PRewrite: Prompt Rewriting with Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/11/2024 by Weize Kong, Spurthi Amba Hombaiah, Mingyang Zhang, Qiaozhu Mei, Michael Bendersky



Prompt engineering is critical for the development of LLM-based applications. However, it is usually done manually in a trial and error fashion that can be time consuming, ineffective, and sub-optimal. Even for the prompts which seemingly work well, there is always a lingering question: can the prompts be made better with further modifications? To address these problems, we investigate automated prompt engineering in this paper. Specifically, we propose PRewrite, an automated method to rewrite an under-optimized prompt to a more effective prompt. We instantiate the prompt rewriter using a LLM. The rewriter LLM is trained using reinforcement learning to optimize the performance on a given downstream task. We conduct experiments on diverse benchmark datasets, which demonstrates the effectiveness of PRewrite.

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  • This paper explores the challenges of manual prompt engineering for large language model (LLM) applications, which can be time-consuming and ineffective.
  • To address these issues, the authors propose PRewrite, an automated method to rewrite under-optimized prompts into more effective ones.
  • The prompt rewriter is implemented using a LLM trained with reinforcement learning to optimize performance on a given downstream task.
  • Experiments on diverse benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of PRewrite.

Plain English Explanation

Prompts are the instructions we give to large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 to get them to produce the desired output. Prompt engineering - the process of crafting these prompts - is crucial for developing LLM-based applications. However, it is often done manually through trial and error, which can be time-consuming and may not lead to the best results.

Even when a prompt seems to work well, there's always the question of whether it could be improved with further modifications. To address this problem, the researchers developed PRewrite, a system that can automatically rewrite prompts to make them more effective.

PRewrite uses another LLM that has been trained using reinforcement learning. This means the model learns to modify prompts in a way that improves the performance on the task at hand, like answering questions or summarizing text. The researchers tested PRewrite on various datasets and found that it can indeed create better prompts than the original ones.

This automated prompt engineering approach could save a lot of time and effort compared to the manual trial-and-error method. It also has the potential to unlock new capabilities in LLMs by optimizing the prompts in ways a human might not think of.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents PRewrite, an automated method for rewriting under-optimized prompts to improve their effectiveness on a given downstream task. The key elements of the approach are:

  1. Prompt Rewriter Architecture: PRewrite uses a LLM-based rewriter model that takes an input prompt and outputs a modified version of that prompt. This rewriter model is trained using reinforcement learning to optimize the performance on the target task.

  2. Reinforcement Learning Training: The rewriter model is trained using a reward function that measures the performance improvement on the downstream task when the modified prompt is used, compared to the original prompt. This incentivizes the model to learn how to rewrite prompts in a way that boosts task performance.

  3. Evaluation: The researchers tested PRewrite on a variety of benchmark datasets, including question answering, text summarization, and dialogue tasks. The results show that PRewrite can consistently generate prompts that outperform the original manually-crafted prompts on these tasks.

The key insight behind PRewrite is that by framing prompt engineering as a reinforcement learning problem, where the goal is to maximize task performance, the system can automatically discover prompt modifications that lead to better outcomes. This contrasts with the typical manual, trial-and-error approach to prompt engineering.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a strong case for the benefits of automated prompt engineering using techniques like PRewrite. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Scalability: The paper only evaluates PRewrite on a limited set of benchmark tasks. It's unclear how well the approach would scale to a broader range of real-world applications with more complex prompting requirements.

  2. Interpretability: The paper does not provide much insight into how the rewriter model actually modifies the prompts. More transparency around the rewriting process could help users understand and trust the system's recommendations.

  3. Prompt Diversity: The paper focuses on improving individual prompts, but there may be value in also considering prompt diversity - having a suite of complementary prompts that can handle a variety of scenarios.

  4. Prompt Compression: Techniques like discrete prompt compression could potentially be integrated with PRewrite to create more compact and efficient prompts.

  5. Task-Aware Optimization: The paper's approach optimizes prompts for a single task. Task-aware prompt optimization that considers multiple objectives could lead to more broadly applicable prompts.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in automating the prompt engineering process. Further research and development in this area could unlock new possibilities for leveraging the power of large language models.


This paper presents PRewrite, an automated method for rewriting sub-optimal prompts to improve their effectiveness on a given downstream task. By framing prompt engineering as a reinforcement learning problem, PRewrite can discover prompt modifications that lead to better outcomes, overcoming the limitations of manual, trial-and-error approaches.

The experimental results demonstrate the potential of this automated prompt engineering approach to save time, unlock new capabilities in LLMs, and ultimately drive more impactful applications of these powerful language models. While there are some areas for further research, this work represents an important step forward in the field of prompt engineering.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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