ProTrain: Efficient LLM Training via Memory-Aware Techniques






Published 6/13/2024 by Hanmei Yang, Jin Zhou, Yao Fu, Xiaoqun Wang, Ramine Roane, Hui Guan, Tongping Liu
ProTrain: Efficient LLM Training via Memory-Aware Techniques


It is extremely memory-hungry to train Large Language Models (LLM). To solve this problem, existing work exploits the combination of CPU and GPU for the training process, such as ZeRO-Offload. Such a technique largely democratizes billion-scale model training, making it possible to train with few consumer graphics cards. However, based on our observation, existing frameworks often provide coarse-grained memory management and require experienced experts in configuration tuning, leading to suboptimal hardware utilization and performance. This paper proposes ProTrain, a novel training system that intelligently balances memory usage and performance by coordinating memory, computation, and IO. ProTrain achieves adaptive memory management through Chunk-Based Model State Management and Block-Wise Activation Management, guided by a Memory-Aware Runtime Profiler without user intervention. ProTrain does not change the training algorithm and thus does not compromise accuracy. Experiments show that ProTrain improves training throughput by 1.43$times$ to 2.71$times$ compared to the SOTA training systems.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces ProTrain, a novel memory management technique that can significantly improve the training efficiency of large language models (LLMs).

ā€¢ ProTrain adaptively manages the memory usage during the training process, allowing for more efficient utilization of available resources and enabling the training of larger and more capable models.

ā€¢ The proposed approach builds on previous memory-efficient training techniques like VELORA and GALORE, while introducing novel strategies to further optimize memory consumption.

Plain English Explanation

Training large language models (LLMs) is a computationally intensive process that requires a lot of memory. ProTrain is a new technique that can help make this training more efficient by adaptively managing the memory used during the training process.

The key idea behind ProTrain is to dynamically adjust the memory usage as the training progresses, rather than allocating a fixed amount of memory upfront. This allows the training to make more efficient use of the available resources, enabling the creation of larger and more capable models.

ProTrain builds on previous memory-efficient training techniques, such as VELORA and GALORE, but introduces additional strategies to further optimize memory consumption. By dynamically managing the memory, ProTrain can help train LLMs that would otherwise be too large to fit in the available memory.

Technical Explanation

The key components of ProTrain's memory management approach include:

  1. Adaptive Memory Allocation: ProTrain dynamically allocates and deallocates memory during the training process, based on the current memory requirements. This allows the model to utilize memory more efficiently, compared to a fixed memory allocation strategy.

  2. Selective Gradient Caching: ProTrain selectively caches gradients, only storing those that are necessary for the current training step. This reduces the overall memory footprint of the training process.

  3. Activation Recomputation: ProTrain recomputes activations during the backward pass, rather than storing them during the forward pass. This trading of computation for memory usage can further optimize the memory consumption.

  4. Gradient Checkpointing: ProTrain leverages gradient checkpointing techniques, similar to those used in HLAT, to reduce the memory required for storing intermediate activations during the training process.

The combination of these techniques allows ProTrain to train larger and more complex LLMs than would be possible with traditional memory management strategies, while still maintaining a high level of training efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges that while ProTrain can significantly improve the memory efficiency of LLM training, there are still some limitations and areas for further research:

  • Computational Overhead: The dynamic memory management and selective gradient caching techniques introduced by ProTrain may incur additional computational overhead, which could impact the overall training speed. The authors note that this trade-off between memory efficiency and training time should be carefully evaluated.

  • Applicability to Different Model Architectures: The paper focuses on evaluating ProTrain with Transformer-based LLMs, but it is unclear how well the proposed techniques would perform with other model architectures, such as those explored in Energy Efficiency Limits of Training AI Systems Using DRAM.

  • Hardware Constraints: The benefits of ProTrain may be limited by the underlying hardware capabilities, particularly in scenarios with strict memory constraints, as discussed in the Device Training Under 256KB Memory paper.


The ProTrain framework represents a significant advancement in memory-efficient training of large language models. By dynamically managing memory usage and applying selective caching and recomputation techniques, ProTrain can enable the training of larger and more capable models than would be possible with traditional memory management strategies.

While the proposed techniques introduce some computational overhead, the overall improvements in memory efficiency can lead to significant gains in the scale and complexity of LLMs that can be trained. As the demand for more powerful language models continues to grow, techniques like ProTrain will play an increasingly important role in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in this field.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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