PromptWizard: Task-Aware Agent-driven Prompt Optimization Framework






Published 5/29/2024 by Eshaan Agarwal, Vivek Dani, Tanuja Ganu, Akshay Nambi



Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized AI across diverse domains, showcasing remarkable capabilities. Central to their success is the concept of prompting, which guides model output generation. However, manual prompt engineering is labor-intensive and domain-specific, necessitating automated solutions. This paper introduces PromptWizard, a novel framework leveraging LLMs to iteratively synthesize and refine prompts tailored to specific tasks. Unlike existing approaches, PromptWizard optimizes both prompt instructions and in-context examples, maximizing model performance. The framework iteratively refines prompts by mutating instructions and incorporating negative examples to deepen understanding and ensure diversity. It further enhances both instructions and examples with the aid of a critic, synthesizing new instructions and examples enriched with detailed reasoning steps for optimal performance. PromptWizard offers several key features and capabilities, including computational efficiency compared to state-of-the-art approaches, adaptability to scenarios with varying amounts of training data, and effectiveness with smaller LLMs. Rigorous evaluation across 35 tasks on 8 datasets demonstrates PromptWizard's superiority over existing prompt strategies, showcasing its efficacy and scalability in prompt optimization.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized AI across diverse domains, showcasing remarkable capabilities
  • Prompting is central to their success, guiding model output generation
  • Manual prompt engineering is labor-intensive and domain-specific, necessitating automated solutions
  • This paper introduces PromptWizard, a novel framework leveraging LLMs to iteratively synthesize and refine prompts tailored to specific tasks

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of AI system that have become incredibly powerful at tasks like natural language processing, question answering, and text generation. A key part of how these models work is the concept of "prompting" - providing the model with specific instructions or examples that guide its output.

However, manually crafting effective prompts is a tedious and time-consuming process that requires deep domain expertise. PromptWizard aims to automate this process by using LLMs to iteratively generate and refine prompts for specific tasks. Unlike existing approaches, PromptWizard optimizes both the prompt instructions and the in-context examples, which helps maximize the model's performance.

The framework works by repeatedly modifying the prompt instructions and incorporating negative examples to help the model develop a deeper understanding of the task. It also uses a "critic" component to further enhance both the instructions and examples, adding detailed reasoning steps to produce optimal prompts. This leads to prompts that are more computationally efficient, adaptable to different data scenarios, and effective even with smaller LLMs.

Technical Explanation

PromptWizard is a novel framework that leverages large language models (LLMs) to automatically synthesize and refine prompts for specific tasks. Unlike existing prompt tuning or prompt selection approaches, PromptWizard optimizes both the prompt instructions and the in-context examples used to guide the model's output.

The framework works in an iterative fashion, mutating the prompt instructions and incorporating negative examples to deepen the model's understanding of the task. It also employs a "critic" component that helps enhance both the instructions and examples, adding detailed reasoning steps to produce prompts that achieve optimal performance.

PromptWizard offers several key advantages over state-of-the-art methods, including:

  • Improved computational efficiency
  • Adaptability to scenarios with varying amounts of training data
  • Effectiveness even when using smaller LLMs

The paper presents a rigorous evaluation of PromptWizard across 35 tasks on 8 datasets, demonstrating its superiority over existing prompt strategies and showcasing its scalability in prompt optimization.

Critical Analysis

The researchers thoroughly evaluate PromptWizard across a diverse range of tasks and datasets, providing compelling evidence for its effectiveness in automating prompt engineering. However, the paper does not address potential limitations or caveats of the approach.

For example, it would be valuable to understand how PromptWizard performs on tasks that require more complex reasoning or multi-step problem-solving, as the paper focuses primarily on relatively simple natural language processing tasks. Additionally, the researchers do not explore the potential biases or unintended behaviors that could emerge from the automated prompt generation process, which is an important consideration for real-world applications.

Further research could also investigate the interpretability and transparency of the PromptWizard framework, as well as its ability to generalize to unseen tasks or domains. AdvPrompter and Automatic Prompt Selection are related approaches that could provide useful insights for extending and improving the PromptWizard methodology.


This paper introduces PromptWizard, a novel framework that leverages large language models to automate the process of prompt engineering. By optimizing both the prompt instructions and in-context examples, PromptWizard is able to generate prompts that significantly outperform existing strategies across a wide range of tasks.

The key innovation of PromptWizard is its iterative approach to prompt refinement, which involves mutating instructions, incorporating negative examples, and using a critic to enhance the prompts. This leads to improved computational efficiency, adaptability to different data scenarios, and effectiveness even with smaller language models.

While the paper presents compelling evidence for the effectiveness of PromptWizard, further research is needed to explore its potential limitations, biases, and ability to generalize to more complex tasks. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in automating the prompt engineering process, which could have significant implications for the broader field of large language model development and application.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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