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling demonstration of how Reinforcement Learning can be effectively integrated into quantum transpiling workflows. However, the researchers acknowledge some limitations and areas for further research.

For example, the paper focuses on specific types of quantum circuits (Linear Function, Clifford, and Permutation) and does not address the optimization of more complex or application-specific circuits. Additionally, the scalability of the RL-based approach for very large circuits (e.g., hundreds of qubits) is not fully explored.

While the researchers show the efficiency of their method, they do not provide a detailed comparison to the computational costs of other optimization approaches. Further investigation into the tradeoffs between solution quality and runtime would help contextualize the advantages of the RL-based technique.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the interpretability of the RL agent's decision-making process. Understanding the reasoning behind the RL agent's choices could lead to further insights and potential improvements to the overall approach.

Overall, the research represents an important step forward in leveraging AI techniques to enhance quantum computing capabilities. However, continued exploration of the limitations and potential extensions of this work will be crucial to realizing the full benefits of RL-powered quantum transpiling.


This paper demonstrates the successful integration of Reinforcement Learning (RL) into quantum transpiling workflows, which are used to optimize the synthesis and routing of quantum circuits. The researchers show that by employing RL, they can achieve near-optimal synthesis of various types of quantum circuits, while also significantly reducing the two-qubit gate depth and count during circuit routing.

The efficiency of the RL-powered method makes it practical for use in typical quantum transpiling pipelines, which is a crucial step forward in unlocking the potential of quantum computing. This research sets the stage for further AI-powered enhancements of quantum computing workflows, potentially leading to more accessible and powerful quantum programming tools in the future.

As quantum computing continues to evolve, techniques like the one presented in this paper will play an important role in helping developers and researchers overcome the challenges of programming these complex and sensitive machines. By leveraging the power of machine learning, the field of quantum computing can continue to advance and bring us closer to realizing the transformative potential of this technology.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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